Blogs from Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, United States, North America - page 2


Day 14, Mesa Verde National Park: Latitude 37.23, Longitude -108.45, 65-75 Degrees sunny, thunderstorms threatened again but passed by. Tracey, Luc, and Alec were troopers for indulging me this stop. However, learning of Ancestral Pueblo life was very cool. Yet again, the National Park Rangers provided a great rendition of early Pueblo life at Mesa Verde. From the park entrance to the first site we toured was an hour drive. We climbed thirty foot ladders, crawled on our hands and knees through tunnels, and walked ledges to tour the home of the Ancestral Pueblo people from over a thousand years ago. The pics below that do not show scale or people and appear as if a diorama. However, I assure you they are huge and well below the roof of the mesa. After touring all of ... read more

Mesa Verde In den Bergen bei Cortez, Colorado liegt die Heimat von alten Indianer-Stämmen (Ancestral Pueblo), die sich in den Klippen einquartiert haben.... read more
Mesa Verde
there is light at the end of the tunnel
Mesa Verde

Voila je poste avec un jour de retard notre journée a Mesa Verde National Park en partant de Durango. On a bien vadrouillé sur quelques parcours de randonnées . On a pas fait grand chose seulement 5 kilomètres de marche mais sur plusieurs sentiers. Ce qui nous a permis de prendre pas mal de clichés différents des paysages. Des falaises en passant par les petites habitations des indiens.... read more

I've been dreaming of Mesa Verde for the last six months or so, dreaming of taking part in one of the tours that leads tourists throughout the cliff dwellings of the Ancestral Pueblo people. I was fortunate enough to have the time to participate in two tours; Balcony House and Cliff Palace and was so happy I did. I have had a bit of a different summer than I had planned, so it was good to get out on a little adventure before I get back into the habit of school. After visiting the cliff dwellings and viewing the mesa loop (most of locals were farmers, and the mesa was conducive to farming). If you are anywhere, not in the neighborhood, stop in and take a tour, its worth it.... read more
Interpretative ranger

The hike around the canyon edge (3 canyon walls actually) was precarious and primitive. We were walking in the footsteps of the first settlers of the area! Poor Belle with the thorn in her foot! She didn't complain much though. And when we made it to the petroglyphs, of course there were the "that's it?" And "all this way for rock pictures?" Was hilarious.... read more

June 22, 2014 Four Corners and Mesa Verde Today started off at a Navaho Campground at which we spent the previous night. (Much easier to put up at tent in daylight instead of the dark like the first time.) Little bit of a late start in the morning, because we wanted to wait until the park office, that gave tours opened. When we finally packed up the tent, cleaned the car, and repacked the tent it was 9:30. We then proceeded to the park office but the next guided tour didn't leave until 10:00 and we had places to be. So we did our own tour on the paved walkway down to a look-out where, with binoculars, the homes of the Hopi (cliff-dwellers) were visible. Not just visible, they were amazing and mind-blowing I still cannot ... read more

Tidligt op og hurtig morgenmad. Vi bor på en højslette i det sydlige Colorado – Mesa Verde. Vi har brugt dagen på at gå i fodsporene på de oprindelige beboere i dette område. De byggede huse i grotter der er naturligt skabt at vand. Grotterne ligger meget højt oppe i bjergene og vi har klatret i den tynde luft. Vi har faktisk lavet en slags klatre-limbo-parkour-tour. Det var endnu en sjov – og ikke museums agtig måde – at se lidt gammel historie på. Vi havde købt billetter til 2 guidede toure og tog en enkelt på egen hånd. Husene i grotterne er bygget af sandsten i omkring år 1200 og for at komme frem til ”byerne”, som hænger på bjergsiderne, skal man klatre på stiger udenpå bjergene, kravle gennem små gange i klipperne og balancere ... read more
Venter på afgang ned
Mere Cliff Palace
Der var mange trapper

Vi må indrømme at det kniber lidt med løbeturene herovre. Det betyder dog ikke nødvendigvis at vi ikke får pulsen op. Vi startede dagen med et adrenalinkick. Vi kørte ud af Ouray i sydlig retning. Det vi ikke lige havde taget højde for var, at vi på denne tur, for alvor, skulle op at klatre i Rocky Mountains. Jeg har sjældent kørt på så smalle og snoede bjergveje OG SÅ I ET MOTORHOME. Jeg må indrømme at jeg tænkte undervejs at det var bedst hvis jeg ikke lod mig mærke med at jeg var nervøs – for ungernes skyld. Jeg må også erkende, at jeg er glad for at Peter, først bagefter, indrømmede at han havde en smule svedige hænder indimellem. Mest på det første stykke af turen. Det var nemlig her vi kørte yderst, når ... read more
Passe på
Husk at dreje
Meget scenic

The One about Disappointment at Mesa Verde Sorry to set the tone for today so early, but it’s been that kind of day. It rained last night. I mean real rain!! I even turned on the wipers to clean the windshield. In that odd light, I saw a hole in my windshield. Take a look at any picture I have posted of Moya and look how big my windshield is. It is not only a hole, there is a crack as well. It’s not all the way thru, but the way she vibrates, I hope it just stays as it is until I can find someone to throw resin in it. GROWL. Despite that annoyance, I slept well, was up and gone from Ruins Road before 8:00. During my shower I noticed 3 red ant bites ... read more
Shiprock from the Distance
Shiprock getting closer
The road thru this part of NM looks like the moon

May 30 – Mesa Verde National Park to Denver – I woke up early this morning and so got an early start. I went by the gas station in the park to top off my tank and sure enough as I had been told about the card reader, “sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t”. This was one of those times it didn’t although I tried 2 different cards from 2 different banks. So I just headed out down the switchbacks and out of the park, then headed East to Durango. In Durango I topped off my tank and then went to the MacDonalds to have my breakfast of a Sausage, egg, Mcmuffin and a Sr Coffee. I checked out a few things on the internet and found a couple of motels in Pagosa Springs using ... read more
Treasure Falls South of Wolf Creek Pass

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