Blogs from San Martín, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto September 17th 2018

Somos todos loquitos, no? - Wir sind doch alle verrückt, oder? Angekommen in Tarapoto (die größte Stadt San Martins, auch bekannt als “Stadt der Palmen”) machten Elli, Sabi und ich uns vom AirBnb aus auf den Weg um das Zentrum zu erkunden: Durch die Straßen rund um den Hauptplatz, Plaza de Armas, vorbei an vielen kleinen Läden bis hin zu ein paar Straßenverkäufern die uns schon bei der Hinfahrt zum AirBnb ins Auge gestochen waren. Michele, einer der (Lebens-)Künstler, strahlte eine Freundlichkeit und Herzenswärme aus die ich noch selten erlebt habe. Mit einer selbstlosen Freude zeigte er uns seine Kunstwerke, erzählte von den Eigenschaften der Edelsteine, der Samen, der Federn und der Farben. Und obwohl wir erst nichts gekauft und nur geschaut haben, hat er so viel Wissen, Freude und Leidenschaft mit uns geteilt, uns mit ... read more
Zopferlflechten in Peru
Zopferlflechten in Peru
Die Hundeschule macht heute Ausflug

South America » Peru » San Martín » Moyobamba September 15th 2018

Das fühlt sich an wie das Herz der Welt - als könntest dus hier richtig schlagen hören - Anna Montua Drei Wochen sind vergangen und nun ist es so weit: Wir dürfen uns ab sofort Yogalehrer nennen. Ein 9-köpfiges Gespann von Menschen aus aller Welt, die sich auf dieses dreiwöchige Abenteuer im Amazonasgebiet Perus eingelassen haben. Das momentan vorherrschende Gefühl kann ich durchaus mit der “Faszination Freiheit” nach der Matura vergleichen - oder auch mit einer Aussage meiner fabelhaften Literatur-Professorin Gudrun Seidenauer: Der aktuelle Wissensstand ist so überragend groß, dass es von nun an nur noch “bergab” gehen kann… Doch wo neu gewonnenes Wissen (für den Moment) vergessen wird, darf bald neu Erlerntes einziehen, das klingt doch gleich viel positiver. Und außerdem steht da noch die Frage im Raum: Wohin damit? Wie geht es jetzt für ... read more
Ein Teil der Hausübungen: 8 Yoga-Posen
Mittagspause in der Sonne
Geschichtsstunde unterm Mangobaum

South America » Peru » San Martín » Moyobamba August 25th 2018

Tropische Klänge begleiten mich von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang. Das stete Surren, Rascheln, Knistern, Summen und Zwitschern das mich umgibt berauscht mich wie Musik in meinen Ohren. Ich bin angekommen in Peru und es ist magisch. Ich versuche mich voll auf dieses wundervolle Land einzulassen, nicht mit vorherigen Erfahrungen zu vergleichen, und doch erinnert mich alles unweigerlich ein bisschen an meine Zeit in Nicaragua. Das Leben hier im Amazonasgebiet ist einfach: die Straßen sind mugelige Erdpfade und bis auf die Hauptverbindungen nicht ausgebaut, sie werden beherrscht von Mototaxis und Motorrollern, auf den Gehwegen (sofern vorhanden) begegnen einem Menschen, allem voran Kinder, Straßenkiosk-Verkäufer und wilde Hunde. Man begegnet “gringos” mit Respekt, Distanz und Neugierde: Tourismus kennt man hier noch nicht. Auch Englisch hat noch keinen Einzug gefunden. Ein kleine... read more
Lima: Kaltnasses Wetter im Einkaufszentrum
Kaffeepause in Lima
Tao's Yoga-Deck im Garten

South America » Peru » San Martín March 9th 2015

Another early morning docking 7.00a.m. and to be back by 4.30p.m. Looking out from the ship, just like a moon scape - I guess a lot of Peru is like this but we thought being close to the sea it may be different - you wonder who in the hell would want to live here. The port of Pisco was established in 1640 for the export of pisco. You certainly could not walk anywhere! Princess had shuttle buses going to the township of Paracas for $16.00 return - rip off! With Carlos in tow we tried to get a guy to take about 8 of us to Paracas and then to Pisco but after much talk backwards and forwards in Spanish - Carlos said - this guy is just trying to rip us off. So we ... read more

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto October 31st 2013

Well, when I signed up to come to Peru, I was on a mission to enhance my life with knowledge of medicinal plants so I can be a better medicine woman and human being. To strip away that old story and be able to be present for clients and my loved ones. I knew I needed to be closer to the healing plants of the Amazon region to be able absorb their messages and bring that information back with for my practice. I thought this process would need months to accomplish so I booked my stay for two months. What hera happened in actuality is that in the past two weeks I have taken in so much information and shifted so strongly that I need to assimilate before I can learn more. At this juncture, more ... read more
sign for the waterfall
the spirit of this waterfall came into my heart

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto October 16th 2013

Buenos Noches Mis Amigas y Amigos! I am going to start this blog with a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported my campaign to both get here and do this important work. Whether you supported (or are supporting) in prayer, good vibes or the generosity of your pocket, I want to say I am moved with love and gratitude. I am being a very good steward and feel absolutely inspired to take my work to the next level. Please forgive the dreadful internet service preventing me from being able to blog sooner. It's been truly dodgy, where nothing would load and sooo slow (my cousing Athena travelling and doing humanitarian work while exploring in Africa understands!!!) But all that aside, tonight, sitting here in a sweet jungle lodge in Tarapoto with the cacophony of ... read more
Boat Ride 10 mins from Iquitos to Padre Cocha
Who is this little guy?

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto October 2nd 2011

Guayaquil, Cuenca & Vilcabamba Guayaquil may be Ecuador's biggest city, but it definitely isn't the prettiest. We walked along the renewed riverfront parade and around a colourful little hilltop village with a nice view of the whole city, but after that there wasn't much else to do. So the next day we went to Samborondon, a suggestion from our Quiteño friends, which turned out to be a very posh neighborhood with only closed condominiums and shopping centres. Interesting, but not really our thing. So we were happy to get on the bus to Cuenca, which is a charming city with many colonial buildings and churches. We had a funny night out with some other travellers, starting off at a microbrewery and ending up sipping cocktails at a live music bar with really bad and loud rock. ... read more
Traditional dancing in Cuenca
Colonical houses in Cuenca
Asymmetrical church in Cuenca

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto July 25th 2011

Part 1 Boats galore over the past few days!! We headed to the cargo boats after our last blog Íquitos´. We all realised hammocks aren´t so uncomfortable after all, minus the occasional collisions in the night. Some people liked to make the most of the space available and spread out. Laura sat in her hammock thinking she´s a pea due to the lovely vibrant green colour of the hammocks. It took a while for us to set sail due to the thunder and lightning. For most of our two/three days on the cargo we played card games, not all of us quite understood the rules of all the games though. The toilets on board were...interesting, and the beetles and other insects weren´t quite so welcome either. It was really nice for us all to interact with ... read more

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto July 25th 2011

We headed to the jungle on small trucks, one of the trucks managed to have a flat tyre so we had to pull over to the side of a mud road and change our tyre. We got our life jackets on and travelled to our reserve, the boat journey was a good 5/6 hours with a spot of lunch cooked by our guides. We saw monkeys, snakes, piranhas, birds, sloths and other lovely creatures. In the evenings we went alligator hunting and were all successful and we also went fishing some catching Pirahnas, some poisonous fish, some managing to hook electric eels, some getting absolutely nothing, not to mention any names...Adam. The food was lovely crackers were demolished and egg and rice or fish and rice was also on the menu. The two nights sleep in ... read more

South America » Peru » San Martín » Tarapoto January 16th 2011

Tarapoto was a good “base point” for some great hikes to various waterfalls. We recommend you to get information at the tourism agency of the municipality, which is in Plaza de Armas. This is a public information point and therefore allows you to plan your own trips without having to go on more expensive tours organised by private agencies. In fact, this office puts you directly in contact with those guides who live in the villages close to the waterfalls. The hike to the Tamushal waterfall allowed us to visit a project which is reintroducing local species into the area and which takes place 10 minutes away from the waterfall. The hike to the waterfall was 1 hour and a half at a good speed, but it can take up to 3 hours if you walk ... read more

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