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Quiet Street  

Quiet Street

July 25, 2009. Historic Georgetown.

August 5th 2009
Yesterday the three of us took a self guided walking tour of the historic district of Georgetown. Georgetown is the oldest part of Penang and is where the British lived and ruled when Malaysia was part of the Straights Settlement and was a Royal Colony. We took a taxi to a historic house built by a Chinese merchant in the 1890s. It turned our it did not open until 11:00, so we began our walk. T ... read more
Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town

Malaysian Flag During the late 18th and 19th centuries, Great Britain established colonies and protectorates in the area of current Malaysia; these were occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945. In 1948, the British-ruled territories on the Malay Peninsula formed the Fe... ... read more
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