Blogs from Annapurna Circuit, Annapurna, Nepal, Asia - page 4


Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit May 9th 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!! He was living the dream, waking up at 5:30am in the Nepalese mountains in the dense forest. Where a little girl greeted him holding a puppy with snowy mountain peeks in the background. We all set out eagerly awaiting the views and sights to come. We were greeted 50 metres down the road by a torrent of water cascading down 4 or 5 hundred of metre high cliffs down into the rushing river. The rest of the trail was awesome. The trail generally follows the Marsyangdi river around the Annapurna Himal range. Yes, it is as good as it sounds. If the height of the “smaller” mountains wasn’t awe-inspiring enough the sheer amount of them blew your head off. We crossed suspensions bridges covered in multicoloured flags, we passed through brightly painted villages ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit October 12th 2017

(no guide/porter, no poles and no Diamox, each carrying 11.5 kgs each) 3 hours trekking, Besisahar (790m) to Bhulbhule (840m), 10kms Stayed at Heaven Guest house The morning started at 6.00am in Pokhara with a taxi to the bus stop. With local tea and coffee under our belt, we caught the 'tourist' bus to Besisahar. Once filled with tourists, the bus stopped to pick up the locals as many it could fill. What followed 4.5 hours of 'any which way it goes' driving (at one point when the bus went to take an alternative road to get around a traffic jam, the bus had turn around with big ditches either side of the road - keep us all on the edge of our seats). Most of time, driving in Nepal simply consists of pulling out onto ... read more
Waterfall at Bhulbhule

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit August 17th 2016

Dopo l’epica e gloriosa giornata di ieri mi sveglio con i muscoli delle gambe completamente induriti e il ginocchio sinistro un po’ gonfio e dolorante. Ma negli occhi ho ancora tutte le meraviglio di ieri. Ci svegliamo per colazione verso le 7; la colazione , finalmente, me la posso fare come piace a me, perché oggi non sarà una dura giornata di cammino. Niente uova sode o altre cagate all’aglio, solo toast, burro e marmellata (pare che la Bhutanese Druk sia l’unica marmellata del Nepal). Usciamo, per strada poche persone, ma qualche ora più tardi saranno molte di più per il gran finale del trofeo ippico. La strada è in discesa. Usciamo da Muktinak e dopo aver attraversato qualche campo, pascolo, villaggio dove i contadini stanno raccogliendo l’orzo, il percorso inizia a costeggiare dall’alto le gole ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit November 23rd 2014

Meditatieloop “Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf.. Hoe hoog was de Mont blanc ook alweer? Oei! Opnieuw beginnen. Een, twee, drie, vier.” Deze loop hebben we de meditatieloop genoemd. In het land waar Buddha geboren is, liepen we berg af om de rivier over te steken en dan weer verder berg op. Soms zijn er trappen, een heleboel trappen. Twee duizend treden omlaag, twee duizend omhoog. Door te tellen hebben we ons er niet alleen doorheen geslagen, ook hebben kwamen we innerlijk tot rust. Dat ging goed in een gebied waar geen auto’s zijn en weinig elektriciteit. Koude nachten Overdag is het warm, heet. ‘s Middags liepen we nog in de jungle, maar ‘s avonds als de schaduwen langer worden bijt ook de koude zich richting het bot. De spaarzame elektriciteit wordt alleen gebruikt om te verlichten. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit November 13th 2014

Circuitul Annapurna se afla printre primele zece circuite de trekking din lume. Traseul cunoscut sub acest nume se afla in zona muntoasa din centrul Nepalului, Asia. Traseul urca pana la 5400 m in Pasul Thorung La si atinge marginea Podisului Tibetan. In luna noiembrie a anului 2014 am parcurs circuitul Annapurna impreuna cu alti patru romani impatitimiti ai muntelui (doua femei si trei barbati). Reunirea echipei s-a facut in Kathmandu, capitala Nepalului. Pregatirea fizica a fost individuala. Parcurgerea traseului a durat 20 de zile (20 noiembrie – 09 decembrie). In a patra zi ni s-a alaturat un turist italian pentru o perioada de 7 zile. Peisajul montan de pe traseu include Masivul Annapurna (Annapurna I-IV), Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, Manaslu, Gangapurna si Vf. Tilicho. ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit June 6th 2014

Non gogoa, han zangoa - Basque proverb There are situations of change in life. I don’t know how else to speak my mind. Just imagine: you are in a bar on a Friday night. It’s crowded as hell and the volume of the music is so high that you have to yell to people that are just a foot away from you. Everyone around is talking loudly and you’re laughing your ass off at some stupid joke that your mate hadjust told and… …and the power goes off. Everyone shuts up and looks around like there’s something wrong. Silence. You know that feeling? I had never trekked before in my life. So when the idea of climbing up to the Annapurna Base Camp was presented to me, it was too tempting to say no ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 19th 2014

"I left Manasulu Guesthouse for the second time yesterday morning...It was extremely difficult and heart wrenching for me. She was right, I am very lucky. My inside feels like it is in a knot. I wonder if I will ever see them again..? I wonder if I will be able to send the kids the books I promised? Only time will tell what the future brings. I can honestly say that I miss them and the mountain. I miss the quite nights and the cold morning. The sound of the river. They were like a family to me...I was such a fool for thinking what I thought...I have so much and they have so little. I want to do something to help give her the life she never had, but right now we are at stage ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 16th 2014

On day four I trekked from Danaque to Chame. As soon as I'd reached Chame, I lost interest in the trek and decided to head back to Danaque the next day and hang out with the Tibetan family that hosted me, for a bit longer. Originally, I'd wanted to return because of the girl, but then I lost all expectations. Maybe things would have gone differently had I trek with a partner, but then it would be about someone else motivating me and not me pushing myself. One thing that I'd learned from this trek is that when you lose interest in something, then its time to do something else. I'm not going to lie and say I don't feel like a quitter, but I am going to accept the fact ... read more
Tibetan Family I Stay with

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 15th 2014

Everything looks so small from up here. Lunch stop. Time to refuel. On day three I trekked from Tal to Danaque. It was about 10km and took me about five hours to complete. img=https://wednesdaybluez.files.wordpres... read more

Asia » Nepal » Annapurna » Annapurna Circuit April 14th 2014

This is officially my first day of trekking. I trekked from Syange to Tal. It was about 10 km and took me six hours to complete. I had a little scare when I lost my way and wondered off path. Luckily, I ran into some trekkers and followed them for a bit. Tal is a town at the bottom of the valley surrounded by mountains. It was the epitome of nature porn. My first official day of hiking. The route was filled with these markers to help guide hikers./ca... read more

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