JO's UK Travels Summer of 2013

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August 7th 2013
Published: August 8th 2013
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Wednesday August 7,2013 Suffolk

Awoke to a windy but clear day in Hampshire, England. I am well rested and ready to explore with my relatives. I went downstairs to have some breakfast and greeted Philippa, Jeremy and Sally. Also said hello to the dogs.....Shaka and Scallywags. After breakfast.....the three ladies decided to do some shopping in Waterlooville. We hopped into Philippa's car and headed to the suburb of Waterlooville. We drove to TKMAX........a discount store similar to shops like TJMAXX and Marshalls which are based in the states. Everyone walked away with a "goody bag" after shopping for an hour. The three of us returned only to say our "goodbyes " and head home towards East Anglia. Sally and I left Hampshire around 12:30 pm or so and it took us about 2 and half hours to the other side of the M25.

We arrived back to PFH around 2:45 pm and we were tired! A very long trip for Sally to drive all the way from Heathrow ...down to Portsmouth and then back to Suffolk. I greeted my sister Sheri, Fleur, Millie, Kit and eventually Jason. At PFH...there are young people who are part of a program called: WWOOF. (WWOOF stand for : World Wide Opportunity on Organic Farms) People from around the world come and experience life on a organic farm and help out in return for bed and meals. Two young girls from Barcelona are here with us and they speak Catalan and which is a different language all its own. It has been fun for the girls to hear British English and then American English. It is also fascinating to understand another language, country and culture in a short time. Goodnight!

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