Blogs from Teotihuacán, Estado de Mexico, Mexico, North America - page 3


March 2nd 2009 We had an early wakeup call for our day tour to Teotihuacan. It’s a long drive from the D.F., so we decided to take a bus tour. Our tour consisted of 2 Honduran ladies, one American, 2 Brazilian guys, and 4 French people. Only the French people didn’t share a common language with us - not even Spanish - otherwise, we chatted with everyone. Teotihuacan was not what I expected. It is very restored, a lot of concrete. Metal railings guide you up the sides of the pyramids. If Tikal makes you feel like Indiana Jones, Teotihuacan makes you feel like Mickey Mouse at a Mexican Disney World. It was extremely hot as I had heard, with no shade. I ended up buying a silly Teotihuacan hat just to protect my skin. Being ... read more
Alli at Teotihuacan
The two of us in front of the Pyramid of the Moon
Clocktower at Virgen Del Guadalupe

The last two Valentine’s Days have started very early for Ronnie and I. Last year we got up at 3:30am to catch the first train from London to Paris. This year we got up at 5:30am to catch the first bus from San Miguel de Allende to Mexico City. The ride itself was uneventful except for watching The Dukes of Hazard in Spanish. We arrived to the bus station called Mexico Norte, bought a taxi at a sitio stand (never catch one off the street in DF) and took it to the Ramada Aeropuerto Hotel. We chose this hotel because it had free shuttle service to the airport for our flight to Puerto Vallarta the following morning. I also wanted to stay there on Valentine’s Day because their color scheme is the color of love…red. Since ... read more
Ronnie in our room with a candy
Ronnie drawing the first pyramid
See how steep it is?

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán February 7th 2009

The second day we went to Teotihuacan - we really had to practice that for a long time before we could say it right - a huge ruins site about 30 miles north of Mexico City. It took about 1 1/2 hours to get there because of the crazy traffic. Then we went to the museum of anthropology and the National Palace where Diego Riviera murals tell about pre-colombian indian history. Beautiful! However, the poverty outside of the main part of downtown is stark. Market stalls are covered with plastic tarps. Houses are cinder block in various stages of disrepair, many without roofs....a really different way of living. Very disheartening to see so many people living in these conditions.... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán January 19th 2009

On a lovely sunny warm mid winter's day I scaled at least the lower reaches of the Pyramid of the Sun. That's vertigo for you.... read more

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán January 19th 2009

Here's a slightly longer vista... read more

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán January 8th 2009

Hola! Today we got the chance to go to the pyramids in Teotihiacan. They were to say the least AMAZING, we took a bus from Pachuca (we are staying with another base here) and headed over to take a look at some history. The ride was about an hour and a half and was only 34 pesos (about $3USD) and then paid the 51 pesos to get into the site. There are alot of people selling things for tourist and you can barter them down which is fun, We climbed to the top of the sun pyramid and the moon pyramid we got to about half way because the rest was roped off. We also walked around looking at all the old ruins and where péople lived. Something we read said there once was a population ... read more
Museum of the Pyramids
Lunar Pyramid

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán October 28th 2008

Dost bolo megamesta. Jedem na pyramidy. Slavny Teotihuacan, jedno z prvnich obrovskych mexickych mest a velkych mest sveta vubec je od centra Mexico City relativne nedaleko, od jeho predmesti je uz jen co by kamenem dohodil. Nejakou dobu se propletate preplnenymi ulicemi metropole, pak minete okrajove ctvrti, ktere nemaji konce a najedete na dalnici. Po ni si to sinete asi tak 10 minut a jste na miste. Areal Teotihuacanu je obrovsky. Jde-li s Vami pruvodce, 5 hodin vam na zakladni prohlidku sotva staci. Hlavni trida, Trida Mrtvych, vas postupnym stoupanim a pres prekazky dovede k tem nejvetsim perlam archeologicke zony - Pyramide Slunce a nasledne i Pyramide Mesice. Cestou vas vydatne masyruji prodejci suvenyru. V nabidce jsou luky a sipy, krabicka napodobujici zvuk jaguara, seredne sklenene a nabarvene tomahawky, ale hlavne vyrobky z obsidianu - vsechny ... read more
Ucime se anglicky.
Pyramida slunce - kaktusovy pohled.
Obsidian v ruznych barvach.

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán January 15th 2008

Templo = Tiempo= Time......Being in a temple, stopping time, encontrar la propia divinidad Indescriptible, mirarse a los ojos profundamente. Saber que a través de ellos no hay tiempo ni lugar, sólo espacio vital para volar. Tomando el metro en la estación Allende, cambiando de línea muuuchas veces, llegamos al Terminal de Buses Norte, y nos subimos al bus rumbo a las ruinas. Nos encontramos con Adrian S. King (US) y nos dejamos llevar los los pasajes hacia el Templo de Quetzalcoatl, luego el Templo del Sol, por la ruta de los muertos hacia la Pirámide de la Luna, luego al Museo arqueológico. Luego nos encontramos con Juanito, un arquitecto de la Universidad Autónoma de México, quien nos compartió su visión del emplazamiento, nos explicó la historia de construcción de esta ciudad, sus efectos visuales, el tratamiento ... read more
Sun Temple before climbing him
Me touching sun energy / top of Sun Pyramid
Adrian´s offering /Up the Sun Pyramid

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán December 29th 2007

unweit des hostels findet sich die studihütte, die vermieterin ist nett und die küche sitzt voll mit freundlichen studentinnen aus aller herren länder. die schönste frau der welt ist leider vermißt gemeldet, eine mitbewohnerin vermutet sie bei ihrem freund. da das der grund ist warum ich dringend zum mariachisingen und flirten da bin hält sich meine überraschung in grenzen und ich hinterlasse blümchen und die adresse des hostels an der tür. im hostel hat sich auch noch niemand zum bier und nachricht abholen gefunden, dafür ist die hütte voll mit semesterende feiernden jungstudenten. ich begeb' mich zur metro und fahr nach indios verdes, von wo ein bus nach acolman in der letzten reihe des gewirres abfährt. jouan und pedro wollen auch zum konzert, sie zeigen mir wo wir hin müssen und sind sehr fasziniert über deutsche, ... read more
begrüßungsfeuerwerk in acolman
panteon rococo
indianer beim kampfliederabsingen

North America » Mexico » Estado de Mexico » Teotihuacán December 3rd 2007

After the Big Apple we flew down to Mexico City (on the 19th november). Again, apologies for the late updates but as I hurriedly mentioned in the previous post we have been having a bit of a mare with our photos and trouble getting the internet to work. Mexico city is a huge, dirty city with a bit of a traffic problem. We were told that 18 million people live there and that 30% of the population are under 18. Randy buggers, the mexicans. Anyway, we quickly checked the place out (there is a really cool cathedral and some mad old pyramids that the spaniards demolished and built churches on top of), and left the next day for Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan is an ancient city that no-one really knows anything about. They don´t even know who built ... read more

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