A Posting For George in Equatorial Guinea

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Africa » Equatorial Guinea
February 7th 2008
Published: February 8th 2008
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Sunrise at work locationSunrise at work locationSunrise at work location

Isn't it something?
Our dear friend George is currently working in Equatorial Guinea. He left Texas for his latest job project in October and has been sending updates of himself and his activities to friends, of which I am one. With his permission, I let you sneak a peak at the area he is in and his renditions of the passing months.

Living in a designated area for the project's working staff, George has a nice, comfortable looking apartment. Pictures of the rooms that he sent are not being included in this blog. Although neat and spiffy, a blog just isn't the place to post someone else's pictures of 'home' life. He can send you those if he so chooses.

His area of Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the richest per capita area in that country, is on the west coast of Africa and is 7 hours ahead of our Central Time Zone now that we are back on standard time.

George works 8 weeks in EG and then gets 2 weeks off. I know how hard it is to be away from home for 8 weeks, but it's almost impossible to travel any sooner. Then when you do get time to come
Sunset in Equatorial GuineaSunset in Equatorial GuineaSunset in Equatorial Guinea

Just let the picture take you there.
home and take care of home business there seems to be not enough time.

His travel back to the Houston area is via Paris. He really hasn't said what that airport and / or plane exchange is like. My experience from Merida to Houston was always horrid. Getting to Merida from Houston was not a problem.

Since his assignment began, George has come home to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas (although Christmas at home was early), has vacationed in the Texas Hill Country and most recently been to an undisclosed non US beach paradise to relax during his off time.

He reports that the off shore cooks, when he has had the chance to venture to that site, are very good.

Malabo has its share of poverty as does any country. The statistic of richest per capita, as with any country, does not truly represent each and every citizen. George has been active with church and community services to provide a little relief in some ways for the people there. We all congratulate him in those efforts. I don't seem to do enough of that any more and shame on me.

The working staff of the project still hanging around during the Christmas holidays had a party at the El Paraiso Hotel in Malabo, complete with a disco club and 60s - 70s era decor, strobe lights, crowds and loud music.

The pictures that George has provided are from last last year as the season was changing to dry when foliage begins to drop and the days turn hazy. He says that he is told the dust is blowing in from the desert.

I haven't heard from George since his last jaunt away from work. Goodness, I hope he didn't hurt himself having too much fun on vacation!

Enjoy the pictures and say hello to George!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 23


Mt Pico Pic 2Mt Pico Pic 2
Mt Pico Pic 2

Not something seen around SE Texas is it??
Christmas Time Picture 6Christmas Time Picture 6
Christmas Time Picture 6

Looks like my kind of fun! Let's dance!
Rachael and AndyRachael and Andy
Rachael and Andy

At the Christmas party in EG
Rachael and GeorgeRachael and George
Rachael and George

At the Christmas party - with Andy's permission to take the picture, of course!
Rotator Cook NightRotator Cook Night
Rotator Cook Night

At the Club House that the facility has for the employees.

8th February 2008

E.G. are you kidding!
Patt, having been to E.G. about 5 times I can tell you the country is the pitts! Yes the Malabo is the richest area in the country but is is still basically a slum. The pictures do not show the Moskitos(SP?) and the deadly forms of malaria they carry. The country is run my a man who killed his uncle to get the job. Every year he makes the annual list of the 20 worst leaders (dictators) in the world (from NEWSWEEK magazine I believe). Do not put this country on the list of places you want to go! Jeff
9th November 2008

beautiful country
EG is a poor country and has it share of problems but the island itself is absolutely beautiful. The island is covered in tropical foliage; the vividness of the green can only be seen to be believed. Tourism is almost non-existent and as a result the locals are not quite sure what to make of one. The real negative is the cost of living is astronomical because almost everything is imported. If you have friends that live on the compound and can accept visitors, I would highly recommend a visit.
12th November 2008

Thank you for your comments
I do wish that I had visited while George was there. Now he's returning to the US later this week. He did go hiking with a group and has promised me pictures to post for him. I must say that the article on George's experience there has garnered more 'hits' to my blog than my own! Now I have another friend that left at noon today for Singapore on a job assignment. We'll see if I can't talk him into writing a blog or allow me the opportunity to be his voice in his adventures (althought he has lived there before). And I am once again ready to travel with a job opportunity. Would really prefer going back to the Yucatan but would consider most other areas. Thank you again for your insight.
27th January 2010

Missing Malabo
Hi Guys, Nice to see such beautiful Malabo once again. Miss the days working with EG LNG (during the time of construction and the operations), missed the happy hour at the clubhouse with my Venezuelan friends Jose, Ali, Roberto, and the of the EG LNG Engineering Team...Frank, Nick, Ion, etc.....and of course the operation group, the aussies and mike. Hello to the people at the Control Room...Isabel.....Hi to Rachel..nice to see her beautiful picture. Hello to the Woodgroup People headed by Jim and Jose
27th January 2010

Thanks for the post
I have sent this on to EG for all the folks, if they can find the correct group of people. Thanks for reading!
25th March 2010

Memories of Malabo
As I was surfing the net on this lazy thursday night in Saudi Arabia, I was able to get hold of this site and memories flies back to the paradise where I work before under woodgroup EG LNG, Malabo is indeed a nice island... regeards to my friends who are still working in WG EG LNG.
29th March 2010

So glad you had good memories
I have sent your post on to George and I'm sure he'll mention the info on his project. Perhaps others who know you will have a smile as well.
2nd December 2012
Christmas Ducks in the Texas Hill Country

Christmas Ducks
I wanted to purchase the set of 4 ducks in the Santa clothes, where can I get them?
18th January 2013
Christmas Ducks in the Texas Hill Country

Christmas Ducks
Sorry that I hadn't seen you post before now! But that's just it. We can't find them either! I've loved them since George sent me the picture. He saw them in a hotel or B&B somewhere in the hill country in Texas, but doesn't remember exactly where. Thanks for asking though. If I ever find them I will get back with you. Patt
12th February 2014
Christmas Ducks in the Texas Hill Country

Christmas Ducks
I never have found them myself. Sorry. If I ever do, I'll post them here for everyone who has asked (but not before I buy a set for myself!!!)
24th December 2013
Christmas Ducks in the Texas Hill Country

Where did you buy those ducks
I can't seem to find them anywhere. I want some. Please tell me where you got them. Thanks

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