Blogs from Capital, Venezuela, South America - page 2


South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas » Altamira August 9th 2012

und wenn nicht alles gut ist, dann ist es auch nicht das Ende. Passenderweise ist dies tatsächlich nicht das Ende, sondern der Anfang meiner Reise, und so stört es kaum, dass derzeit wenig mit dem Attribut „gut“ versehen werden kann Bei nicht allzu besonderer Gesundheit am Flughafen ankommend konnte ich zunächst feststellen, dass meine Kreditkarte nicht mehr funktionierte – das eigens für die Reise heruntergesetzte Limit war scheinbar überschritten. Ein kurzer Anruf bei der Bank sollte das ganze eigentlich beheben. In Caracas angekommen konnte ich jedoch feststellen, dass eine Limiterhöhung wohl grade doch nicht mehr drin war. Budget-Reisen par force majeure also! Nur gut, dass der Flug dafür überbucht war und dieser daher mit einer halbstündigen Verspätung erst gen Caracas abhob. Meine Spanischkenntnisse hatte ich scheinbar auch überschätzt – zumindest verstand ich kein Wort der u ... read more

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas July 4th 2012

¡Hola panas! This is my first blog from my 4-week trip in Venezuela! República Bolivariana de Venezuela lies in the north of South America, has an area of about 912.000 square km and more than 28 million people. Venezuela is our southern neighbour!!! Many Venezuelan tourists visit Curaçao, many Curaçao people "used to" go to Venezuela, but not that much anymore. Many still go for health reasons, as Caracas has excellent clinics and doctors/surgeons where they offer services that aren't available in Curaçao, or that there is a long waiting list for. In Curaçao we use many Venezuelan products as well. There is poverty in Venezuela, but it's not worse than in other Latin American countries. Venezuelans are known for being very nationalistic, patriotic and chauvinistic. Well....I believe they have the right to be as such ... read more
Plaza Altamira
Parque del Este
at Parque del Este with my cousins Juan Carlos and Carin

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas June 20th 2012

WARNING: THE TRUTH WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS BLOG ONLY WHERE IT IS CONSIDERED TO BE AMUSING ENOUGH. My first stop on this trip was Caracas in Venezuela. The photograph taken in the city centre (see first photo) is more interesting for what you can see in the background. Like several cities that I had previously visited in South America surrounded by mountains, the poorer dwellings are built right up to the peak of the mountain. However, the difficulty here was that only Citibank cards work in the cash machines. I could use my cards for hotel bills and excursions, but I was having to use my 'emergency dollars' for food, etc. Venezuela would not have been a problem if I had brought a large amount of dollars with me. For this reason I only stayed ... read more
Tomb Of The Unknown Traveller

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas » Altamira March 3rd 2012

Caracas Saying goodbye to the Southern hemisphere, we left for Santiago airport at 5:30 am on February 24th and we finally boarded a plane that left on time! This will definitely be our last early morning flight. After one stop and two movies (Due Date and Just Go With It) we arrived earlier than schedueld in Caracas, Venezuela and breezed through customs and luggage claim. However after that we had quite the experience, to say we were bombarded by the locals is an understatement. They were expediting their taxi services to the city as well as their "cambio", which is the money exchange. In Caracas there is a black market for money exchange and some people can fetch up to a maximum of double the bank rate, needless to say we made use of "no, gracias" ... read more
Plaza Bolivar
Hiking in Curaçao

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas » Altamira February 12th 2012

Hellooooooooo So it has been quite some time since I've blogged or whatever. Never really seems like there's much to say, but I suppose I should give it a go! I left off in November I think before the awesomeness that was Britney. Awesome it was! The Zuelans are mental at a pop gig! Hilarious. Epic journey to get there, one where we genuinely thought that the taxi driver was taking us somewhere remote to kill us. Nice. Got there safe and sound, however, and had a great time. Ignore the reviews, she's wonderful. End of. Christmas term brought lots of rain to Caracas, flooding the roads and meant that school was shut for about a week. The mighty Chavez decides that if one school has to close due to flooding, then we all do! Happy ... read more
The second beach
The slide
Bob on a boat!

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas October 30th 2011

Hola! Thought it was about time for another wee installment...not that I've got much to report here actually! Life is good here, pretty much settled now and into routines and suchlike. School is still totally mental but we've just been on half term break which was LOVELY! A couple of weekends ago a big bunch of us went to the beach for the night and stayed in a lovely posada which is like a wee bed and breakfast on the beach! Delightful! There is literally nothing else out there - all just posada houses all the way along the beach, no shops for miles or anything...perfect actually! It was way hotter than in Caracas - we forget we're actually quite high above sea level here so it doesn't get too hot most of the time. So ... read more

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas » Altamira September 12th 2011

Hello all... So I thought this was a more efficient way of keeping in touch and gives you a choice as to whether you want to hear my ramblings...or not...heehee. Firstly a big, huge hello and sorry to those of you who have emailed me and who I have very rudely not replied to yet! It's been a BUSY time since arriving here. I promise I'll get on top of it in the next few weeks. So. After a NIGHTMARE journey to get here (do NOT fly Air France! Organise, piss up and brewery spring to mind..) we - 7 of us travelling together - arrived in Caracas airport relatively unscathed to begin the nightmare that we expected immigration and customs to be. Everyone else seemed to get on fine. Obviously I got pulled up straight ... read more
Somewhere in the centre of Caracas
Lucinda on the tour of the centre
Nice wee square

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas July 19th 2011

Geo: 10.496, -66.8983Vi opplevde flyforsinkelse som førte til at vi måtte kjøre buss fra Ciudad Bolivar til Caracas. En busstur som tok 12 timer. Vi trenger vel ikke fortelle at det var en kjedelig tur, med blant annet 2 ufrivillige motorhavarier underveis - det ene førte til at vi måtte bytte buss midt uti ødemarka. Forsinkelsen førte til at vi ikke ville rekke flyet til Panama. Da det ikke var noen garantier for å rekke noe neste dag ble vi anbefalt å ta buss til Caracas, for så å ordne med fly dagen etter. En tur som normalt?? ville ta 8 timer. Da vi var "short" for cash, fikk vi noen utfordringer ved kjøp av bussbilletter, som ordnet seg il slutt. Her er det bare kontanter (bolivares) som er gangbart. Ingen ville akseptere dollar som betaling ... read more
Hotelet fra andre siden

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas » Sabana Grande June 6th 2011

Finally!! South America. Well, Caracas is'nt the friendliest place on earth. Just dont stare and don't acknoweledge people who won't to help you. Ha, find that pretty ironic. 12 hour layover here in the airport. Pretty boring. We leave again at 5:00 P.M. to get to Quito, Equador and that's our last stop. I will blog again when we get to Quito....... read more

South America » Venezuela » Capital May 16th 2011

When we enter Caracas we are welcomed by Hugo Chavez with a big smile on his face. It is a huge billboard strategically placed on a spot where the traffic tends to congest, so that you cannot come away without looking at it. Actually the billboard could be placed anywhere, because you hardly cannot find spots where there are no trafficjams. And indeed the billboards are everywhere. 'La Patria, la Revolucion o Muerte', we read. 'Welcome in Caracas' would be a bit friendlier. But we are not welcome, as we will experience during our two weeks stay here. It is even worse: we simply do not exist. It seems that no one exists here. Though we have met some friendly people, we have seen nowhere such a high density of asocial, intolerant and blunt people per ... read more
The welcome could be friendlier

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