All for my love of Travelling

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March 12th 2019
Published: March 12th 2019
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Travelling has different significance to different people. For some, it's a form of therapy. Some regard it as a means of relaxing. But for others, Travelling is simply an art. There are even people who do not like the idea of travelling at all.

I consider myself fortunate to have travelled through the UK and to some other places around the world. Travelling to me represents much more than an art or a form of therapy . Travelling is a way of life, a culture of sorts.

Travelling inspires me to dream. While in the air, on the sea, or even on land, my thoughts are crystal clear. I see things with different perspectives to most people, and I’m able to foster a holistic and unbiased opinion. Travelling gives me the chance to visit places that trigger dreams. Travelling inspires dreams of a better future and a united world. Travelling also gives me great and useful ideas when I see how other people do things.

Travelling means freedom. It gives me absolute freedom to be myself. I can jet off to Africa and decide to take part in indigenous festivals or just spend time in the wild. I can decide to visit China and experience the birth of new technology first hand. Travelling gives me the chance to be in any place of my choice and be anyone or live anyhow I want.

Travelling makes me appreciate life and nature. When visiting some sites of national heritage or listed buildings, I appreciate the history of our own country. The countryside offers different scenery, air, and life that will make you fall in love with nature.

Travelling exposes me to other cultures. When I first came in contact with the Aboriginals of Australia , I was amazed. The thought of an indigenous civilization that has survived more than 30,000 years was overwhelming. I was as excited too when I visited India, China, and Africa. Each nation had its own unique, rich and interesting culture.

Travelling helps me to get away from stress and worries, and always provides a means of escape. When work becomes overwhelming, I take a short weekend vacation. When I am burdened with too many worries, I plan for a long vacation. If I want to get over a breakup faster, a vacation is the surest way. I also take short vacations when home becomes too boring.

Travelling makes me wiser. When I met locals from different cultures and with different lifestyles, I saw life in more shades of grey. Meeting people every time you visit a different place gives you a different perspective on life. I am wiser than I was years back when I started to enjoy travel, each experience has its lessons and insights, and this makes travelling a great form of education.

Travelling makes me happier and I glow when I’m on vacation. The thought of meeting friends, visiting interesting places and going on daring adventures keeps me excited. The memories, the joy, the challenges all contribute to the fun and happiness, and this happiness keeps me bright and productive for many days after the trip. Recounting my vacation story to my friends at home is a pastime I greatly enjoy.

Travelling screams love. Most of my friends and family are scattered all over the UK, and travelling is an option for staying connected to them. When I want to feel overwhelming love, I organise an adventure trip or I visit my grandparents. When I travel to other countries, I feel the love offered by locals. Travelling exposes the importance of love and unity in diversity.

Travelling means business. I recently ventured into a travel and leisure franchise through and I am excited about it! The industry provides so many opportunities, given the amount it contributes to the UK economy. Travelling offers a pleasure people can’t simply resist.

I love travelling because it’s a way of life. Every step of the way, from the planning stage to the end helps me overcome my weaknesses. I love travelling because it helps me make better choices and become a better version of myself.

Why do you love travelling?


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