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October 30th 2011
Published: October 30th 2011
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New ChurchNew ChurchNew Church

This photo was taken on 2 November. This church is to open tomorrow?
30 October 2011 Mongomo

Well, here we are again. Another Sunday afternoon in EG and I am about to head into town to have another dose of culture, Mongomo style. One of the other contractors has a serious need for a new set of boots, no one else want to go to town, so I am tagging along. We will most likely have a drink somewhere though I am shifting to cokes, fantas and limiting my beer intake. Self preservation and all that, you know.

Oh, the disco last night was pretty much as I had expected. My first visit here so everyone wondered how the newcomers would like it. It was about the same as discos I have been in around the world, from Indonesia to Haiti. I left early and got some sleep.

Work here has begun to move right along and the general contractor is not throwing too much interference in the way. So, all in all, life is not too bad. Quite a change from the first few weeks.

The excitement of the last few weeks was the disappearance of the company safe. It seems to have broken a window, jumped through it and disappeared over the horizon. Must have grown legs. I just wonder what in the hell it wants with freedom as there was no real money in there.

The end result of the disappearance is that we now have a fence around the complex/camp. There is a gate at the rear, by the kitchen, complete with a lock. The front entry is still not fenced but it does make the guard's work doable with only one entry to watch...through his eyelids.

This development with the fence does make the smuggling of young ladies into rooms a bit more difficult though I suspect the stream of visits will be resuming soon after my suggestions to modify one of the fences is implemented...

The big event in the near future is the official opening of the new cathedral/catholic church/Vatican nightmare. Apparently, it will open its doors in some sort of ceremony on 3 November. Rumor has it that the Pope will be visiting. Hmmmm, I wonder. More later on this one.

Sometime in the next few weeks, I want to get out of the area and visit a national park to the east, Mount Allen or something like that. I will post more on this as I learn it. Some of the guys who have been here before had gone. They mentioned that there was a hotel there but it was not open. The views were impressive and the atmosphere was pleasant. A good place to just sit and contemplate.

It is now roughly 7 weeks before we leave for home. And on that note, before the cold weather at Frankfurt airport where I change planes. I sure wish they would do something about the gate situation there as you always have to walk down the stairs from the plane, board a bus and then be transferred to the terminal building. I am sure this is because the bus drivers' union is too strong and the airport can't afford to buy off the contracts and allow normal gates to be used! A bit like 3rd world job creation.


3rd June 2013

It was amazing to happen across your blog of Africa! I was there as well in the winter of 08 into 09 we were supposed to do the slab and erect the steel, but the company I worked for actually went bankrupt while we we there and so myself and my crew left for home after 3 months. Reading your blog was just like I was reliving my experience, detail for details was so exact! And ahh who could forget the wonderful project manager that we all dreaded seeing every day! I literally laughed out loud when I read the part of how it was strange that when he left for vacation everyone was in better moods and the food improved.. Believe me it was that way from day 1 of that project! Wow I would live to get in touch and share some stories. Hope to hear from you!
22nd May 2016

Just saw this...
Haha. Just saw this now. Yeah. It was fun. I will email with the latest hiccups from the field...
22nd May 2016

Travel around Equitorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon
Hello, Is it safe to traveling alone overland all over Equitorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon? I would like to use public transport as and when I find it. Thanks, George
22nd May 2016

On phone now...
...so I will get back to you when I have a real keyboard. Unfortunately that will be monday. But in short, visa at the border should be possible if I remember correctly. Maybe not be as complete though and may only allow travel in border area alone. Travel within EG should be safe but may cost yoh cash at each highway checkpoint. Cameroon may be less safe if you go near northern border. No idea about Gabon.

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