Blogs from Kwidzyn, Pomerania, Poland, Europe


Europe » Poland » Pomerania » Kwidzyn August 7th 2011

On this beautiful morning in Poland we drove in heavy traffic through woodland, clusters of lakes and cultivated farmland en route to our first destination, Olsztyn. By now we were well north and noticed the roadside fruit stalls had been replaced by a lone figure sitting with a bucket or two of potatoes and onions on the roadside. It would be very hard to stop at these points without causing havoc for following vehicles, as following distances in Poland seem to be pretty tight most of the time. Olsztyn was a very pleasant stop, with time to look around the well-presented old town and castle. On this fine Sunday the town square was filled with what seemed to be ice-cream eating local families and some tourists, all enjoying the sun. We needed to leave this scene ... read more
Old town entrance, Olsztyn
Old town Olsztyn

Europe » Poland » Pomerania » Kwidzyn July 17th 2007

I wake early from a not very restful sleep, around 6am we are up. I get some coffee from the nearby petrol station while Hans takes down the tent, then we slowly make our way out of Kwidzyn. The town looked quite attractive last night, but neither of us are in the mood for sightseeing, we simply want to get out of here. The first 20km are a drag, the road constantly rising and falling, with the uphill stretches too steep for a loaded bike. After 25km, we find a lake with a beach, almost empty since we're early. We take a dive, relax for a bit, until more and more people arrive. By the time we leave, the beach is packed full of people trying to cool down from the hot day. The road leads ... read more
Road with a view
Dinner for two

Europe » Poland » Pomerania » Kwidzyn January 28th 2007

Najbardziej uzasadniona jest milosc do Boga. Jesli nasze serce kocha cos innego, predzej czy pozniej poniesiemy strate. Ludzie ktorzy kochaja pieniadze, zostaja ostatecznie przez nie pochlonieci. Ci, ktorzy kochaja innych, zostaja przez nich oszukani. Biblia mowi, ze tylko ci, ktorzy kochaja Boga, naprawde zaznaja slodyczy. ... read more
brothers and I

Europe » Poland » Pomerania » Kwidzyn November 27th 2006

Nie jest to za duże miasto ale ma swój urok. Nie zwróciłem uwagi na jakotakie życie młodzieży w tym miejscu bo nie po to tam jechałem ale myśle że jakotakie istnieje wnioskując po ilości młodych w uliczkach i placykach w centrum. uwage przyciąga architektura zachowanych budynków no i oczywiście zamek. ... read more

Europe » Poland » Pomerania » Kwidzyn August 11th 2006

Castles...and more blending with the body of Christ!... read more
Castles in Kwidzyn
Medieval Times :)
 Kwidzyn -  Family picture with Agnieszka's lovely parents

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