Blogs from Dominican Republic, Central America Caribbean - page 12


6/14/12 Santiago, the capital of the north! This is my 2nd night in the 2nd biggest city of the DR, and as I had heard from many other Dominicans, the city is supposed to be much, much better. And well, I completely agree with all of those opinions; the city is decently clean, located in the mountains, and much safer (at least from my vantage point). In addition, there are around 1 million people in a small area, so the city felt more packed, but was much better maintained. Honestly, it felt like you were back in the US in a regular big city. However, with every new city I visit of course there comes another story. Story time! So after lunch with my group of 7 volunteers at a tourist restaurant, Montezuma, near the gorgeous ... read more

Resumo:Passagem comprada! Santo Domingo tem muita história (pena que ninguém tem interesse). Comprei! Amanhã as 8am vou para Porto Príncipe – Haiti. Espero chegar durante o dia, pois disseram que é impossível andar a noite sozinha. A moça do orfanato que irei trabalhar irá enviar um motorista para me buscar. Parece luxo, mas descobri que isso é normal, quase que obrigatório, por lá. ... cenas dos próximos capítulos. Enquanto isso, fui passear pela Zona Colonial. Quanta história!!! Primeira igreja das Américas, primeiro monastério, primeiro forte militar, primeira rua ‘pavimentada’, ... Pena que está área não recebe os cuidados necessários. O turismo poderia ser maior nesta região. O calor infernal atrapalhou a minha vontade de devorar tudo e de fotografar as ruas e pessoas maravilhosas. Preciso mencionar a simpatia das pessoas. De verdade, o povo dominicano... read more
Catedral Primada de America
Catedral Primada de America (inside)
Ruinas del Hospital San Nicolas de Bari

Resumo: Mergulhar é bom D+! Recomendo! Sou sortuda: estou num lugar bacana aqui em Santo Domingo! Estou Bem! Acordei super cedo para mergulhar! Estava ansiosa, pois Bayahibe é considerado o melhor lugar da RD para isso. Hj entrei dentro de um navio naufragado. Foi a minha primeira vez nadando nos corredores de uma embarcação enferrujada. Tive vontade de chorar!!! Parece besta, mas esta primeira impressão a gente nunca esquece. Aqueles peixinhos nadando em volta, as plantinhas crescendo dentro, uma certa escuridão ... Fora do barco, Tanta Cor! Tanta Vida embaixo d’água!! Tive uma sensação maravilhosa! Amo muito!! Pena que minha câmera para isso quebrou. Queria compartilhar um pouco deste momento. =) Depois disso, o maior pinga-pinga até chegar em Santo Domingo (Capital da RD). Logo que eu cheguei liguei para o Carlos pois ficaria na casa ... read more

Resumo: Mochilas Pequenas para 1ano e meio fora (arrasei); Punta Cana é lugar para casais (o que estou fazendo aqui?); Quero mergulhar (vou tentar amanhã); Fui de ‘executiva’ da Gol (sortuda pra KCT!), Já passei fome (2004); conheci uma pessoa especial (na fila da alfândega); Estou bem =) !! Dormi bem mal esta noite. O fato de eu ter fechado as mochilas somente as 2h30am e acordado as 6h30 me deixou um pouco cansada. Colocar ‘tudo’ o que você precisa para 18 meses de viagem em uma mochila de 34 litros não é fácil!! Rs. Ok, tenho também mais uma mochila para equipamentos (câmera fotográfica + notebook). Como sempre, cheguei no aeroporto de Guarulhos do meu jeito tradicional. Metro + Ônibus (R$7,30). Obrigada aos que oferecerem uma possível carona, mas gosto mesmo deste jeito. Rápido e ... read more

Before starting with this post, I must clear something up for my handful of readers (thanks to 10 people, but yes I look at my stats! The stats say more but if I aim low I can always exceed my expectations. First person I thought was Sarah Palin, but you know that every day when McCain wakes up, he just hells at himself in the mirror, and says, I could have screwed up the economy even worse than that Osama character. By the way, I was really was torn on who to vote for in the last election and really was leaning towards McCain, but I cared so much that I never even voted, which reminds me, I need to get cracking on the absentee ballot thing.) the post about my semi-naked adventures, had nothing to ... read more
After completing the tank in Manabao

5/28/12 An interesting observation that I have seen is that the people that I usually understand best happen to be really religious. In this context, I mean that they are Evangelical. Basically, this is the new religion that is growing pretty rapidly in Latin America. The biggest difference between Evangelical and Catholicism is that Evangelicals don’t drink or dance, and that their faith is 1000% stronger. I have already had quite a few talks with Evangelicals about their religion and I have been pretty open with my views, that I have even admitted that I question the existence of God every day of my life. That last statement I have only shared with Rudy because I trust him, however he is also Evangelical, which means that he takes the bible in a literal sense. He believes ... read more
My Community from my Tank Site

I might as well explain how I bathe every day. So at first, I was bathing in an unfinished latrine, but once that finished and well, I started shitting in the now completed latrine. I made an executive decision, don’t bathe where you shit. Hence I went with bathing in the river every day. I must warn readers: I am NOT a pedophile. For about half the time, I go to with several boys, who take me to a part of the river that is at least 5 feet deep. If I don’t go to that spot, I have to bathe in a river that is like 4 inches deep. These kids are either from my host family or my neighbors. I don’t say no when they want to show me places, so they usually come ... read more

I must tell this story that happened today, actually just happened only 15 minutes ago. While I’m typing this entry, I am listening to bachata music because I make it part of my learning of Spanish and because I just love it! Bachata is especially popular in the campo because I believe that is where it first came from. Okay onto the story. I am in my neighbor’s house, talking to the family, and 2 of the young teenagers who have taken me to different spots to bathe (you guys already know what that means, once again, I have no shame (no tengo verguenza) and I’m not a pedophile). And they ask me if I could tell a story. You must understand that telling stories is a very important thing in this culture. Of course it ... read more

5/15/12 So the significance of this day was that I had personally called a meeting with the Directiva, these are only the elected people. Last Sunday, the Water Committee had agreed to an item that I could not understand since when 40 people speak in a group rapidly, it’s impossible to follow when I am trying to learn the language at the same time. After the meeting ended, I went up to Rudy, the educated guy that I can understand the best in the community, and I asked him what did the committee just agree to? He said that they want to start working on the statutes after meeting Miguel Leon this Friday. I was completely floored because I was not ready for this comment and also, I didn’t have the heart/strength to say that I ... read more

5/02/12 Community Entry Day as the Peace Corps calls it, is on this specific day. I wake up crack-ass early, before 6, so that I had enough time to eat breakfast and pack the rest of my belongings. After realizing that I would profusely sweat if I tried to haul all of my suitcases to Ben Wargo’s house (trying to be economical by splitting a cab fare), I just asked my Dona to call a taxi for me, and after 5 minutes, I was on my way to the training center in Pantoja. The taxi driver deftly maneuvers inside, without scraping the underside of his car, and drops me off near Rindi. An hour later, I was joined by all of the trainees on a bus, and driven to another training center in Santo Domingo, where ... read more

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