Blogs from Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 10


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef December 5th 2008

Also ich kann es gar nicht in Worte fassen wie toll das Gefuehl ist, wenn man schwerelos zwischen Korallenriffen schwimmt und alles ganz nah beobachten kann, aber glaichzeitig man auch weiss, dass das Ueberleben von einem kleinen Mundstueck abhaengt auf das man so fest beisst, dass einem am naechsten Tag der ganze Kiefer weh tut.... Wir sind morgens um acht gestartet und haben um zehn unseren ersten Tauchgang gemacht. Wir wurden in die neueste Kollektion von wet suits gesteckt und sahen alle sehr sexy aus. Parallel ging es fuer einige zum tauchen und die anderen konnten so viel schnorcheln bis sie nicht mehr konnten. Man sieht unter Wasser leider alles nicht ganz so farbenfroh wie man es von anderen Bildern her erwartet, aber da man live und mittendrin ist vergisst man ganz schnell die mangelnde Farbenpracht. ... read more
Fuer das Bild habe ich mich extra schoen gemacht!
Snorkeling, yippie!
David auf Tauchgang

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef December 1st 2008

We strolled off the plane bleary eyed at Brisbane International Airport to greetings of "G'Day, Welcome to Australia: Home of the Convicts" (just kidding, it didn't mention the convicts). With six hours to kill before our connecting flight we found some food and then the best leather sofa in the airport and curled up for an hour's sleep. That was the plan but we didn't really wake up until about two hours before our next flight! When I politely asked the closest check in attendant where we catch our Virgin Blue flight to Cairns, he replied "Well the first mistake you've made is flying with Virgin Blue". That's very helpful. Luckily for him, the second mistake I made was not letting Lizzie undo all the good work at her anger management classes, and his smarmy greasy, ... read more
Green Island
On the Ocean Free
Aboard the Ocean Free

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef November 26th 2008

Quelle journée incroyable! Ce matin on a embarqué sur un gros voilier qui nous a amené au Grand récif de barrière de l’Australie (Great Barrier Reef )! On a fait deux arrêts : 1) Paradise Reef et 2) Michaelmas Cay. À Chaque endroit, on a fait de la plongée en apnée - Wow!!! Les couleurs du récif sont incroyables ici et il y a une grande variété de poissons. Parmi tout ce qu’on a vu, à noter sont : poissons clownes (Nemo!), moules géants (tridacne), « blue spotted ray » (raie), requins des récifs, tortue, méduses (pas celles qui sont très dangereuses), et poissons de toutes grandeurs et couleurs. C’était vraiment incroyable à voir. Jean-Michel en a aussi profité pour faire un cours d’introduction à la plongée. Gabriel a fait de la plongée en apnée avec ... read more
Gabriel et Alize avec leurs "stingers suits".
Lunch sur le bateau.
Michaelmas Cay an arriere-plan.

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef November 10th 2008

Nou, dat is alweer een flinke tijd geleden zeg sinds de laatste update. Dan zou je bijna zeggen dat er zoveel is gebeurd dat het er neit van gekomen is, maar dat valt best mee!! Qua werk is het namelijk flink rustig, en is er niet al teveel te doen. Positief is wel dat ik eindelijk mijn commissie van Visy heb uitbetaald gekregen. Daarnaast hebben we ook al het geld terug van de ziekenhuisopname van Jacq van onze Amerikaanse ziektekosten verzekering, dus we hebben gelukkig weer een beetje overzicht over onze financien. Eigenlijk dus niet al teveel gebeurd. Zijn bezig met het afsluiten van een volgende klant, dit maal niet zo’n hele grote maar toch leuk om projecten binnen te halen, daar doe je het toch voor in een sales functie, niet?!?! tsja... verder over mijn ... read more
Wandelen in Albert Park
Heli naar Heron
Heli naar Heron

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef October 29th 2008

Yesterday we just relaxed and practiced some swimming ready for our snorkelling the day after and rented a digital underwater camera so we can show you what we saw. Had to get up early to get the boat to the reef. once we had signed in and got on the boat there was a ride of about an hour before we got to the first of the two places we would be snorkelling. During this we were mostly sat on the deck of the boat which was cool. Once we got there it was time to go snorkelling. We were both a little nervous , neither of us being particurly strong swimmers. We both took a float, to make sure we were boyant enough to not touch and damage the coral, with us but so did ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef August 21st 2008

Fourth and Fifth Grades Standard: Objective: Students will develop observation skills. Materials: Fourth: Aquarium Soil Plants Fifth: Procedure: 1. Show video clip, "What Skills Do Scientists Use?" 2. Discuss how scientists in the video collect data and why. 3. Discuss how scientists carefully observe and record data in order to draw conclusions about topic they are studying. Fourth Activity: 4. Students will create a terrarium in order to observe changes over time. 5. Students should measure plant growth, temperature, and any changes they observe. 6. Students may create terrariums with different types of habitats that require various needs such as more or less water, light, or air. Then, compare observations. 7. You can ask the question, "What do you think will happen if I provide rainforest like conditions to a desert habitat?" They can change water, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef August 19th 2008

Video for lessons with grades 4 -5.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef August 6th 2008

What can I say about the Great Barrier Reef?? No surprises why this is one of the 7 wonders of the world. I got on my dive boat in the morning and did two morning dives. The water was so clear and I could see all around me for what seemed like miles. Very strange to qualify back in march and then they just literally give you a map of the reef and tell you not to get lost whilst booting you into the water. I loved every minute of it. The first few times I was put with a buddy who was pretty much all over the place, and didn’t know any hand signals, couldn’t control her buoyancy and couldn’t remember where they had parked the boat, but apart from that it was amazing. The ... read more
me diving

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef August 3rd 2008

Journal from fellow Earthwatch volunteer, Lachlan Duff, to be used with any grade levels. Sunday 25/5/2008 Well I am finally in Cairns. After months of preparation and sacrifice I have started the first leg of the expedition. I have packed and repacked my bags more times than I care to remember, but hey, I’m here! The morning for me started at about 5am. I lay awake in bed trying to fall back asleep. I eventually gave up on that idea and rose at 5.30am. I had a quick shower and headed ufor breakfast. I wanted to leave for the airport at 8am. I arrived at the airport at about 9am, just in time to hear them hear Qantas paging my flight - cool - straight to the front of the queue. I throw my dive bag ... read more
B. Rough seas but fun
C. First view of Ingram Island
D. Reef around our island

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Great Barrier Reef July 30th 2008

Grade: Third Grade Standard: S3L2. Students will recognize the effects of pollution and humans on the environment. Objective: Students will identify the effects of pollution on marine life. Materials: Procedure: 1. Show general turtle video to spark excitement. 2. Ask students what animals need to survive? Food, air, water, shelter 3. Review different types of habitats. Where do animals live? 4. Ask students if they think humans make this difficult for animals sometimes. 5. Show students the litter video 6. Ask if they think this litter is dangerous for sea life. 7. Show photos of marine life tangled up in plastic. 8. Say to students, “I wonder if the animals in our neighborhood, even the tiniest animals that we don’t see, are affected by our trash?” 9. Choose a paper sized grassy area on school grounds ... read more

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