Blogs from Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 7


After a very bad 4 hours bus ride from Flores, without AC or a WC in the bus and only 1 toilet stop, we finally arrived to Río Dulce. There we took a taxi boat to our hostel (Dreamcatchers Eco Lodge), which is situated quite far from the mainland. We loved the place on first sight ! It was a beautiful open hostel in the middle of nature, just on the river bank, monkeys and birds everywhere around. :-D Anja and me took a flying tent and Skander a bed in the dorms. The hostel is open, you’re always sitting outside and you can always enjoy the beautiful nature there. The owner, Liesel, was really nice and welcoming, just as her staff. They have a really good restaurant there and the food is just amazing. After ... read more

Ich bin am Montag Abend, den 19. März, nach einer sehr langen Busfahrt in Flores angekommen. Ich bin mit einem Bus von Chetumal aus dorthin gefahren und war mit 3 anderen Leuten unterwegs, die ich im Hostel kennengelernt hatte : Laurenz aus Berlin und Anja und Skander (ein Paar) aus Bern. Laurenz hatte ich in der Bank kennengelernt, wo ich für ihn Geld getauscht hatte, da er seinen Pass nicht dabei hatte. Komischerweise verlangten sie dort den Reisepass, aber der Wechselkurs war gut, also was solls. Wie ich kurz vorher war auch Laurenz ohne Pass dorthin gegangen, aber da ich es schon hinter mir hatte zurück zum Hostel zu gehen, wollte ich ihm das ersparen und habe sein Geld mit umgetauscht. Die Busfahrt nach Flores war sehr lang und ermüdend gewesen und wir waren froh endlich ... read more

I arrived to Flores on Monday evening, 19th of March. I got there via bus from Chetumal with 3 other people I had met in the hostel in Chetumal : Laurenz from Berlin in Germany and Anja and Skander (a couple) from Bern in Switzerland. I had actually met Laurenz at the bank in Chetumal, where he tried to exchange some money, but in the end I had to do it for him, because he didn’t have his passport with him. I had made that mistake earlier that day and had returned to our hostel in the meantime to get it. Since I wanted to spare him that extra trip, I exchanged both of our money. The bus ride to Flores was long and exhausting and we were very happy when we finally arrived in Flores. ... read more

Enchiladas guatemaltecas: Tamale Colorados: Rellenitos de Plátano: Black Corn Tortilla and Fried Chicken: Tacos: Pupusa: ... read more

Have a couple of boat rides today into Belize. Promise I will write more when we have a bit more reliable internet. ... read more
Rio Dulce Guatemala
Ready steady jump

MARKET DAY There are men without legs women with no eyes an hombre with no arms with which to beg the shock shiver of seeing a burnt leg withered hanging from a silver crutch while they all split the sea frothing around them those yelling all in deep voices mazanas cinqo por diez mamita mamita fresas libra por viente at the edge of the darkened thickness inside of this market a threshold between the world above and below day and night dreaming and wide eyed in this maze ah maze means nothing here a weak withered word trying to wrestle a la dereche a la isquerda smoking incense hanging over blackberries fist sized I exagerated but isn't this an exageration all forever of it that would bury a city in fruit flesh chicken legs shining livers ... read more

PLANO Y CALIENTE A febrile landscape spreading out sweating under broiler flame you drop down descending in this chromed and rainbowed Blue Bird once yellow as a canary a parrot drop down gears whining muffler full throated rumbling the distance seen from these mountain hips stretches hazed as sea fog Hiroshima plumes rising there and there and there again the paper leaf of the cane is set to the match to sweeten before it is crushed the liquor hummingbird nectar the dust rises behind tractor wheels dust dust forever dust from trailer wheels spilling over with heaped tangled cane cocoa brown the sun descending through this gauze of smoke light bending the sun's message a blood orange sliced open at its perfect equator a sacrifice crazy crimson flesh now touching treetops sun so perfectly round a ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Guatemala February 1st 2018

Donnerstag, 01.02.2018 Puerto Quetzal (Guatemala): sonnig, Min. 27°C Max.31°C Heute stand eine von uns gebuchte Wanderung an den Hängen des „Pacaya Vulkans“, auf dem Programm. Der Pacaya gehört zu den drei aktiven Vulkanen von Guatemala. Da wir uns für den Ausflug schon um 08:00 Uhr im Theater einfinden mussten, kam erneut der Wecker zum Einsatz. Der Ausflug führte uns etwas ins Hinterland von Guatemala, auf den Vulkangürtel des Landes. Guatemala zählt total 35 Vulkane, wovon drei immer aktiv sind. Den Aktivsten, den „Vulkan Fuego“ sahen wir am frühen Morgen, von unserem Balkon aus, als unser Schiff im Cruisehafen anlegte. Der Fuego stiess riesige Rauch- und Aschewolken in den strahlend blauen Himmel. Wie wir erfuhren ist er im Moment extrem aktiv, es wird überlegt einige Dörfer in seiner Nähe zu evakuieren. Die Menschen verlas... read more
Bei der Ankunft in San Francisco.
Der Aufstieg.
Hintergrund der Fuego vorne der Aqua.

ADIOS VOLCAN One should never turn his back to a volcano certainly never her back certainly never at night and never when the moon is a silver slice hammock hanging the sun sunk behind Acatenango black and imposing brother Fuego standing to her right the sky purged heavy clouds melding with the great dark sky early stars sparkling through and she shouts oh my god oh my god look and seven people turn out there on the roof to see Fuego spewing forth into the night an enormous showering plume of red molten rock glowing electric into the sky then falling through the air a cosmic firework to land flowing down then sparkling orange down Fuego's shoulders down down then fading but Fuego again erupts not yet exhausted a bright fire geyser from deep earth a ... read more

EARTHQUAKE columns lean like drunks apse and knave ass over tea kettle columns caught in mid flight by a saint an angel a savior a virgin in crypts below skeletons repose in a dust whose age is an impenetrable thought dirt made by a trembling earth grinding mortar and brick and frescoe here there are words that weigh the worries of the earthquake temblor and you're not to worry go under a desk or neath a lintel until it passes it happens all the time here where sometimes all that remains are facades where stone Franciscans keep watch over pigeons while inside arches are now etched against the bluest skies whereas the word terremoto the very word itself may cause you to stand startled at it's very sound raises a siren within while the tremble of ... read more

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