Blogs from City of Darwin, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, Oceania - page 10


28 juin Court trajet vers Edith Falls où nous avons décidé de passer la nuit et prendre ça relax. Il s’agit d’un bassin (eux ils disent pool) dont l’eau arrive par une chute. Il y a d’autres bassins plus en amont que Étienne et Marc ont été voir en faisant un sentier. Pendant cette marche, il était possible de se baigner dans un des autres bassins appelé simplement « upper pool » et ils y ont côtoyé un petit crocodile d’eau douce (« fresh water crocodile). Comme il s’agissait d’une autre journée chaude, nous avons connu l’effet pervers de ne pas avoir l’électricité quand la chaleur est présente. Malgré nos efforts pour maintenir la température la plus fraîche possible à l’intérieur du motorisé, il y faisait très chaud lorsqu’est venu le temps de se coucher. Aussi, ... read more
2010-06-29 Kakadu 046
2010-06-29 Kakadu 058
2010-06-30 Kakadu 007

back to our favourite city of all... darwin! still hot as hell but good catching up with the buckleys! enjoying the darwin show and best of all ... the carnival! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin June 27th 2010

inzwischen sind wir nun schon 2 wochen in darwin, aber ich weiss wirklich nicht, wo die zeit geblieben ist. eigentlich haben wir die ganze zeit nur relaxed und party gemacht. kamen wir doch noch mit einem unguten gefuehl hier an, da wir nicht wussten wo wir ueberhaupt schlafen koennen, so wendete sich dieses problemchen doch sehr schnell zum guten und ehe wir uns versahen, fanden wir uns im schlaraffenland wieder. denn in der visitor information hatte man uns gesagt, dass es eigentlich unmopeglich sei, in darwin irgendwo auf einem parkplatz im auto zu pennen. man wuerde dort von der polizei geweckt und mit einer hohen geldstrafe belegt werden. also mussten wir uns auf die suche nach einer alternative machen. udn die war schnell gefunden. denn auf der strasse laufen hier genug backpacker rum (so ziemlich jeder ... read more
Leckere Kokosnuss
State Library Darwin
Wasserfall im Litchfield Nationalpark

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin June 22nd 2010

An enjoyable, safe but tiring crossing to Darwin as we simply hadn't experienced passages in months and night watches never fail to exhaust. 26/5 An early start to Magnetic Island with a washdown overnight to rid us of the salt buildup. Last night stayed in Shark Bay, Cape Upstart which was named by Capt. Cook as many of the areas around here were, and as for the charting of this stretch of coastline. Few revisions have been made in later charts. Funky winds due to a low pressure offshore which have unsettled our usual S E trades. The inner barrier reefs are to the west of us and NE are the outer reefs. 100 gallons of fuel equating to 50 hours of motoring (350 nautical miles). Overnight at Horseshoe Bay and were surprised by the welcoming ... read more

I arrived in Darwin airport in the evening and found a lady to share a taxi with. Hostel was nice and because I had to make my own bed the girl there bought me a drink, very nice. The next day I had booked to go on a tour of Kakadu National Park, which in hindsight I wish had been on a different day so that I didn't have to get up so early but it was a lovely day. Went for a drive around Jabiru, a town that has a hotel shaped like a crocodile, then to Bowali Visitor Centre to learn about the people and the flora and fauna and the way of life that has been prominent in Kakadu. I met a couple of people on the bus and we had a good ... read more
rock art

World cruise 2010. Dawn Princess departing Sydney, 21st May, 2010. DAY 1. Embarkation. Saturday, 21st May. Well, after reading some nightmarish reports about the embarkation process we were pleasantly surprised to find that it was quite well ordered and efficient. We were booked in and through Customs in about 55 minutes and walking up the gangway onto our fabulous ship. We then walked about 30 feet onto the deck and experienced our first brush with ‘The money machine’ process of cruising, the ‘embarkation photographs’ where a bright and effervescent young lady with a Colgate smile corralled all boarding passengers, placed them in front of a painted beach scene and the ubiquitous Palm tree whilst a large gentleman with camera snapped away. Not wanting to be seen as an ‘easy target’ I blithely ignored all her treaties ... read more

Im in Darwin for a few days, thats all i can bare, the humidity is at 90% and the mosquito's are out to get me! Just spent a couple of days in Kakadu National park, swimming in waterfalls and cliff jumping into plunge pools. It is so beautiful, really tropical, rainforest's, eagles, weird bugs, the lot. We went on a crocodile spotting boat trip and tried not to squash any frogs as we walked, it is literally infested with them. Stayed in a slightly odd outback lodge where we were told not to go outside, a local had gone hunting in his helicopter after a few too many tinnies! Got to try buffalo sausage, it was ok as it goes. Also had an Aborigine spit on my head, but apparently its a traditional welcome when you ... read more
Photo 34
Photo 23
Photo 24

We jumped on a plane to Singapore early morning Thai time. We knew we had nearly 12 hours to kill before our next flight so investigated going into Singapore centre. Then spoke to an Irish girl on the plane about the Ozzie visa situation and she scared us into buying a return flight as she was convinced that even with a tourist visa we might have to have proof of us leaving the country (Dan - the Irish know nothing!). It was one of those times that you knew if you didn't sort it out they would ask so we decided to be a bit cautious and use our free Singapore time to search for a flight home. After guessing our daily budget we figured that we had to return home near the end of June. ... read more

Het is nu maandag bijna half vijf smiddags vandaag rondgelopen in de stad jacky moest een zwempak kopen en wat slippers. Gisteren ook lekker gerelaxed naar de markt gelopen s'avonds,zons ondergang bekeken,op de terugweg even de casino binnengelopen $70 gewonnen yippee. morgen naar de adelaide river en lichfield park kijken of we nog wat crocodillen zien en ander wildlife.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin April 9th 2010

DARWIN - NORTHERN TERRITORY Sometimes, no matter how you try to avoid it, reality intrudes. In my case it came in the form of a head cold. I blame the dragon breath of Komodo but whatever caused it has laid me low for a couple of days. I had already canceled my tour for Darwin when I learned that the projected temperature was over 100 degrees. I would have had to get off the air-conditioned bus sometime. I woke up to the sound of thunder and the flash of lightening, rolled over and slept until 10. Then I dressed and headed to town to pick up cough medicine. At the pharmacy I discovered that I had left the ship without my credit card and my ATM card so back to the ship and out again to ... read more

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