Crazy salsa dancing on windsurfing board for fin del año 2010 (Cali, Feria de Cali, Lago Calima)

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January 5th 2011
Published: January 5th 2011
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25. dec - 1. jan

(English version below)

Koncno je prisel cas za slavni Calijev festival... Iz Santa Marte sva na vse zgodaj zjutraj pohitela v Baranquilo in dva leta ter 8 ur kasneje sva ze bila v prestolnici salse in vsega kar predstavlja zabavo. Nastanila sva se v hostlu Iguana, kjer se vedno nekaj dogaja in je vedno polno ljudi. Cali je prestolnica regije Valle de Cauca in po mnenju mnogih prestolnica najlepsih kolumbijk (marsikdo iz Medellin-a bi se zaradi tega lahko skregal), kjer vsako leto poteka ogromen festival kulture in predvsem salse. Vsak dan tako potekajo razlicne parade cez dan in stevilni koncerti pozno v noc. Poleg tega pa ima se vsak predel mesta svojo "zono" za zuranje, tako da dolgcas res ni!

Prvi dan sva na zalost zamudila otvoritveno salsa parado ampak sva zato nadoknadila zvecer na Aveniji Sexta, kjer smo salsirali pozno v noc. Naslednji dan je bila na sporedu Cabalgata, tako smo se zbrali iz dveh hostlov in v pricakovanju neverjetnega dogodka s konji, odhiteli na prizorisce, kjer smo razocarani spoznali, da je vse skupaj le tekmovanje crede ljudi na konjih, kdo je bolj vinjen in katera je bolj slecena z vecjimi joski (fantje so seveda uzivali)... Uros se je pretvarjal, da je "press" in se "pomingljal" med konje, tako da imava zdaj 140 slik josk...kdo bo to brisal!! Smo se pa kjub temu na tribunah imeli odlicno, vzdusje je bilo fenomenalno, vojna s peno se boljsa - kolumbijci torej res znajo biti dobre volje in se zabavati! Zvecer pa smo sli na Plaza de Toros, kjer so potekali razlicni koncerti, Aguadiente je tekel v potokih in salsalo je mlado in staro!
Naslednji dan sva ze vse spakirala s plani, da greva za par dni na Lago slo skozi...sva se koncno dobila z Ursulo na super kosilu in zvecer smo preziveli skupaj se super vecer - zopet ob ritmih salse, kaj pa drugega😊 Zadnji dan v Caliju sva spet obiskala parado in torat dozivela nekaj nepozabnega! Prava parada v stilu Ria de Janeira (vsaj si mislim), kjer so se predstavili plesalci razlicnih predelov regije in opisovali zgodbe vse od casa domorodcev, odkritja Kolumbije, prihoda spancev, suzenjstva itd. Res super! Najboljse pa: Urosa so intervjuvali za nacionalno televizijo in ga imava celo posnetega: glej link - >

Torej ce narediva povzetek festivala: salsa, alkohol in dobre zenske z velkimi joski
(to Uros pravi). Vec kot ocitno sva rabila par dni pocitka in koncno nama je uspelo odriniti iz Calija do bliznjega gorskega jezera Calima, ki je znan predvsem po Kite&Wind surfanju ter kot "prostor za oddih" bogatih Caleñosov.
Sprva sva bila blazno presenecena nad mirnostjo mesteca in vsega okrog, in rekla sva si: "eh, ostaneva en dan, potem greva pa nazaj v Cali". Takoj za tem sva v surfing soli spoznala americana in irca, ki sta nama priporocila njun "hostel", ki se je izkazal za majhno privat hisko s cudovitim ogromnim vrtom, ribnikom, nasadom sadnih dreves in hisko za piknike s krusno pecjo! Kar pa je bilo najbolje, odlicen spot za windsurfing s konstantnim vetrom, ki je zacel okoli 12h (se naspala sva se lahko!) in super prijaznim staffom. Ni bilo potrebno reci 2x in vedela sva da bova tukaj ostala vec kot par prav tako za novo leto.
Torej Novo Leto: Najprej smo bili samo mi stirje (spet sem bila sama s fanti - Kaja vem da socustvuje z mano). Zjutraj smo sli na trg in kupili 5 rib "red snapper" (za 5 dolarjev!), mladi krompircek, cel kup zelenjave za solato in papriko za na zar. Tako smo popoldne zaceli rihtati - irec je pripravil ribe, jaz solato in zelenjavo, american je mesal koktajle uros pa pripravil ogenj v krusni peci. Na zalost se fantje niso najbolje znasli z ognjem in so se ribe bolj skuhale kot spekle (plus! v ribarnici niso ocistili lusk, kuhar pa tega ni opazil)... tako da je bilo vse skupaj bolj zabavno kot dobro😊 Ampak smo se vseeno najedli. V sosednji hisi sta brata Gra (instruktorja) praznovala z druzino in so nam prinesli neko tipicno morsko jed iz San Andresa ...tako da lacni sigurno nismo bili.
Sledilo je par kitarsko-pevskih uric, okrog pol 12h pa smo sli do glavnega trga, kjer je bilo bolj tiho in odstevali smo bolj ali manj sami (vecina kolumbijcev navadno novo leto praznuje doma z druzino) tako, da je sele okrog 1h ratalo zelo zivo, ko so vsi prikapljali v "diskoteke" (si moras misliti, da majhno mestece kot je Darien premore vec kot 4 diskoteke!). Bilo je super domace vzdusje in na koncu so nas "gringote" seveda ze vsi dobro poznali.

Zadnji dan pa smo si sli ogledati delavnico kiteboardov COGUA od nasega "sefeta" Harold Gra - kogarkoli zanima link: . Super custom kiteboardi, cisto kolumbijskega porekla s posebnostjo kokosovih vlaken in gume.

Lago Calima je torej definitivno eden od "se skritih carov" Kolumbije in prav vesela sva, da sva ga nasla!

Danes sva ze v Villi de po dolgem casu prav zmrzujeva! Pozdravcke!!


Finally the time has come for the famous Cali festival ... We started from Santa Marta in 8h in the morning and after 8 hours, bus ride and two flights we arrived to Cali, the capital of FUN!! . We settled in Hostel Iguana, where something is always happening and is always full of people. Cali is the capital of Valle de Cauca region and considered by many to have the most beautiful Colombian women (Medellin may be close but in our opinion not so much). Cali is also famous for it's festival of culture and especially salsa (Feria) which takes place every year. Each day different parades are held during the day and the numerous concerts at night. In addition, each part of the city has a party zone so it never gets boring.

The first day we unfortunately missed the salsa parade but we cought up at night at Avenue Sexta, where we danced
Cali - Cabalgata:)Cali - Cabalgata:)Cali - Cabalgata:)

Urso in action
salsa late into the night. The next day it was Cabalgata. We gathered from the two hostels and in anticipation of an incredible event with horses, rushed to the scene, where we were disappointed to find out that everything is only a competition of people on horses about who is more intoxicated and which girl has larger boobs (guys, of course, enjoyed) ... Uros pretended that he's "press" and went between the horses, so now we have 140 pictures of tits 😊) ! Although the parade itself was quite boring the atmosphere was phenomenal, lots of drinking, foam battles - Colombians really know how to have fun! In the evening we went to Plaza de Toros, where were several concerts - Aguadiente ran in streams and young and old danced salsa!
The next day we're all packed up with plans to go to Lago Calima for a couple of days ... didn't go through ... we finally got together with Ursula for a great lunch and spent together a great night - again with the rhythms of salsa, what else😊 The last day in Cali we again visited the parade and experienced something unforgettable! True parade in the style of Rio de Janeiro (at least I think) where they presented dancers from different parts of the region and described the story about indigenous people of Colombia, the arrival of the Spaniards, slavery, etc.. Really great! Best of all: Uros was interviewed on national television and it even got broad casted: see link ->

So if we make a summary of the festival: Salsa, alcohol and beautiful woman with the big "tetas" (this Uros says). More than obvious we needed a couple days rest and we finally managed to set off from Cali to nearby mountain lake of Calima (lago Calima), which is famous for its Kite & Wind surfing and as a "rest place" of rich Caleños.
At first we were a little disappointed but our opinion changed when we arrived to surf place. Another surprise was when we saw our "hostel" which has proved to be a small private house with a beautiful huge garden, pond and fruit trees and a house for picnics with a pizza oven! Lago Calima is a great spot for windsurfing with a constant wind, which started around 12 am. The staff at PESCAO windsurf school is super friendly. There was
no need to say it 2x - we knew that we would stay here more than a few days ... and also for the new year.
So New Year: First, we were just four (again, I was alone with the boys (two other guys)). In the morning we went on the market and bought five fish "Red Snapper" (for 5 bucks!), young potatoes, a whole bunch of vegetables for the salad and bell peppers for the grill. Irishman prepared the fish, Anja salad and vegetables, American was mixing cocktails and Uros prepared a fire in the wood oven.
After dinner, a couple guitar-singing sessions and around 11.30h we went to the main square, where it was quite calm and we counted down more or less alone (the majority of Colombians usually celebrates New Year at home with family) so that it was about 1am when it became VERY live - imagine that a small town like Darien has more than 4 discos!). It was a great cozy atmosphere and in the end everybody knew us - the Gringos!!!

The last day we went to see the kiteboard workshop COGUA of our "boss" Harold Gra - anyone interested in the
Lago CalimaLago CalimaLago Calima

Toby and Anja
link: . Superb custom kiteboards, pure Colombian origin with speciality of coconut fiber and rubber.

Lago Calima is definitely one of "the hidden gems" of Colombia and we are very happy that we found it!


Uros & Anja

Additional photos below
Photos: 108, Displayed: 28


Cali - CabalgataCali - Cabalgata
Cali - Cabalgata

Crazy coombian crowd
Cali - CabalgataCali - Cabalgata
Cali - Cabalgata

Ian got some lovin'
Cali - CabalgataCali - Cabalgata
Cali - Cabalgata

Finnaly it started...after 4 hours
Cali - CabalgataCali - Cabalgata
Cali - Cabalgata

and here comes the fine example of the feria!
Cali - CabalgataCali - Cabalgata
Cali - Cabalgata

The foam party
Cali - CabalgataCali - Cabalgata
Cali - Cabalgata

Music all the time... na "kravji zvonec"

6th January 2011
Feria - Cali viejo:)

Another great picture!
5th May 2011
COGUA kiteboards

Made in Colombia
Cogua kiteboards are hand made boards, I got one, and would buy another if I have to. I really recommend Cogua brand. Go kitesurfing to Colombia, the only risk is wanting to stay, there is a lake (Calima) with 20kts wind, 365, just go.

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