Anastasiya and Kalle's Guestbook

22nd June 2012

“You can kill ten of our men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and we will win.” - Ho Chi Minh eli Raptorin sanoin "yksi suomalainen vastaa kymmenta ryssaa / ei taida riittaa, johonkin se tyssaa
23rd June 2012

So many assholes... So few bullets... - Ford Fairlane
23rd April 2012

paradise found
My husband and I are headed to Gili T on may 8th for 4 nights. Reading your blog makes me so excited for our upcoming trip.
From Blog: Paradise Found
23rd April 2012

Glad to hear you have enjoyed reading our blog! You will definately have tremendous time on the Gilis! Bon voyage!
From Blog: Paradise Found
7th February 2012

Ah sun. -25 in Finland. Tight and crispy. The lack of D vitamin is murder, and I long for the sweet sensation of burning skin. On another equally cheery note, god bless the girl-in-the-car-dealing-with-the-police trick. I recently got a speeding ticket for 540€. qxblrtpkx. Next time I'm making a run for it...
From Blog: The Never Never
18th February 2012

You can run and you can get away with it
Cold might be good for your skin, provided you like that shrimp look on certain part of your body.
From Blog: The Never Never
31st January 2012

Does kangaroo taste like chicken? Also, I demand a picture of a datsun, preferably with the off-road babe on the bonnet. Best wishes, Matti ps. It's not too bad in Finland, temperature is -15 Celsius and the sun is shining.
31st January 2012

G'day Guv'nor
Delighted to hear Finland is enjoying glorious spring weather. Roo actually tastes more like a beef, excellent choise of meat for well seasoned burgers. Also emu sausages were worth trying. I have to see what can I do for your Datsun fetishism, haven't seen too many of them around here, but if I come across one, you'll be the first to know.
20th January 2012

great blog, but one simple question..why did you post it in this section instead of Thailand !?
22nd January 2012

At the time of writing that blog, we were already in Nepal and chose Nepal as a location to let our friends know where we were. Sorry for any confusion and glad to hear you liked it!
20th December 2011
Who is Bathing Whom

Debout, debout !
Comme ça alors, tu n'étais pas debout toi aussi ;o)
21st December 2011
Who is Bathing Whom

;) en fait, j'étais debout ! mais pour un tout court moment , pas assez long pour une photo ! ça bouge, un éléphant ... ans.
14th December 2011

Well, I'd like to have a stuffed poacher on my wall...
15th December 2011

Stuffed poacher
I could send you one for Xmas but the custom fees might be rather high.
14th December 2011

Ah, Mallory. Like Robert Scott, a true defender of the great British tradition of failing spectacularly :)
15th December 2011

Epic Fail
Everyone can win but it takes a Brit to fail spectacularly.
14th December 2011

Celestial. Is all I can say.
28th November 2011

Félicitations à vous deux et longue vie et bonheur à votre couple.
29th November 2011

Merci ! On va mettre plus de photos de que on arrive dans un pays avec de moyens de communication plus avancés ;)
4th November 2011
Savoury Snack

crispy or not ?
They look very crispy in the picture... was it the case or were they fresh and alive ??? Well, enjoy your 6 last days before sacred union. Best Regards, CBa
5th November 2011
Savoury Snack

tastes are different
yep, they were crispy ... brrr , and apparently not so bad to taste. Just thinking, what was the motivation of the first person when he , I am sure it was a man ! , fried and ate his first maggot ... there were also cockroaches, crickets, and scorpions , all fried and served with spices. anastasiya.
30th October 2011

I've got a poster on my wall saying "Karma is only a bitch if you are". Without irony, it's become my guide in life.
30th October 2011

Hear hear! With that karmic wisdom in your hand, you will hit a jackpot in the roulette of reincarnation. Might even reborn as a monkey!
27th October 2011

tree of money : when are the harvest ?
Hi, From Geneva, under the typical automnal grey sky :o) I am just enjoying your last pictures and texts... Very Very nice. I love the "initiatic way" you are walking on. Keep going, take as much as possible karma. SeeU cba
28th October 2011

a lesson in patiency
the harvest may be scheduled for one of our next lives ;) so, we better be patient and continue to do good things ! At the moment we are exercising our patience at Bangkok International Airport where our flight is 10 hours later than it should have been, mai pen rai as thais say. Anastasiya.

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