Blogs from Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, Ecuador, South America - page 2


South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island August 29th 2017

Santa Cruz (English Indefatigable) is the second largest of the Galápagos islands after Isabella, and contains the largest urban center, Puerto Ayora. During the night the crew had cruised the boat to Puerto Ayora for refueling in the early morning, and anchored near the fuel station. I walked to the stern of the boat in the early morning and immediately noticed that there was a lot of commotion with pelicans and other seabirds diving under the rear of the boat as it began to move toward the fuel station. It quickly became what can only be described as a feeding frenzy among the birds, who were soon joined by several small sharks and at least one larger (7-8 feet) Galápagos shark. I could only assume that many small fish had gathered under our boat during the ... read more
Feeding frenzy at Baltra
Wet landing
Marine iguana

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island October 21st 2016

Buenos dias DK! Ja, så kom vi sørme også forbi Galapagos, som absolut ikke har skuffet! Man har jo altid hørt om Galapagos som noget med Darwin og nogle store skildpadder, men hvad de nærmere går ud på har jeg ikke vist så meget om. Nå, men Galapagos er en gruppe vulkanske øer ca 1100km vest fra Syd Amerika. Øerne er meget forskellige i udtryk, farve, højde, vegetation og hvem der bor på øerne. Hvis man vil have det fulde indtryk af øerne foregår det fra søs, via et cruise rundt mellem øerne. Ellers når man ikke at få forskellighederne med. Desværre er alt der vedrører Galapagos væsentlig dyrere i forhold til alle andre ting i Ecuador, man kan godt fornemme at de øer er noget helt specielt for dem (med rette), og der bliver gjort ... read more
Frigat puster gør sig til
Blue footed boobie, kendetegn for øerne

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island April 26th 2016

Arrived late afternoon to our final stop of the Galapagos; Santa Cruz...most folks start here, a lot of the cruises leave from this most populous island of the archipelago and it certainly has the most infrastructure of the islands we saw...a few things planned but with only two full days here and it being the end of the line we certainly wanted to squeeze in a little more relaxin'... Having already stopped here in transit to Isabela we had a bit of the lay of the land which was great...on our previous stop we managed to take in the Charles Darwin Research Station which was cool, although a large portion of it was under renovations so the museum was closed and the baby tortoises had been relocated which was a drag...a couple of pens of the ... read more
Tortoises at CDRS
Waiting for Scraps...

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island February 26th 2016

Today we went out on the boat again, this time to Santa Fe Island. It took us about an hour and a half to motor over to the island. I know I found it very hard to stay awake as the Altamar rolled gently from side to side as she motored along into a head wind. I don't think that I was the only one who had a little snooze on the way either! On our way were were treated to sightings of some turtles and a couple of sea lions. When we arrived at the island our boat was able to pull into the sheltered bay very close to the sea lion colony. We were ferried ashore again in the inflatable dinghy right onto the beach covered with lounging sea lions. Felipe pointed out the ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island February 25th 2016

Today we were given the option of walking 2.5km to a surf beach or 3km to a sheltered beach OR walking to the Charles Darwin Research Centre at the end of the main street. Everyone had actually decided last night that the swimming option sounded lovely BUT a very hot and very humid 3km walk back into town for lunch did not. Gina was able to tell Daniela of the groups' decision last night so she arrived this morning ready to escort us to the research centre rather than take us swimming. Thank goodness we decided to forego the swimming, even the short walk to the outskirts of town was very, very hot, and quite enervating, but we managed it with a few stops in the shade of trees along the way. At the research centre ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island December 25th 2015

My excitement as we flew into Santa Cruz Airport on the Galapagos Islands meant that I could barely stay in my seat. Visiting Galapagos was the culmination of childhood dreams fed by naturalists including David Attenborough. My mind was racing through hopes and wishes. Would I see the Giant Tortoises? The Blue Footed Boobies? What would I make of the landscape? I hoped against hope that I would not be disappointed. The flight landed then it was a bus ride, a ferry and another bus and we arrived in Puerto Ayora where within moments of arrival we saw blue footed boobies, frigate birds and pelicans (completely different to home pelicans) diving beak first into a bay where sea lions played. I was speechless. We wandered from tour agency to tour agency in search of the best ... read more
Handsome Pelican
Highland View swing
Highland View Camping

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island November 26th 2015

Ja sitten saarille Tapasimme Tintin kanssa Quiton kentällä aikaisin maanantaiaamuna. Tintin lento oli saapunut ajoissa klo. 2:20. Matka Santiagosta oli todella pitkä, kun siihen sisältyi 12h vaihtoaika Limassa. Eipä ollut pelkoa, että ei ehdi vaihtaa konetta. Tintti sai aikansa kulumaan Yle Areenan seurassa ja samaan aikaan matkalaukku otti suunnan jonnekin aivan muualle … Tosiaankin – Tintti saapui perille, mutta tavarat eivät. Quiton kentällä tehtiin aamutuimiin kadonneen matkavaran ilmoitus ja oletuksena oli, että laukku tulee perässä Puerto Ayoraan viimeistään seuraavana päivänä. LAN:illa on Isla Baltralle 2 päivittäistä lentoa. Kovasti siis toiveena oli, että jospa vaikka jo seuraavana aamupäivänä pakaasi saapuisi. Quitosta lähtiessä on heti Galapagos –saarten matkatavaran tarkastus ja sinetöinti ja ensimmäinen maksu. Tarkkaan kyseltiin, ettei mukana ole mitään k... read more
Mutakylpy vilvottaa

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island November 26th 2015

Elämää eläinten ehdoilla Näiden muutamien saareilla vietettyjen päivien aikana on käynyt täysin selväksi, että täällä elämä kulkee eläinten ja luonnon ehdoilla. Saaren alkuperäiset asukkaat määrävät täällä tahdin ja ihmisen on siihen sopeuduttava. Eläimet ovat etuoikeutettuja ja niiden toimia ja elämistä ei saa häiritä millään tavalla. Jos merileijona sattuu asettumaan ihmisille varatulle penkille, niin ihmisen on väistettävä. Vähän kuin Intian pyhät lehmät - täällä (lähes) kaikki eläimet ovat vastaavassa asemassa. Lähes siksi, että merestä kyllä pyydetään kalaa ja äyriäisiä joita syödään ja tarpeettomat eläimet poistetaan jopa kovallkain kädellä. Saarille on aikanaan tullut hylkeenpyytäjien ja ensimmäisten asukkaiden mukana vuohia ja aaseja. Nämä eivät kuulu saarten alkuperäiseen eläimistöön ja siksi ne muuttivat ekosysteemiä väärään suuntaan. Jotta vääränlainen kehitys... read more
Receptionista Dona Tintti
Lammas. Kadonnut sellainen - tai nyt jo löytynyt
Enkö nyt voisi saada yhden palan?

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island October 27th 2015

OK, I am back in Sydney and this blog update is about 3 months late, so my apologies for that. No excuse really except I was really busy and a lot of things have happened. Some good, some bad but one has to be positive. One door closes and others open up. But more to that later. Let’s get on with my adventures in Galapagos. After some relaxing times in Mancora it was time to move on and what better place to go than to the Galapagos Islands. The last time I was in South America I missed to go there as I was not in the financial situation to do so. But I didn’t want to miss out this time. So I purchased a plane ticket online for US$400 and took the night bus from ... read more
You don't see this sign at many places...
Lucky shot
Iguanas on Galapagos Islands

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