Blogs from San José, San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 15


San Juan del Sur has a beautiful white sandy beach and clear, warm water. There are palm-thatched restaurants on the shoreline, while up above the little town there's 'Pelican Eyes' - a private resort with three infinity pools, with bars to match. After all our travels it was delightful to laze by one of the pools as the sun set, and then to ease down to the shore for lobster ceviche followed by grilled sea bass. We could have happily spent more time here, but Costa Rica called. As ever, the border crossing was confused and chaotic. Leaving the bus, we were quickly mobbed by money-changers, people offering to carry our luggage, others trying to sell the (free) forms needed to exit Nicaragua and many more unwanted 'helpers'. There were no official signs showing where to ... read more
San Juan del Sur - infinity pool
Thrill seekers

Margie & I started out our trek to Atenas by bus at 8am yesterday. It was a cool-ish (maybe upper 60's) partly cloudy morning. That first bus from San Pedro to as close as we could get to the Coca Cola Bus Station in San Jose. This is a route we have taken check out the downtown area of San Jose. We then walked about a mile to the Coca Cola Bus Station. Being a Sunday morning there were not many people in town but more than you might think. I've posted photos from yesterday's bus trips & our time in Atenas. I'll have two separate blogs for these. In addition, you might want to check out the photos I added to the blog of the inside of Nitzi's house plus a few of the ... read more
Very colorful cow/vaca on our trek to Coca Cola
Margie y la Vaca
Still en route to Coca Cola

It's great to actually be in Costa Rica! It's partly cloudy, breezy and I would guess about 72 degrees! Very pleasant! What a refief from the cold weather back home! I wonder if how often people take trips without glitches!!!! We've had our share with ourflights down here. It started at Dulles airport where the ticket agent didn't have a record of our seats on the plane. They assigned us less desirable seats after some discussion and sharing of the frustration Margie and I felt that there had been a breakdown in communication. We had a very nice surprise when we boarded the plane as Taca had given us seats in first class! My first time flying first class was nice! Very comfortable seats and more room! Both flights were fine. We changed planes in San ... read more

So the day started with a 5 am alarm to get up and head for breakfast. It was great as usual. Then it was off for a ride to the airport to catch a 7:50 am flight to Lima. The kids managed to finish counting dogs along the streets of Cusco and ended with 534 dogs in total...and I am sure that was not all of them. But then it came....the day we dreaded, the day of travel was supposed to go smooth...flight to Lima arriving at 9:15, then connect to Costa Rica at 10:45 arriving at 1:30 in San Jose....good- yes? Well not so good.....we ended up not being able to catch our connecting flight- and were at risk of heading back to Canada (will fill you all in when we get back), needless ... read more

La Sabana is a large park on the edge of the city centre in San Jose. On Sunday morning it was full of life. There were thousands of people picnicking and walking dogs, but more importantly playing sports. The park has volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, football fields and a roller skating rink. However sporting life in San Jose seems to be a little machismo – only hombres were playing football, tennis and basketball. Women played volleyball or did the outdoor aerobics class. When we arrived at 9.30 am there were dozens of football games in progress. We didn’t know the social rules for how to join in but Jackson put on his boots and started juggling a football and within minutes he was invited to join a team. He then played 90 minutes of good ... read more
San Jose on Sunday
Hotel Don Carlos, San Jose

Hello Reader. The flight to Costa Rica seemed quicker than it should have been. I slept a little, but had planned to do some super introspective thinking and writing… but they were playing some Angelina Jolie film on the in-flight, so that took precedence. I didn’t know just how different my experience here would be until I arrived. I had a many friendly and pushy taxi drivers offer to take me directly to my hostel’s door. I nearly accepted until I realized that a bus would literally cost one twentieth the price and take about the same time. The hostel I stayed at had chalkboard walls, book exchange, and most importantly a bar. I immediately met the two hostel owners, who had, prior to moving to San Jose, lived in Boston. They moved down to Central ... read more
Thanksgiving Dinner
National Theatre

We made it to Costa Rica! Interesting flights and process getting here, but it all worked out! After we got through customs there was a lady standing there with my name on a board! We got our stuff and had a shuttle to take us to our hostel. We actually ended up going to a different hostel that the driver said was more age friendly and since it was the same network we didn't have to pay anything different. We got a room on the first floor with a big bed, a fan, and a bathroom. The hostel is pretty cool and the walls are all painted in murals. There is a really nice pool and a restaurant and bar upstairs and a few lounging areas. After sitting for a little bit and changing our bus ... read more

Wir stehen schon um 05:00 Uhr auf, denn heute wollen wir mit Yenorys Bruder Isaac in einem anderen Nationalpark wandern gehen. Leider faengt es schon relativ bald wieder zu regnen an, doch unter dem dichten Blaetterwald des Regenwaldes ist man ganz gut geschuetzt. Nach dem ersten Trail gibt Yenory schon auf und bleibt im Auto, wir gehen mit Isaac alleine weiter auf einen zweiten etwas schwierigeren Trail. Schwierig deshalb, da der Weg aufgrund des Regens sehr schlammig, rutschig und teilweise durch Erdrutsche fast unpassierbar ist. Wir werden so richtig dreckig und muessen oefters auf allen vieren ueber die umgestuerzten Baeume klettern. Zum Nachmittag sind wir wieder zurueck im Hause Rojas. Auch David, Yenorys dritter Bruder ist mit Frau Gina und Baby Sarah gekommen, denn heute wird der Geburtstag vom Vater der Familie gefeiert. Natuerlich singen wir ... read more

Wir geniessen das reichhaltige Fruehstueck des Hotels. Danach nehmen wir an einer gefuehrten Wanderung durch den zum Hotel gehoerenden Park teil. Neben zahlreichen exotischen Pflanzen sehen wir auch einige Spinnenaffen, wie sie sich durch die Baumwipfel schwingen. Spaeter machen wir noch auf eigene Faust eine Wanderung durch den Nationalpark. Es hat den ganzen Tag noch kein einziges Mal geregnet. Allerdings der Krater des Vulkans in dichten Nebel gehuellt. Der erste groessere (und aufgezeichnete) Ausbruch des Vulkans war im Jahr 1968. Seitdem lockt das Gebiet zahlreiche Wissenschaftler und Touristen an. Die letzte Erruption ist bereits einige Wochen her. Insgesamt gibt es in Costa Rica mehr als 120 Vulkankrater, 9 davon sind noch immer aktiv. Der aus der Lava entstandene Boden bietet ideale Bedingungen fuer die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, dazu kommen das warme Klima und ausreichend Regen.... read more

Es gibt immer noch kein Fliesswasser. Einige Stadtviertel, darunter auch unseres, werden daher schon an einigen Ausgabestellen mit Wasser versorgt, an denen die Menschen mit Wasserkuebeln Schlange stehen. Wir verlassen daher erstmal den Ort des Geschehens und fahren mit Yenory in Richtung Norden zum Nationalpark Volcan Arenal. Es regnet schon den ganzen Tag, gestern hat es wenigstens nur am Nachmittag geregnet. Wir packen unsere sieben Sachen und fluechten vor dem Regen. Erstes Ziel ist das Thermalbad Baldi, genau das richtige was wir jetzt (nach drei Wochen auf Tour) brauchen. Die Thermalbecken sind mitten in die tropische Vegetation des Vulkans integriert, es ist einfach herrlich. Da macht auch der leichte Nieselregen nichts aus, im Gegenteil, im heissen Thermalwasser ist der leichte Regen eine ideale Abkuehlung. Bis zum Abend bleiben wir im Wasser und uns so richtig einweichen. ... read more

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