Blogs from Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia, South America - page 18


South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre February 3rd 2009

Hei! Argentiinan ylamailta ollaan jo ehditty Bolivian puolelle. Kaytiin muutaman paivan suola-aavikkoreissulla ja sielta tultiinkin lahes yhtakyytia tanne Sucreen, missa ollaan jo reilut viikon paivat majailtu. Loydettiin kohtuuhintainen espanjan ope, jonka palveluja nyt kaytetaan hyvaksi joka arkiaamu. Eilen ja tanaan kaytiin vahan tutkailemassa vapaaehtoistyomahdollisuuksia, mutta usein vaativat useamman kuukauden sitoutumisen, joten toistaiseksi se homma on viela auki...ainakin mun osalta. Taalla on karnevaalit 3 viikon paasta, jonka huomaa lahinna kosteista planteista paidassa. Lahes kaikki lapset ja lapsenmieliset kantavat mukanaan isoja vesipyssyja tai isoja kasseja vesipalloja, joidenka kohteeksi turistit helposti joutuvat. Tanaan kuitenkin kaami karahti Veruskalta kun ison kerrostalon ylimmasta kerroksesta alkoi sataa vesipalloja, tulivat sen verran lujaa, etta Veruskaa sa... read more
salar de uyuni

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre January 15th 2009

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don´t know what the road to Sucre is paved with, but it made the bus stop every few minutes, then crawl onwards again until it finally terminated several hours short of my destination. Unbeknown to me, my ´direct´ ticket to Sucre actually terminated in Potosi, one of the highest altitude cities in the world. What with it being 5am 'n' all, I was seriously, utterly underwhelmed. I always knew the Argentian bus system was a luxury that wouldn't be repeated in other south American countries, but I must admit my heart leapt a little when I saw the symbols for ´reclining seat´and ´video' printed on the side of the bus before boarding. Turned out that yes, the seat did recline, but the mechanism to ... read more
Cops on bikes

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre December 19th 2008

Alright alright, so the funk odyssey has hit Bowel-livia ... what a great country and of course, many adventures to be had. So I´d like to start this entry with a confession: I have been the victim of my first backpackers´scam. I know that some of you probably aren´t surprised however, hey, I fought the good fight for a long while ! Basically, when I entered Bolivia, the tards at Customs stamped my passport with an entry date of 16 November vice the 12 December ... bastardos ! This means that where I currently sit, I have overstayed my visa by 3 days and consequently, may have to pay a $US fine tomorrow when I hit the Argentine border. I´ll see how I go weazling my way out using my charm, skill and ample Spanglish abilities ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre December 17th 2008

Now then, let me begin this entry with an admission. Jurassic Park ranks a lot higher in my list of favourite films of all time than it probably really should for a 23 year old male. So when the opportunity came to go to a real life Jurassic Park near Sucre, I jumped at it. Or rather I jumped on a bus to it. Which I kind of told you about last time. Anyway, arriving in Sucre, I naturally had slept like a baby on the bus, so was full of beans and wanted to jump straight on the "Dino Bus" to the footprints. However, also quite predictably, Beth hadn't slept so well, so wanted to have a bit of a kip first. That was fair enough, and gave me a chance to wander round Bolivia's ... read more
Dino Footprints

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre December 16th 2008

The bus ride from Potosi to Sucre was alas paved and smooth, my bum surely apreciated such a thing. And it was again very beautiful giving the passengers sweeping views of vast valleys below. Sucre is, however, completely different then the rest of Bolivia. It seems as though all of Bolivia´s money found its way to Sucre, the cars are even in better shape then in Argentina. they have a mall with a cinima and everything, all the kids drive wear designer clothes and drive tinted windowed racers. The reason there is so much money here is casue sucre is the secondery capital, the national courts are here, and so there are a lot of politicians, and in such a corupt country, politics and wealth are one and the same. Bolivia recently elected Evo Moralles, as ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre December 1st 2008

Sucre is the perfect antidote to La Paz. Very relaxed, long tree lined streets, a stunning central plaza, magnificent whitewashed colonial buildings and a year round perfect climte, but above all, it has oxygen! We had been above 3000 meters for nearly 2 months and it can get tiresome being out of breath just getting in the shower. Sucre is the actual capital of Bolivia and it's hard to tell that you are in Bolivia at first. Sucre seems to be pretty affluent and it felt a little like Argentina, none the less, it is Bolivia and it has its own special characteristics and it's a shame we could only spend one night there. It was so strange to be in a city that was quiet, relaxed, unpolluted and so beautiful. Copacabana had it's charms, but ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre November 29th 2008 will be eating bread, butter and jam every morning, instant coffee included. But come on....Nescafe...NO ES CAFE. will be spending more than the alotted time in the bathroom because you're folding and hoarding wads of toliet paper. ...the words "WHERE AM I?" fall out of your mouth all too often.'ll go on "fluid restriction" hours before boarding a night bus in Bolivia because you know it will be 5 hours before the first potty break, which in reality means everyone milling about zombie-like at 1am in the street (aka a dusty path), looking for the bathroom (aka the spot you choose to relieve yourself on) ...things are still found "al fondo." ...everyone will be assigned the same two setas on a bus, which of course leads to a lot of arguing. ...your clothes ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre November 5th 2008

Hello again!! This computer is really good and the photos upload in record time (although I dont have many for Sucre anyway) so I thought i might as well do a quick blog for Sucre while Im here! :o) We got to Sucre, capital of Bolivia, early evening and stayed at the cheapest hostel recommended by the Lonely Planet but was more expensive than we had paid anywhere else in Bolivia but breakfast was included so decided to stay there! Things started typically well...... i manged to electrocute myself within 5 minutes of being in the room (its always me!).. all i did was stick the bedside table lamp in the socket and the whole thing exploded and electrocuted me! ouch! :o( The beds were reaaaaaaaally umcompfy and breakfast was absolutely disgusting... just mouldy bread! So ... read more
Marieke and me on our last evening!

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre November 3rd 2008

Dag 143. Eirik var tidlig oppe, og satte seg i patioen for aa lese. Kl. 07 kom Guy og spurte om Eirik hadde penger, i tilfelle han fikk fatt i billetter til kampen. Et par timer seinere kom Guy tilbake - han hadde tatt drosje til stadion og staatt i billettko der. Han kjopte de dyreste billettene, som kostet 40 bs. pr.pers., slik at vi kunne sitte under kampen. Vi gikk til den samme kafeen ved plazaen for aa spise frokost der sammen med Nicky, Guy og Jeremy. Etterpaa gikk vi paa supermarked for aa kjope haarfarge til Jane. Hun farget haaret for vi kl. 14 skulle treffes for aa gaa paa stadion. Da vi skulle gaa var det saavidt begynt aa regne litt, saa vi bestemte oss for aa ta paa oss regnjakker. Kampen skulle ... read more
Timene for cupfinalen
Aurora sine supportere
Skyer over stadion

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre November 2nd 2008

Dag 142. Vi tok drosje fra bussterminalen til Backpackers Sucre Hostel, som vi hadde funnet i Footprint reisehaandboken. Nicky og Guy var der allerede, selv om vi ikke hadde avtalt aa treffes. De sa at frokosten paa hostellet ikke var noe saerlig, saa vi gikk med Carolina, Marjorie og Jeremy for aa spise frokost paa en kafe like ved hovedplazaen. Vi fikk stor amerikansk frokost med speilegg, toast, syltetoy, juice og kaffe/te for kun 18 b.s. Jane kjopte varm sjokolade i tillegg, som smakte nesten helt likt som Friele kokekakao hjemme. Etterpaa gikk vi rundt og kikket i byens koselige gater. Sucre var grunnlagt i 1538, da med navnet La Plata. Navnet ble senere endret til Chuquisaca, for den i 1825 fikk dagens navn. Sucre er av lov, Bolivias hovedstad, selv om regjering og all administrasjon ... read more
Jane spiser fokost
Plazaen i Sucre
Katedralen i Sucre

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