Making Some Head Way

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South America » Bolivia » Tarija Department » Tarija
November 7th 2022
Published: November 9th 2022
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Today was a good day at the center. In the morning we went to the other center to start electrical training courses there. I helped for a bit and then sat down with the executive director Cecilia which I had been trying to do for some time. The conversation started so I could share the Days for Girls menstrual kits and health training with her. DFG sent me a flip chart in Spanish which will be very helpful for the women to fully understand. Cecilia initially did not understand, but once we went through it all she said she even learned a few things. We were also able to broaden our conversation to some other skills I have that she was not aware of that could be of assistance. I just wish we would have had this conversation a bit sooner. We are going to start a knitting class with the teen mothers because they can bring along their children. The center is continuing to look for opportunities to bring these girls together. While the girls are interested in learning to knit, the real goal is to give them support and have conversations about how they can support themselves and their children.

In the evening we had our first sex education class with the girls at the shelter. There are 14 girls staying at the shelter at the moment. Some have been there for more than 10 years, others come and go and a few have recently arrived. Most of them are between the ages of 10 and 16 years old, but there are two girls that are under 6 years old. The hope is that they can be reunited with their families if the support team decides it is in the best interest of the girls. Even though these girls are staying at the shelter they are still at high risk for teen pregnancy.

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