Near the 70 day marker, another part time job and definitely a new direction on the horizon! :)

Published: May 30th 2011
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Well at 10 o'clock tonight it will be the 70 day mark so the end is near! Not quite near enough though! :p

I've finally got myself a part-time job working at a local bar/restaurant down the road. And what could be more ideal than it being a Thai restaurant - should get me right in the mood for South East Asia. So I am now currently working 4-5 days out of 7 so that gives me no time to go out and spend money as work all weekend and also 2-3 nights in the week! Clock myself up nearly 50+ hours a month so that's not all bad! And every penny goes towards the savings!

It has to be said that it actually gives me a break from what I deal with from my full time job. It helps me unwind as after last week at work I am seriously questioning being cooped up in an office job for future job prospects. I've done office jobs as it pays the bills but I am bored of working in a 'structured organisation' where in my case people seem to be like part of the furniture. I think I am very different to the people in my office - first of all being the youngest and I think maybe the free spirit in me doesn't quite appeal to them. Whenever I try to talk travel with any of them I just get shot down so decide to keep quiet and vent my travel frustration through this blog! 😊 Sorry to all those that read it and think 'oh god is she still talking - she hasn't even gone away yet!!' 😊

I was very frustrated last week when I let work get to me to the stage that I actually had to take a break from work in order to stop myself from crying! Being out in the sunshine really helped and went back very relaxed! I hate to let work to get to me when I know that it is only short term - I should just be able to let it wash off like a duck! Won't be letting myself get to that stage again. Writing is definitely an avenue to consider for the future as a hobby so just going to plant the seed in my head to see what develops. This trip is about finding what makes me tick and life is way too short to be getting stressed over work! I definitely think bar work will be another good avenue when I am away so that I get to meet different people.

So next week I have to get my travel head on, get myself down the docs, sell some more stuff, get myself a little packing checklist. I seem to say at the end of every blog entry that I need to get my travel head on but I actually really do need to now as the leaving date is getting closer and closer - very exciting and once I feel organised then it will all start fitting into place! 😊

Will stop rambling now and actually make myself a 'to do list' for next week! 😊


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