Blogs from Europe - page 11


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Velburg January 26th 2024

Das letzte Wochenende verbrachte ich mit meiner Mutter im Raum Nürnberg und Karlsbad und am Freitag besuchten wir einen Auftritt des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten in Velburg. Nach einleitenden Reden des Bürgermeisters und des Bayerischen Finanzministers Füracker (der aus der Region stammt) folgte Söder mit einem knapp einstündigen Vortrag.... read more
Auftritt des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten in Velburg.
Auftritt des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten in Velburg.
Auftritt des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten in Velburg.

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens » Pláka January 25th 2024

Mastika (also spelled as mastiha) is one of the most unique Greek liqueurs. It is made from mastic tree resin from the island of Chios, the only place where the trees grow. Chios Mastiha has European PDO status. Mastika has a slight piney flavor, making it an intriguing cocktail ingredient. It must be at least 15% ABV. My Greek brothers make their own, and offer it at the end of dinner (usually not lunch). Mastika can also be purchased at most grocery and liquor stores in Greece. In fact, on one of my first trips to Athens, I was having dinner, and enjoying a conversation with some Americans at the next table. After we were served the mastika, they decided to buy some at the store around the corner. They brought back TWO, one for them ... read more
Greek booze
My mastika

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Unterfohring January 24th 2024

Ich war in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein Fan von Sky und Antenne Bayern und am letzten Samstag fuhr ich nach Unterföhring und Ismaning, um mir die Zentralen dieser Sender zumindest einmal von außen anzusehen. Damit besuchte ich eine weitere Attraktion meiner Metropolregion München. Das Wetter war dabei sonnig winterlich, was die ganze Aktion begünstigte.... read more
Sky in Unterföhring.
Antenne Bayern in Ismaning.
Antenne Bayern in Ismaning.

Europe » United Kingdom January 24th 2024

Tuesday 23rd January We are now well on our way after the 3 day delay, everyone is in good spirits and pleased that we were not out at sea when the storm hit. We’ve been advised by the Captain that we will still be visiting Madeira as our first Port of Call but that the office are now working very hard to rearrange the itinerary. Tonight was formal evening and it is so nice to see all the gentlemen in their DJ’s and the ladies putting on the glitz. I’ve noticed this voyage that everyone must wash their hands upon entering the dining rooms and all around the ship there are bottles of hand gel. Wednesday 24th January The Bay of Biscay now behind us, it was fun though at the craft class as the waves ... read more
Grand Dining Roo
More craft class creations
First Formal Night

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Faro January 24th 2024

How lucky can a person be? Tomorrow we leave for Portugal to spend a week with Anne’s brother and his wife in the house they have rented for a month. It will be a welcome break from all the rain that has fallen in January (what am I saying? If that had been snow we’d be buried 6 feet deep in it). It has been a dreary winter with very little snow and even less sun. I need some sun (and fun). I anticipate lots of walking in the sun. There are so many things to experience and see in Portugal. I love the old cities of Europe and each one has an ancient medieval village centre to be explored. The worn stone buildings and cobblestone streets have been beautifully and lovingly preserved. I can picture ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Tarifa January 23rd 2024

It was nice coming back to Tarifa. It would be a nice place to spend the wi ter. I stayed two nights to give me a chance to cycle to La Janda. I was hoping to see back with get kites again. No luck, but I did get decent views of red legged partridge.... read more
Common Gull.
Audouin's gull.
Spanish Sparrow.

Europe » Spain » Canary Islands » Gran Canaria January 23rd 2024

Viimeisenä päivänä oli väljä aikataulu. Huone piti luovuttaa klo 11 mennessä. Auto piti palauttaa lentokentälle klo 11.30 mennessä ja lennon piti lähteä klo 14. Lennosta tuli edellisiltana ilmoitus että se olisi pari tuntia myöhässä. Aamulla tuli ilmoitus että se lähteekin ajoissa. Heräsin klo 8. Normaali aamupala. Unohdettiin jääkaappiin vesipullot. Lentokentällä kaikki meni jouhevasti. Mentiin taas loungeen, kun Pirkolla oli sinne käyttöoikeus. Se olikin hyvä päätös, koska lento lähti lopulta 2,5 tuntia myöhässä. Loungessa sai tarpeeksi alkoholijuomia, mutta myös riittävästi syötävää, ja lämmintäkin ruokaa oli. Lentokoneessa oli taas hyvin tilaa, ja taisin nukkua vähän alkumatkasta. Suomen päässä oli mukavasti nollakeli, eli ei niin karsean kylmää kuin viikko aiemmin. Laskeuduttiin kentälle klo 0.40, ja taisin päästä nukkumaan klo 2. Seuraavana päivänä odotti tavallinen työpäivä.... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Hampshire » Portsmouth January 22nd 2024

Saturday 20th January One of the advantages of taking a Saga cruise is that you have a courtesy car pick you up from home and take you to the Port. The journey to Portsmouth on a Saturday was without hitch, the driver had an eta arrival slot at the Naval Port so we had a 45 minute comfort stop en route. The cruise terminal at Portsmouth was new to us since our last cruise this time last year, as soon as the car pulled up our baggage was taken straight to the ship, check in was very efficient and as David had the wheelchair everyone was so helpful. As we arrived on board staff were lined up to greet us and escort us to our cabin, we had an adapted cabin to accommodate the wheelchair. Everything ... read more
Portsmouth Spinneke
Portsmouth Naval Base
Great to be finally away

Europe » Spain » Canary Islands » Gran Canaria January 22nd 2024

Sain nukuttua kuutisen tuntia. Heräsin jo klo 6.30, ja kun uni ei tullut, niin menin ulos katsomaan tähtitaivasta. Venus näkyi, mutta sen alapuolella näkyi pilviä, joten en lähtenyt selvittämään olisiko Merkurius ollut näkyvissä alempana. Tein pika-aamupuuron klo 8.30. Kun Pirkko heräsi, niin käytiin ensin uima-altaassa ja vasta sen jälkeen syötiin aamupala. Lähdettiin liikkeelle klo 11. Pirkko ajoi ensiksi. Mentiin vanhaa rantatietä CG500 länteen päin. Harhailtiin Puerto Ricon rannalla ja rinteissä, kun en kunnolla navigoinut. Päädyttiin sitten kahville ostoskeskukseen kauemmas rannasta, kun sieltä sai helpommin parkkipaikan. Pirkko osti kahvilasta myös jauhettua pistaasia pieneen lasipurkkiin, kun oli ensin saanut sitä kroisantin sisällä. Vaihdoin rattiin. Rantatiessä oli mutkia eikä turhaa leveyttä. Vanha rantatie olikin suljettu Tauriton Puerto de Moganin väliltä. Jouduin ajama... read more

Europe » Spain » Cantabria » Santander January 21st 2024

After spending a lovely Christmas at home, I'm off again. As I set off at dawn the snow was fresh and crispy. It's lovely and not too hard to cycle on. A couple of seals were lazing around below the Peace Bridge and there were about a dozen cormorants taking turns to dive. There must be fish about today. Binevenagh was like a postcard photo with it's dusting of snow. The train connections to Rosslare worked perfectly and I arrived in plenty of time for the midnight ferry to Santander. I asked about a cabin and was fortunate to get a very reasonably priced one usually used by truck drivers. Turned out to be an excellent decision fir the two nights on board. The sailing was wonderfully smooth. I even managed to eat on board! I ... read more
Snow along The Foyle
Peace Bridge.
Seal at Peace Bridge

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