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Inka ruins

Viva Peru
Life In The Fast Lane

June 25th 2008
After the jungle, San Pedro, and Worlds Most Dangerous Road, time was running out, we needed to get to Cusco in Peru for the festival of the Sun (Intiraymi), which is there Winter Solstice. But we still had so much to do. So it was a quick dash to Copacabana to visit Lake Titicaca, the worlds highest navigable lake. To get to Lake Titicaca we went on a ferry.... but not the conventional kind ... read more
South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco

Peruvian Flag Ancient Peru was the seat of several prominent Andean civilizations, most notably that of the Incas whose empire was captured by the Spanish conquistadors in 1533. Peruvian independence was declared in 1821, and remaining Spanish forces defeated in 1... ... read more
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