Page 4 of XuJia Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Mongolia June 5th 2006

"Amarbayasgalant, one of the most well known and largest monasteries of Mongolia, is located in the beautiful Iven Gol River valley on the foot of Burenkhan mountain in Baruunburen som of Selenge province. " Having "lost" a day of travel at Darkhan, we left the resort early this morning to visit the Amarbayasgalant Khiid (Monastery). From the vehicle park, we have to walk a short distance across the grass field to the monastery. The red walls of the monastery, surrounded by the greenery of the mountains and grass field, is simply beautiful. Amarbayasgalant Khiid is one of the four great monasteries of Mongolia, and the most important one in the north. Built in 1737, predominantly Chinese style, it is also considered the most beautiful architecturally. Some of the buildings were destroyed during the religious purges of ... read more
Main Door of the monastery
Beautifully painted wall
Reading the signage

Asia » Mongolia June 5th 2006

Amarbayasgalant Monastery  Asia » Mongolia By XuJiaJune 5th 2006 This morning, we visited the Amarbayasgalant Khiid (Monastery), the most beautiful monastery in Mongolia. It is one of the most well known and largest monasteries of Mongolia, and located in the beautiful Iven Gol River valley of Selenge province. We spent the morning walking around the monastery land admiring the architecture. A young monk in red robes opened each of the doors leading to rooms which exhibit budhism artifacts. After which, we continued our journey towards Bulgan. There were some problem with the braking system of the van. Again, we spent the whole afternoon at an auto workshop. It was 10pm when we arrived at Bulgan. At Bulgan, we went hunting for the headless stoneman sh... read more

Asia » Mongolia June 4th 2006

We left UB for the country on a Sunday morning. We were very happy to leave the bustling city for the vast landscapes of Mongolia countryside. Our first stop was Darkhan, Muno's parents' house, and where his daughter Michelle is being looked after. Less than an hour out of the city, we got our first flat tyre. What a good start for our journey! Darkhan is the aimag centre of the Uul Aimag, 219 km from UB. It is a mining town with hardly anything special, except that we got to visit Muno's parents' house, and of course for Muno to see his dearest Michelle. We spent the afternoon at Muno's parents' house while the van was sent for tyre replacement. We had lunch prepared by Muno's mother - potato salad, dumplings, and cookies. It was ... read more
First flat tyre
Chit chating with a traveller on bicycle during a toilet break
Beautiful fields of yellow flowers in the country

Asia » Mongolia » Ulaanbaatar June 3rd 2006

Saturday 0015 Departs Singapore Changi Airport on CA970. 0615 Arrives in Beijing. Transit. 0850 Departs Beijing on CA901. (+1h) 1225 Arrives in Ulaanbaatar (UB). Here we are, on our second trip to Mongolia one year later. This time we were lucky to reach Ulaanbaatar on schedule. No more flight delay like last year. Muno and Puujee, our Mongolian guides, are already at the airport to receive us. So is Nyaama, who is going to be our driver for the next 15+ days. After checking into UB Hotel, which is the same one we stayed last year, Puujee brought us for lunch at the SilkRoad Restaurant. We have heard about the restaurant from PJ, and it is also a "Lonely Planet" recommended restaurant. We had western food, Tendori chicken, etc. Food was quite ok. After lunch, Puujee ... read more
Interesting Figurines
Winter Palace
Bogd Khaan Palace

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming December 25th 2001

2001年的圣诞节,我们又回到了昆明市-云南的首府。今天只去了市中心的翠湖公园,悠闲地在昆明过了一天。公园湖面上成千只红嘴鸥,有时成群飞起,有时争抢食物,极为壮观。... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Lijiang December 24th 2001

东巴文化村、玉龙雪山、云杉坪,这就是我们今天的行程。 整整大半天陶醉在丽江美景中。... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Lijiang December 23rd 2001

这次游云南最怀念的地方就是丽江了。丽江不仅风景优美,处处都能看到那美丽的玉龙雪山,空气也很清新。... read more
Lijiang Ancient City 丽江古城
Lijiang Ancient City 丽江古城

Asia » China » Yunnan » Dali December 22nd 2001

第三天,我们来到了大理-五朵金花的故乡。 旅行社首先安排我们乘船游苍山洱海,然后游蝴蝶泉、大理最著名的大塔-崇圣三塔、及大理古城。... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan December 21st 2001

2001年12月临时决定再出国旅游,原本想到北京, 但旅行社只剩昆明的机票。 20日抵达四季如春的昆明,云南省的省会。这可是我们第一次体验中国自由行。不过,到了那里,还是参加了当地的旅行团,游昆明、大里、丽江。我们还差点受骗,付了较高的旅费。幸好酒店经理帮忙,讨回了一些旅费。真是经一事,长一智。 第二天,我们游了昆明著名的石林风景区。石林占地350平方公里,位于昆明东南约120公里,彝族自治县境内。当地也是撒尼人聚居区,导游小姐都是身穿民族服装的撒尼人。传说中美丽动人的阿诗玛的故事就发生在这里。 林中奇形怪状的石头、石柱,多姿多采,还有那阿诗玛化身的石头,甚是有趣。... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Johor October 1st 2001

The Sibu group of island consists of Sibu Besar, Sibu Tengah, Sibu Hujung and Sibu Kukus (Coral Island). Sibu Island Resort is located at Sibu Tengah island, east coast of Johor, Malaysia, 20 acres in size and surrounded by white sandy beach. We took a public bus from Singapore to Johor Bahru, and then another public bus to Kota Tinggi. From Kota Tinggi, we took a taxi to Tanjung Leman's jetty, which is about 45 minutes from Kota Tinggi. It was the first time Yiren tried Kayaking. The water was crystal clear. We also had much fun digging clams ("la la") at the beach. ... read more
Rock pools make me happy
Can you see a bunch of ripening bananas?
Deers roam freely on the island

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