Blogs from Huayna Potosí, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America


Prieš tai naktį miegojęs beveik 11 val, taip ir nesugebu užmigti iki 12 naktiek kuomet mus pradeda žadinti gidai. Prieš pradėdami lipti lengvai užkandam, pasiruošiam savo įrangą ir pradedam įšūkį. Kadangi lauke visiškai tamsu, visi gaunam po švieselę ant galvos. Mes lipti pradedam patys pirmieji. Iškart už stovyklos prasideda ledynas, tad užsidedam "kates" (metalinius dantis and batų) į rankas po ledkirtį, susirišam visi trys virve ir pradedam neskubėdami lipti. Čia nepriskubėsi, kvėpuoti tikrai sunku, tad bandau atrasti ritmą. Aplink visiškai tamsu, tad tematau prieš mane lipančio gido žingsnius. Toks lipimas labai monotoniškas ir šiek tiek hipnotizuojantis, bet taip ir atsiranda tas ritmas kuriuo galima judėti į priekį. Kas kažkiek laiko sustojam vis pailsėti ir atgauti kvapą. Kur kalnas nelabai status, eiti palyginus nesunku, bet kai tik kalnas pasidaro statesnis, žymiai greičiau prit... read more

Ekskursija prasideda 8 ryto. Prie kelionių agentūros susitinku su prancūzu Bris, su kuriuo gyvenom kartu pas Manja. Netrukus pasirodo ir mūsų gidas. Sėdam į mašiną ir keliaujam iki gido namų kur jis mums duoda rūbus bei reikalingą įrangą lipiui į kalną. Jis pats gyvena Alto mieste, šalia La Paso. Nuo jo namų visas La Pasas kaip ant delno. Taigi susirinkę viską ko reikia kopimui keliaujam į kalnus. Kelionė neilga, maždaug už valandos jau būnam savo pirmam punkte. Apsistojam namelyje, kuris yra 4,8km aukštyje. Papietaujam ir pasiėmę laipiojimo įrangą einam iki netoliese esančio ledyno. Čia gidas mus pamokini lipimo, bei ėjimo ledu technikos. Pasitreniravę porą valandų keliaujam atgal iki namelio. Šiandienos programa kaip ir baigta. Veiklos čia nedaug, tad einam pasivaikščioti po kalnus. Kalnus greitai aptraukia debesys, tad vietovė atrodo gan mistiškai. Einam iki netoli esančios užtvankos. ... read more

About This Entry This is my longest ever blog entry, which is a little mad considering the actual events documented only cover three days. I have my reasons though, in the run up to the mountain attempt I was unwell in La Paz; not massively so and I don't know why exactly. I was incredibly lethargic and hard a brutal phlegm riddled cough as well as a bit of travellers sickness. Perhaps it was the altitude, perhaps it was something I ate, perhaps it was the foul dust in the air in Adventure Brew's new building - it doesn't matter. The easiest thing to do when you're not feeling well in this sort of situation is to just relax until you regain energy, this can lead to a situation of watching endless television or one where ... read more
Thijs, Me, Linda, Lenka, Katherina, Anna and Liam
Staring at the Glacier
Climbing the Glacier

Whoever said that climbing a 6088 meter high mountain would be fun is a liar and if they told me that now I would probably punch them in the face. Originally we had no desire to climb any mountains while on our trip, a little walking on the Inca trail and maybe a day trek or two, but after a few people had told us about this mountain just outside of La Paz which is an amazing climb 6000 meters plus and do-able we thought perhaps and put the idea in the back of our minds not giving any thought to it until our pampas trip. It was on this trip that we met Ole the Norwegian and he had just completed Hyuna Potosi he talked about it with such passion describing the challenge as well ... read more

There are those things in life that you do, but you almost know you shouldnt do them. Maybe something like starting a fire on the back porch when you are four and nearly burning the house down. Well this one was no different, going to climb a 6,088 (for the North Carolina folks, that is 19,973 feet...or more than six times the elevation of Asheville.) meter mountain in the snow after only acclimatizing for a few days at 3,800 or so meters. No big deal because it was a climb that a lot of people experience their first climb. Unfortunately, I could not get a clean shot of the mountain but feel free to google Huayna Potosi for a shot of the entire peak. Clouds were rolling in when we took off on Sunday morning. So ... read more
Midway Hut
Evening View From Midway Hut
Dusk at secnd camp

When we trekked to Annapurna Base camp (November 2009) we had ascended 3,500 metres over 5 days bringing us to the lofty altitude of 4,300m. At the time this was the highest point on earth either of us had been, and as we stood there awed, gazing at the snowy mountain peaks all around us Lewi declared that he had a huge urge to continue higher. Obviously at that time it wasnt possible (no gear, no guide), but i think it was this lingering curious urge and promise of other-worldly sights that brought us to the door of 'Huayna Potosi Refugio Tours'. Like many of the countless agencies in La Paz, 'H.P.R.T' offered guided excursions to the summit of the collosal and beautiful Huayna Potosi. One of the many stunning snowy monsters in the Cordillera Real ... read more
The Legend Felix our guide
vertical limit
Felix ahead as always

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí February 19th 2011

I decided that whilst I was in the Andes I wanted to climb a 6000m mountain. I'd already done quite a bit of high altitude hiking, but the highest peak I'd climbed was 5,100m. I booked on a three day tour from La Paz to climb Huayna Potosi - purported to be the one of the easiest 6,000m mountains in the world to climb and is about 6,050m. I, and two Australians - Pat and Alex - set off in the morning to drive to the mountain, which is a couple of hours from La Paz. We arrived at base camp at around 4,800m and after lunch set off to practice ice climbing on the glacier. We walked for around an hour and then when we reached the start of the glacier we spent some time ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí December 20th 2010

Na nejblizsi 2 dny jsme se rozhodli pro vystup na horu huyana Potosi - kousek od La Pazu vysokou 6.088metru. Jedna z nejjednodussich sestitisicovek na svete. Rano jsme se zastavili v agenture, zkontrolovali potrebnou vystroj - i prestoze je 1 z nejjednodussich musite mit cepin, macky, helmu atd., protoze vetsinu vystupu jdete po ledovci. Pak jsme sedli do dzipu a vyrazili. Jelo se do zakladniho tabore ve 4.700 m, jen asi o 1000 vic nez La Paz a odtud s veskerou vystroji a dvema pruvodci se vyskravat do dalsiho tabore v 5.130 metrech. My jsme uz aklimatizovani, tak jsme sli jen na 2dny, vetsina lidi jde na 3 dny, ale i tak nekteri z nich nepremohou vyskovou nemoc a vrati se. Muzete mit svaly jako Schwarzenegger za mlada, ale nevite jak budete reagovat ve vyskach...Vystup byl ... read more
Huayna Potosi
na pumpe/ on a petrol station
na ceste autom/ on the way by car

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí October 17th 2010

procházka po městě... read more

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