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December 21st 2013
Published: December 21st 2013
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So I have found myself in an airport terminal, waiting for my first plane back home. I’m torn about this.

On the one hand, I have really missed my family, friends, central heating, and bed.

On the other hand, I am really tired and I have no desire to be travelling at the moment.

Let’s start with a recap of the last little while and then we will look at each hand individually.

So I started my exams and finished them with mixed feelings. I really enjoyed my courses so far, and I’m a little sad to see them end. My exams went okay, as far as I am willing to hope, but they were much more intimidating than I expected; the sheer volume of people taking them was infinitely daunting.

After exams ended, I spent almost a full day asleep simply because I could. It was one of the most luxurious things I have ever experienced. Sleep is so wonderful, I could write sonnets about it.

There was much partying to be done, but I missed it for the most part because I’m a cool cat and I don’t need a party to have fun. I spent most of my five days watching movies with friends and playing Lord of the Rings Risk. If you want to know a person’s nature, play LotR Risk with them.

The two nights before last were spent out doing things because my friend’s friend was up and it was another friend’s birthday. We went out dancing until the wee hours to cheesy music and finished the nights off with getting food, which is always one of my favourite things about nights out to be honest. Both nights ended around 4 in the AM (I’m totally responsible, mom, I swear!)

My big plan for yesterday was to sleep most of the day and then stay up all night to easily make my flight. This all sounds pretty good in theory, but I needed to get last minute gifts and felt that breakfast was needed to make that a possibility. So I was up and functioning at 9:30. I haven’t slept since and it’s now 6:37 in the following morning.

So, let’s tackle those hands I mentioned.

My family and my friends are the best of me and I have generally been remised in keeping in contact. This is something I am looking forward to rectifying.

It will also be nice to have a nice shower where I can move and shave my legs if I wanna.

By the way, not that you’ll notice because this is a blog instead of a vlog or other media that shows you where I am, it is now 9:27 and I am outside the closed gate for Air Canada flight 857 from Heathrow to Toronto. It’s not supes busy but that’s only comparatively speaking. The main terminal/waiting lounge is massive and packed to capacity. Anyway, I’m currently sitting next to the least conspicuous plug I could find and I’m still getting weird looks.

So, continuing with the first hand.

Family, good. Showers, good. Sleep in a comfy bed will be nice, I can only imagine what that must be like these days. In my head, it’s akin to being surrounded by daisies and fluffy things. Additionally, good home cooked food will be down right heavenly.

But then there’s the other hand.

I have made some very wonderful friends here who have been omnipresent the past couple of months and I’m more than a little loathe to be apart from that. Of course this separation is not permanent so I’m wholly worried, but I am going to miss them. Obviously though, I’m not going to miss them nearly as much as I have missed the wonderful people I haven’t seen in nigh on three months now.

To conclude, I present my list of things I love and will miss about Scotland.

1. My friends, obviously.

2. My classes, surprisingly.

3. The freedom of not needing to check in with someone regularly.

4. The chip shops, because I would not be me otherwise.

5. The landscape and architecture. There is really no comparison, to be honest. Everything is old and a little worn down, but it’s also really well loved (albeit, not always in the most healthy way) and I am grateful to be able to witness that.

I am very happy right now. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I am definitely having the time of my life. I am so lucky to have such an opportunity and even when I’m sleep deprived and slightly delirious, I am very aware of that.


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