Travel Forum from

Friendly Travel Forum for the independent traveller. You can join Travel Blog to post replies and questions. What is a forum? - think questions and answers or a letters page in a magazine, but supercharged! Answers arrive back in minutes and you're free to reply!

The Travel Forums

ForumTopicsLatest Topic
The Blog Forum
Discussions about blogs, blogging, recommending bloggers and our awards.
390 Site Logs You Off / While Blogging
The site logs you off while you are working on a blog.
The General Travel Forum
Ask questions about travel, where, when, what to see what to do, how to do it.
2241 Showers or Spas at airports
This is a delicate topic: after many hours in an airplane some of us might need some sort or refreshment, shower or spa. In this thread or forum topic I would welcome other travellers to share experiences of such institutions available for the public or in member's clubs or airport lounges.
Awards Forum
Award-winning bloggers, photos, hall-of-famers and more!
454 Blogger of the Month (April 2019) David Horvitz aka Pops
He's busy traveling to great lands.
New to Independent Travel
If you are looking for advice on how to do it, where to go, Round the World Tickets, how do I get a Visa? what is a hostel? This is the forum for you :)
439 My experience as an independent traveller since 1993
Since 1993 I do independent travelling on my own. I have been to a total of 55 countries on 5 continents. During these times I never had severe problems. In fact I never lost my wallet, flight ticket or something similar or ithey got stolen.
Over Land and Sea
The overlanders forum - are you trying to get from A-B with out using Airlines - this is the forum for you.
217 The big ferries I used in the last 30 years on 3 or 4 continents
I would like to give you an overview on the big ferries I used in the last 30 years on 3 or 4 continents. Some of them I used because I was afraid of flying for a few years and others were comfortable night trips. Of course you can complete this list by your own experience.
Photography Forum
Discussions on Cameras, Photographs and related philosophies and technologies.
Post your dancing photos both inside & out and join the joy
Travel News and Discussion
News regarding travel and tourism. Please post short fair-use quotations and links to the sources of the stories. Then tell us your opinions about the news, posting additional sources is encouraged in follow ups.
421 Travelling to Hong Kong
Travelling to Hong Kong
Africa Travel Forum
Huge, varied and interesting: from Egypt and Morocco to South Africa. Discuss any aspect of travel in these regions here.
626 Your Favorite Lodge in Kruger
I would like to know which safari lodge is the best for a Kruger National Park safari?
Asia Travel Forum
A vast swathe of the world in one forum, any aspect of travelling Asia can be discussed here.
4403 Ethical Wildlife sanctuary volunteering and visit
Traveling through Asia in April and I would like to volunteer, help and visit ethical wildlife sanctuaries
Europe Travel Forum
For discussion of all aspects of European Travel, from Portugal to Russia.
2552 Best travel destination in UK | Emmanuel Katto Uganda
I'm planning to go for a vacation with my family, please suggest me the best travel destination in UK.
North America Travel Forum
Countries include: Canada, USA, Mexico
1156 Newyork City Travel Guide
Planning a trip to New York City? Discover the essential attractions and lesser-known hidden gems that will make your travel experience unforgettable.
South America Travel Forum
Countries include: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Venzuela, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia and the territory of Antarctica.
1799 The 7th continent - Tips and Tricks for travelling to Antarctica
In 2026 - if I am still employed at that time and can afford it - I would like to travel to the 7th continent: Antarctica. Can anyone give me some tips and tricks and I am sure other people would be interested as well.
Central America and Caribbean Travel Forum
Countries include: Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama.
637 Caribbean Island Hopping
We've found that Caribbean Island hopping can be expensive and the connections are not easy.
Oceania Travel Forum
Countries include: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and many Pacific Islands.
716 New Caledonia
Has anyone been to New Caledonia and should a person go?
Middle East Travel Forum
Countries include: Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
233 best adventures activities in dubai
need suggestion regarding adventures activities in dubai
TravelBlog Support
Ask questions about TravelBlog - how to use the system, what it's capable of, suggestions, how to's.
4953 Lost Blogs
Unable to access 12 years of blog history
General Chat
563 Post COVID Travel
What changes do you see in the world of travel since the world opened up after COVID ?
Diving Snorkelling and Sailing
Life on or under the ocean waves (or lakes, rivers, streams and ponds)
41 Land based or Live Aboard Dive Boat
Have you done both and do you have a preference?
Missing Persons
Reports of missing persons. Please post: date missing, last known location, last known destination, name and a photo.
26 Aussie missing in Guatamala
Michael Eather is missing after jumping into a river
Looking for Travel Companions
If you are looking for travel companions post here.
1489 Christmas & New Year in GOA
Planning for a trip to a solo trip to Goa from 22nd December to 1st January, if any girl wants to join, please buzz me
Travel Classifieds
Selling something travel related? Tent's, guide books? Post your classified advert here. No spam - deleted no questions asked - no commercial posts - limit - one advert per member per week.
500 Sukia Travel Presents the Ultimate Costa Rica Adventure Tours for Thrill-Seekers
Costa Rica Adventure Tours for Thrill-Seekers
Other Travel Sites
There are many other travellers keeping photo galleries, journals and entire websites online. This forum allows us to link to them and provide a guide to independent travellers on the web.
1872 Flight Ticket Prices
What do you think makes ticket prices so high, especially from the US and CA to the EU?
World Music
Find a sound for a country! introduce bands and musicians that you discovered on a world trip.

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