Blogs from Polanco, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico, North America


North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City » Polanco February 15th 2015

Apparently high altitude means I wake up early and don't get hungover. Either that or it's shoveling decadent Mexican delicacies down my throat every five minutes. Regardless it's time for a blog! After a week of anxiety about whether or not we'd make it out due to Mexico given a) my horrifying travel luck and b) the weekend blizzard dumping another foot or so of snow on Boston (which already had around 6 feet over the last several weeks), Chris and I met at the airport around 11:30 Friday afternoon for our 1pm flight to Dallas where we would be connecting. I ran into a chorus friend who happened to have Admirals Club Access and invited us to join him so we spent a good time in there having a free beer before grabbing some food ... read more
Pasaje Comercial
Molcajete with guacamole

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City » Polanco February 11th 2014

Dzisiaj wybrałem się do Muzeum Antropologicznego w Mexico City. Do muzeum można dojechać metrem i wysiąść na stacji Auditorio. Podobno jest to jedno z najlepszych tego typu muzeów na świecie. I chyba muszę sie z tym zgodzić. Poza tym jest ono położone w przepięknym parku Chapultepec. Muzeum zawiera szereg sal eksposycyjnych na parterze i piętrze. Każda z sal jest poświęcona innemu regionowi/plemieniu Meksyku. Warto zacząć od espozycji, która wprowadza w tematykę antropologii a następnie przejść do sal poświęconych poszczególnym plemionom. Jest też jedna sala ezpozycyjna nazwana Mexico, która w jednym miejscu zbiera eksponaty chrakterystyczne dla wszystkich plemion. W sumie dobre dla tych, którzy nie chcą sie za bardzo wgłębiać w szczegółowe poznawanie antropologii wszystkich plemion lub też dla dzieci, ktore nudziłyby się chodząc godzinami po "prawdziwych i pelnych" wyst... read more
Ekspozycja pokazujaca jak ksztalt czaski wplywa na rysy twarzy
Rekonstrukcja swiatynii Majow (chyba?)

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City » Polanco February 6th 2014

Aujourd'hui était la journée tant attendue pour la majorité d'entre nous, la visite des pyramides de Teotihuacan. Une belle journée chaude et ensoleillée nous attendait après plus de deux de route. Sur les premières photos vous pourrez voir les secteurs plus pauvres de Mexico et comment, dû au manque de place, les gens construisent maintenant les maisons sur les montagnes. Dès notre arrivée, nous sommes restés estomaqués par la beauté et la grandeur des lieux. Les deux grandes pyramides, celle de la lune et celle du soleil, surplombaient un décor impressionnant de plus petites pyramides, de couloirs, de bâtiments s´échelonnant sur plus d'un kilomètre de distance. Notre guide, un vieil homme de la région parlant 5 langues et extrêmement gentil et intéressant, a travaillé à la restauration de site durant les années 1960-... read more

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City » Polanco February 5th 2014

Petite journée très amusante aujourd'hui avec les ti-pits. On a débuté avec la visite du Musée de Dolores Olmedo. Elle est une des plus grande dame de l'histoire du Mexique. Femme d'affaire très eduquée et intelligente, elle s'est battue toute sa vie pour la préservation des arts mexicains. Très riche ( on dit qu'elle savait s'entourer des bonnes personnes...) sa collection d'œuvres d'art est remarquable. Malheureusement vous ne pourrez voir de photos, c'était interdit, et croyez-moi on était sous haute surveillance, et ce n'est pas parce que je n'ai pas essayé. Par contre nous avons pu prendre des photos de l'extérieur, du jardin énorme, des paons et des Xoloitzcuintles, des chiens rares sans poils datant de la période aztèque, dont il n'en reste presque plus dans le monde Ensuite, promenade à Xochimilco dans des Chinampas, su ... read more

This week has been a well cultured week. Went to the casa azul (Frida Kahlos blue house), then to a Tutankhamun exhibition, then finally to the Diego Rivera museum. Oh i also for got to mention that i put on my stab proof vest and ventured out to Tepito (apparently one of the most dangerous parts of the city) to see the shrine of the Santa muerte (saint death). After having asked for directions the local security guard decided he would take us to the boarder of his 'area' because it was dangerous. So off we ( a British traveller i met through a friend) trotted following this guy tho who knows where.. Finally he told us he couldn't go any further, demanded we pay him and pointed us in the right direction... or was it? ... read more

Today I had planned to hang out with El Presidente at Los pinos, but as always when I make a plan the place was closed. So I decided to go hang with the animals (that weren’t my family), by spending the day at the zoo. Though for me, it was more of a monkey show. As you know im obsessed with monkeys (and midgets). The Zoo is twice the size of Auckland zoo, and unlike the tight peeps at Auckland, this one was free. I headed straight for the monkey’s.. and they didn’t let me down. The chimps were especially entertaining, coming right up the window pulling faces etc.. Anyway the rest of the animals were good to see.. but not as cool as the monkeys, so after hours of wandering around in the heat, having ... read more

After returning from Switzerland, we managed to keep busy here in DF, there is always something going on between school and friends. On Sunday, April 3rd, we took in the Shakira concert held at the Foro Sol, a 50,000 seat outdoor venue, we wanted to go Saturday night, but tickets were sold out. Warm up bands started playing at 4 pm and Shakira came on at 10, and we left at 11 because Linda had to teach next day, we walked 30 minutes out of ther stadium, caught a cab and were home by midnight. Shakira played till midnight and ended with "Hips Don't Lie", rats! missed my favorite Shakira song. Then, on Saturday, April 9th, we visited Carlos Slim's new museum, which just opened a month before. He has so many collectibles that he built ... read more
Jacaranda trees in Polanco
Street Entertainment
Soumaya Museum

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City » Polanco October 27th 2008

Kdo ma rad nastenne malby Diega Rivery a dalsich mexickych muralistu, je pro nej Mexiko City tim pravym mistem na jejich shlednuti. Vypravite-li se do uzasne budovy “Casa de Bellas Artes” ktera je cela z mramoru a ma uzasnou strechu v secesnim stylu, naleznete tam Riverovu slavnou nastennou malbu “Clovek, pan vesmiru”, kterou Rivera puvodne namaloval v New Yorku panu Rockefellerovi, nasledne touto malbou americkeho magnata pro socialisticky podtext urazil, ten ji nechal premalovat a tak ji Rivera namaloval znovu po navratu do Mexico City. V Bellas Artes je k videni jeste jeho trojdilna malba tykajici se Mexicke historie. Dalsi genialni Riverova malba je na konci centralniho parku Alamedy. Malba se jmenuje ”Nedelni odpoledne v Alamede”, ukazuje Riveru jako mladeho floutka drziciho se za ruku s dospelou Fridou a kolem nich vsechny velke postavy mexicke historie. ... read more
Celenka z peri kvesala.
Nastenna malba z pyramidy.
Olmecka hlava.

First of all, apologies for the tardiness in writing this blog. Before we left I imagined us having loads of time to write missives from various parts of the world, but we have actually been very busy. Either that or the old adage applies in reverse that if you want something done give it to a busy person! The first week we were here we were browsing the front pages of the papers in the UK on the internet when we came across the headline of the Daily Express ´Hotter than Mexico´. First of all I had never seen Mexico used as a weather comparison before we came out here and secondly we didn´t travel half way round the world for you lot to get better weather than us! We were not amused! Anyway, we ... read more
Everyones excited for us, nice gesture James, Thanks
Our first of many accomodations
Great waiter called Hector in Cancun who showed us tricks and stuff

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