Well well, here we go again.

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Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin
June 20th 2007
Published: June 20th 2007
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Old holy placeOld holy placeOld holy place

This site has been there since the 8th century. They use to train monks or something there...
Well guys its been quite a while since I sent out on of these things now hasn't it been. Really Ive just gotten so lazy. I have like 2 weeks worth of pictures and shit... and I just couldnt be asked to add them on here. Buuuut here we are, and yes... you can now check it all out.

Alex and I took 2 weeks off from work at the end of may and headed Ireland bound to meet up with her folks. It was good times. The time getting there was interesting and definitely wore me out. we had no idea where we were going, only a couple bus numbers to hop on and a house name of where we were staying/meeting her family. So first impressions of the Irish... assholes. No help for getting were we going at first. We got pushed onto a bus, then kicked off being told it was the wrong one, then pused on another, and told it was wrong again. This happened a few times, but before long we were back on the first bus... (go figure) and off to where we we going. So long and short, we got there, after

these cliffs were in Ireland. They stood something like 800 feet above sea level.
an interesting ride on the Dart (their main train), and having it break down right at our stop. hahaha. oh man. Then we got a ride from some cabby for free with really nice leather seats and all that good stuff. So that changed my opinion of the Irsish at the end of that little journey. So this all took place in dunleary. We spent a couple nights there. During that time we took a trip to the guiness beer brewery. That was cool shit too. After those nights we headed to dublin. After a couple more nights in Ireland and a visit to the Aran Islands we headed to Scotland. While there we visited the Edinburgh castle. Then we had some time to kind of unwind. Scotland was deffinatly our cool down part of the trip.

Let me tell you Mrs. Forsyth is a travel queen. This woman had us up early in the morn to grab a bus, then up late dragging our asses back to the hotel at the end of the night. Only so we could collapse on our beds and sleep. haha. Dont get me wrong tho, I love her for it. We saw

This is Alex's cousin showing his respect to the dead.
so much and it was all worth it.

Well guys it was a good two weeks, it ended with Alex and I getting up at 3 in the morning saying goodbye to a bunch of sleeping family so we could get a cab and a bus to the airport to head home. That was interesting to because we had to then grab a coach from the airport to london, then another coach from London finally back to bristol. I sure slept good that night let me tell you.

Anyways, Im sure I have more stories to tell, its just too much to type. Check out the pics, I hope you like them. And I will talk to everyone soon! Hope everything is well back home. BYE!

Oh, and if you guys want to check our more pictures like thise, go on facebook. Look up Alexs brother Eric Forsyth. He has like five Ireland albums with like 60 pics in each. Good shit. I will do the same with all of my pics when I get home.

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dead landdead land
dead land

Dont know what this was but its a sweet view.

more dead land, lol.

this is one of the flowers that gren in one area in Ireland. It was illegal to pick them because they only grow in 2 different spots in the world... this is one.

one of the many nice buildings we saw

ya, thats right. haha, this was in the beer tour we took.

20th June 2007

Damn Irish...
If you didn't know both of my Dad's parents are of Irish decent. Look up Killaly (or Killeagh) because this was my Grandma's maiden name. Also you may run into a few thousand Rutledge's, they date back to the 1600's over there.
1st July 2007

Irish a$$hole$
Well, Duh yeah we're assholes... ask yer mom.... but we're well-meaning assholes... sounds like you're having a blast.. been checking out some of ur blog entries.... very glad u and Alex are having such a good trip... try to keep a couple brain cells left for when u get home... lol

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