Blogs from Ica, Ica, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Ica » Ica October 27th 2018

It has been a go-go-go for the last seven days and we were swamped. So when the wake-up call came @5 am, we really didn’t want to get up. The last time…I told myself. Well, I always wanted to see the Nazca lines and Ica desert is just on our way. So why not have some fun doing the monkey business as I always do! Only difference is I dragged Suman this time…haha! ***** We were picked up around 6-ish and the cab drove us straight to the Lima bus station. It was a day trip to see the Ica desert and the Nazca lines. We knew it would be a long day. The hotel prepared us packed sandwiches for the road. Hardly there was any traffic during the 15 minute ride to the bus station. ... read more
The town of Paracus
The Dune buggy!
Suman measuring her coordinates

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica October 14th 2018

We woke at 5:15 AM to prepare for our 6-6:30 AM pickup at the hotel for the ride to Ica to experience the Nazca Lines Overflightarranged by Kaypi Peru Tours. Hotel Allpa gave us a box breakfast that included apple-peach juice, an apple, poppyseed cake, three little brioche buns with ham and cheese and we grabbed a coffee to go. Jorge, our guide for the day, met us in the lobby. There were only two of us as we climbed into the small 10 seater van with driver Paulo for our private 4 hour ride to Ica where we would catch our plane for the Nazca Line overflight. Jorge gave us another box breakfast with a meat empanada, poppyseed cake, chocolate cookie, apple-peach juice and water. The meat empanada was much better than the chicken empanada ... read more
Pan-American Highway
Deli-Bakery on Pan-Am Highway
Huaca Centinela pre-Columbian pyramids in Chincha

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica June 29th 2016

Da 4000 metri a 4000 °C è un attimo, un attimo di una dodicina di ore. Arrivo a Paracas un attimo prima delle ore più calde del giorno, così non mi perdo neanche un minuto di ustione. Schivo i soliti agenti turistici che circondano le porte dei bus ma l'ultimo di essi mi incastra. Sa dov'è il mio ostello e io no, questo dettaglio, insieme ai circa 30kg che mi porto addosso sotto il sole, sono la chiave del suo successo. Espletate le solite pratiche burocratiche e prenotati i tour mi do all'oceano, pomeriggio sulla sabbia con Pippo il cane. Il giorno dopo mi imbarco per le isole Ballestas, Willy mi da il suo cappellino, anti sole ed anti guano. Le isole pullulano di vita, cormorani, pinguini, leoni marini, pellicani, gallinelle indefinite, tutti appollaiati sullo stesso ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica March 19th 2016

Yesterday we took the bus from Nazca to Ica, our last destination on the way to Lima. The afternoon was spent in the pool. As we had two rooms, Ed and I were dorm mates and we played some chess. Hat had her first lesson and picked up the key concepts. An early breakfast, to avoid the hottest part of the day, and we headed out to the oasis at Huacachina. A green pool fringed by date palms and surrounded on all sides by very high dunes. We took a lap and had a chat with a local tour about sand bugging and dine surfing. We thought the buggy just got you to gorge tip of the huge dunes, but we were in for an adrenalin fuelled surprise. We should have guessed as we were all ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica March 19th 2016

Headed into Ica for a meal on a strip of hotels that were I the back of beyond and reached down dusty trails lined with hovels and people washing clothes in the water run off channel. It was a meat fest all round and Cas has taken a shine to the yellow sauce which comes out with most meals. I have found a recipe and will try to make some back at home. Great to get out of the sun as the restaurant forecourt was shaded under huge grape vines. We got to Lima around 7pm and it was just a short taxi ride back to Casa De M'Abuela hotel, the one we stayed in two weeks ago when we first arrived. We all feel that we're much more in tune with the whole travelling thing ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica September 2nd 2014

Mardi matin, je me lève le ventre en vrac comme après une cuite. On m’avait pourtant assuré que le pisco ne donnait pas la gueule de bois. Je lui laisse pour l’instant le bénéfice du doute, c’étaient peut-être les glaçons, le vin, ou la nourriture… En tout cas ce matin là, la perspective de faire la tournée des bodegas ne me fait pas sauter de joie. Heureusement, j’avais pris dans mon sac des médicaments, et j’étais dans de meilleures conditions l’après-midi. Nous avons commencé par la Caravedo, une grande bodega très bien tenue et une production très à l’occidentale (contrôle qualités, cahier des charges, matériel européen…). Le contraste est très fort avec l’extérieur : c’est comme une forteresse au milieu d’une sorte de bidonville rural. Il faut laisser son passeport pour pouvoir entrer par un haut ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica September 1st 2014

Voila, apres de longues heures de vol me voila enfin sur la terre promise, le Perou ! Je suis arrivee a Lima vendredi soir vers 22h, taxi vers l´hotel que j´avais reserve . Un peu crevee par le decalage horaire, je me prepare a enfin pouvoir faire une bonne nuit. mais non, a l´instar de New York, Lima est une ville qui ne dort jamais ! Et ou les gens klaxonnent tout le temps, plus par habitude que par reelle necessite j´ai eu l´impression. Le lendemain je met donc ma matinee a profit pour visiter les alentours, et je me rends vite compte que le quartier sur pour les touristes dont parleit le site de l´hotel n´est pas celui la. je prends donc le bus pour visiter le centre et assiste a une partie de la ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica May 17th 2014

Buenos Chicos! I left Lima and took at 5 hour bus to Ica. I left Lima and it was slightly cold and arrived in Ica to the beaming sun! I was welcomed at the bus station by one of my hostel owners, Gian Carlo. Himself and his brother, Yosef, own the hostel in Ica. I treated myself to a single room as my last night in Lima was not a pleasant one with two girls arriving in my dorm room after midnight and making as much noise as possible to keep me awake. I dropped off my stuff and I asked Gian Carlo where the cash machine was and he said he would come with me. Along the way, he took me to different historical places around the town and shared a bit of history with ... read more
Dune Buggy
Tuk Tuks!
Getting ready for our ride in the buggy!

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica July 6th 2013

Ola amigos, Cette journee du 6 juilllet fut riche en decouvertes, entre la fabrication du pisco, les descentes des dunes de sable en surf, et le tour en buggy dans le desert. Le Pisco est la boisson typique du perou, tiree du raisin, il exite beaucoup de differentes sortes de Pisco. Cette fabrique "El Catador" reste tres traditionnelle dans la maniere de preparer le Pisco, cette cave à plus de 100 ans d’âge, avec presse de veille de 150 ans, des jarres en terre cuite de différentes tailles utilisées pour la fermentation du vin. Les recoltes se font la premiere semaine de mars, le raisin est place dans des bassins dans lesquels il est presse avec les pieds, puis a la presse, le jus ainsi presse coule a travers un canal qui permet de remplir les ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Ica March 19th 2013

The end is coming. I can smell it. I can feel the hustle and bustle of the Lima airport stalking me from 160 miles away. I walk quickly, looking over my shoulder to make sure it can't touch me, and realize the only sure way to beat it back is by going out and having copious amounts of fun to spite it. So, that becomes the plan for Ica. My Cruz del Sur bus took longer than I thought. I have no idea where I got the idea that it would only take a half hour. In that scenario it was perfect. I would leave Nazca at 11:30, arrive here around noon, have lunch and head off to explore. I reality, I missed lunch entirely, arrived to a blisteringly hot, crowded, madhouse of a city. I'm ... read more
Sunset Over Huacachina Lagoon
Ready to Sand Board Again
Pelican in Paracas

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