Blogs from Soufrière, Saint Lucia, Central America Caribbean - page 2


This is being written on our apartment balcony. The sun is setting over the Caribbean in front of us. To the left, the twin peaks of the Piton mountains. To the right, is Anse Chastanet, our local beach. In the fridge, some kingfish steaks and fresh vegetables for dinner ... and some good local rum, just £6 a litre. From St Lucia airport, we drove off in a rather old Suzuki jeep – that's what a cheap rental gets you here. It proved ideal on some pretty poor roads, especially when we hit the final two miles to the villa, a steep and rough switchback that climbed up Hummingbird hill until we reached the villa and the view in the photos. We have tried to work at the local pace today, with a trip to Soufriere ... read more
Fish market
Fish market

Enfin, tout semble bien aller. Et nous envisageons de reprendre nos activités de visites touristiques. Et Ste-Lucie sera notre prochain objectif. Lorsque je nous présente au « réseau des navigateurs », en anglais Cruiser’s Net (une activité qui se passe sur les ondes de la radio VHF dans plusieurs ancrages touristiques où se retrouvent beaucoup de navigateurs, à voile ou à moteur), l’animateur du réseau me dit : « si vous pensez que vous n’allez rester que quelques jours sur cette île, détrompez-vous, personne ne reste moins que plusieurs semaines, voir des mois! » Puis, un bateau se présente au réseau pour dire au revoir : « Il semble que nous ayons réussi à trouver le moyen de quitter cette île »… ?? Y a-t-il ici quelque chose qui aspire les bateaux et les retient? Nous ... read more
La flottille des bateaux de la World ARC
La parade de tous les bateaux dans le port de Castries
De retour dans Rodney Bay,

St. Lucia - humid, exciting and adventurous. And a very exciting place to visit ! From the deep history, to its current laid back Caribbean feel - it all makes a great impression.... read more
Town square, Soufriere
video rental, soufriere

Depuis une semaine, nous sommes à la Soufrière et aux Pitons, une réserve mondiale de l'Unesco. Nous voulions y faire du snorkel et de la marche. Jusqu'à maintenant, nous avons joué aux dés et au skip-bo; nous avons chercher sur Internet les règles de la belote à deux, du yum... de quoi faire passer le temps quoi! Oui, vous avez bien lu! Ici il y a internet. Il n'y a qu'un hotel superchic et je dois avouer que je ne m'attendais pas à pouvoir utiliser leur réseau. Pour l'instant, nous profitons des quelques rares accalmies pour aller nous dérouiller les jambes sur les terrains aménagés du resort. Il y a un sentier dans ce qu'ils appellent Rainforest... cela porte bien son nom!!! Vous aurez des photos et plus de détails plus tard. Ceci est un essaie ... read more

Our travel blog finally begins after much delay and hopefully much reader anticipation... After a simply beautiful and perfect wedding day in Steamboat Springs, Colorado (9-18-2010), we did what most newlyweds do - fly to a gorgeous and exotic island to celebrate our honeymoon, our week dedicated to focusing solely on the beauty of our newly solidified love for one another. We chose St. Lucia in the Windward Islands mainly because we read about jungle biking and about climbing the infamous Pitons. We chose right, and had the most amazing time! Seriously. Anse Chastanet was our secluded eco-resort of choice, located outside of the town of Soufriere, and it was simply euphoric, to say the least. St. Lucia, an independantly-ruled island, has mountainous peaks that rise to 3,120 feet above sea level. It´s not your typical ... read more

Hello everyone. This is Delphine for a change. We are the 10th October and I am writing from a hostel {une auberge de jeunesse}in San Jose, Costa Rica. You are not going to believe it but we are actually so relieved we are out of the Carribean. St Lucia was a big disappointment. I know, sea, sun and no work should pretty much be haven {le paradis} but on this occasion it was not enough. We spent 5 days confined in a small holiday resort, which once again, sounds great but actually, it felt like we were held hostage, bound to spend money there and there only. As soon as we got out of the resort, we were hasseled by beggers and locals asking for money, trying to sell us things or performing petty services in ... read more
Gros Piton
Petitt Piton seen from the halfway point of Gros Piton
The fatigue dazed eyes

Central America Caribbean » Saint Lucia » Soufrière September 19th 2009

KÄVELYÄ SAINT LUCIASSA 17.-19.9.2009 Saint Lucia on vierailemistani saarista ehdottomasti kaunein - ja köyhin. Ensimmäistä kertaa tällä matkalla kannan käsissäni kolikoita, jotta voisin heti antaa jotakin kerjääjille ja huumenuorille. He ovat aika pelottavia sekä pääkaupunki Castriesissa ja Soufrièressa. Miksi käveleminen on niin arveluttavaa? Koska se on köyhyyden merkki. Vain köyhät kävelevät. Kenties minä paikallisen väestön mielestä suorastaan herjaan heitä, kun he tahtoisivat ansaita pari iisiä dollaria kuljettelemalla minua paikasta toiseen. En kehtaa vastata heille, että kuntoani minä tässä kohotan, kun on tullut noita lisäkiloja, koska syön niin mahdottoman paljon hyvää ruokaa joka päivä. Sanoa tällaista toiselle, joka on laiha ruoan puutteen vuoksi. Miksi Saint Lucia on näin köyhä verrattuna muihin saariin, jotka ovat ainakin päällisin puolin hyvinvoivien ihmisten asut... read more
St.Lucia4 032
St.Lucia1 044
St. Lucia3 056

Central America Caribbean » Saint Lucia » Soufrière September 18th 2009

SAINT LUCIA 13.-16.9.2009 Nyt tein vahingossa jotain vaarallista ja ajattelematonta. Kiipesin eilen Gros Pitonille, joka on 2619 metriä merenpinnasta ja Petit Pitonin sisarvuori. Molemmat vuoret ovat yhtä paljon Matterhornin näköisiä eli aika jyrkkiä. Kyse oli väärinkäsityksestä. Toistin monta kertaa järjestäjälle että "no no mountain climbing but hiking yes". Keski-ikäinen rouva vakuutti, että hänkin on ”kävellyt” Gros Pitonin reitin monta kertaa. En usko, jälkikäteen ajatellen. Gros Piton Nature Trail osoittautui kivenlohkareista kasatuksi poluksi, jota kuljetaan äkkijyrkästi ylös 2,5 tuntia, puolen tunnin levähdys huipulla ja samaa reittiä alas 1,5 tuntia. Nousu 777 metriä polun alusta. Vaikeusaste: vaikea. Pitäisikö sanoa, että onneksi satoi, koska auringonpaisteessa olisin luovuttanut puolimatkassa. Opas kertoi, että kesällä puiden oksat ovat lehdettömiä. Ne eivät anna ... read more
St. Lucia3 002
St. Lucia3 014
St. Lucia3 019

Our next stop is one of the most picturesque and famous anchorages in the Caribbean, and in fact a favorite amongst cruisers and celebrities alike. On the very southern end of St. Lucia are the two Pitons, which are both a World Heritage Sight and a National Park. If you are lucky enough to grab one of the 12 mooring balls there (which we did), then you can stay the night in the anchorage between the Gros Piton and Petit Piton. It is truly an amazing experience! I don’t know what it is about these two volcanic spires, but they certainly have a way of taking your breath away and creating a sense of awe and amazement. There is no doubt that this island was formed by volcanic activity. Not only do you have the Pitons, ... read more
Spires and Pinnacles
Box Coral
Organ Pipe Coral

Worms finer for fishing you couldn't be wishing; I delved them dismayed from the velvety sod; The rich loam upturning I gathered them squirming, big, fat, gleamy earthworms, all ripe for my rod. Robert Service In the morning if you get outside early enough you will see blackbirds pull wiggling pink worms from the grass before wolfing them down hungrily. The sea is also home to worms of all descriptions: long, short, fat, thin, hairy, spiky…, you could come up with pretty much any adjective and there are worms to meet the description. These worms rely on a body full of water to support themselves; they have no skeleton like you and me, but pump water around the body to keep themselves from collapsing into a mess of flesh and skin. When threatened they can burrow ... read more
Bearded Fire Worm
Magnificent Feather Duster Worm

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