Blogs from Tottori, Tottori, Japan, Asia


Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori April 30th 2011

In many parts of the West we say "April showers bring May flowers", however in Japan that saying does not apply. In Japan spring arrives in April, and the showers come later in June. In Japanese this rainy season is called ”梅雨” tsuyu. Here in the Kurayoshi area, there are many pear trees, as pears are one of the 名物 (famous things) of the area. And they really look incredible. I wanted to get out on a sunny day but the weather kind of prevented that from happening. Whats really cool are the all-you-can-eat pear farms they have. For about 800 yen ($9) you can eat so many delicious pears that you wont be able to move. ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori October 9th 2008

Shirakawa Village was listed as one of TheWorld Heritage at the 19th UNESCO that is held in Berlin on December 1995. This was the 6th World Heritage that Japan Heritage in Japan. The village was being preserved hundreds of years and because it was preserved so well so the UN put it in the list of The World Heritage. And guess what, I did acutally went to see the village, to acknowledge the life style of Japanese hundreds of years ago and the difference between now and then. When I first arrive at the village I didn't see any difference between the houses in the city and the Shirakawa Village. But when i look closer, i found out that the roofs were different. The houses in the Shirakawa Village has roofs made by straws! STRAWS~ yes ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori July 6th 2008

During my homestay I took a 3 day trip to Japan's coast and went to stay with my friend Kohei in Tottori. He is at University there, so I was really lucky and able to be a japanese student for a few days...and a teacher! (read about my time with Kohei last year - AND ). I helped teach a few of the English classes with a lady from Zimbabwe. One lesson was on the difference between American English and English English (the correct English). We looked at pronounciation, spelling and what different words there are but for the same thing. Most Japanese have learnt American English and find it really difficult to pronounce how I say glass, bath, task. Was quite funny hearing them all repeating the words, trying to achieve the correct pronounciation. Everyone ... read more
Japanese classroom...
Boys with baskets...
Ajisai flowers with accompanying bug...

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori June 21st 2008

It was a whirlwind tour....of Tottori! My parents arrived on a Thursday night and I went to Osaka to meet them. We spent a night in Osaka because I didn't want to take the bus back right away. We had a busy schedule the next day so I wanted to get some sleep! They liked the yukatas from the hotel too :) Friday morning on the bus back to Tottori, lots of mountains on the way. Once we got to Tottori, we changed quickly and had lunch at the train station because we had to be at school to teach two classes in the afternoon. That day was very busy because the elementary school teachers were coming to observe the last period of classes. My parents and I got to school during lunchtime so we waited ... read more
self introductions
trying calligraphy
tea ceremony

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori March 14th 2008

I know it's been ages since I've written! Months as a matter of fact, there are a lot of updates! I will have to do separate posts for some of these events but nonetheless, here is the rundown: December 2007 - winter holiday I went to INDIA!!! 3 friends, 2 weeks, 4 cities, loads of photos, some of the spiciest food I've ever had, wild animals in the jungle, crazy people, the Taj, Sham, Bunty, roundabouts, autorickshaws, singing Bollywood hits in the car, and sooo much more! January 2008 We put on a production of Little Shop of Horrors! I revived my role as a doo-wop girl, but this time as Crystal. It was really rough the week before the show, but we managed to pull it off! Lots of people came, especially my co-workers and ... read more
Sign it!
Izumo Taisha in Shimane, Japan

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori January 19th 2008

本日、取⇔鳥カニ食べ放題・温泉ツアー(バスの旅)に行ってきました。 ガイドをしながらも新車のバス内を探る余裕のあるプロのガイドさんと 「この一帯から甘いいい匂いがする」と少しセクハラまがいの言葉がけをしてくる運転手 と共に朝7時30分。枚方市を出発。 同行者は職場の若い先生方3名。 バスの中では横一列でババ抜きや、坊主めくり風、舞妓めくり。 「雪」を季語に俳句を作ったりしました。 雪国よ 弁当よりも 傘忘れるな    はるなかく 公務員試験クイズでドンもなかなか盛り上がりました。 トイレ休憩で寄った赤松では偶然、現職場の子供+夫婦に遭遇。 家族でどっかお出かけかな?と軽い挨拶を交わし、さよならをしたその後 同じバス、はたまた同じツアー参加者だということに気づく。 若干気まずい中、湯郷温泉ではお母さんと一緒に入りました。 なるべく目をあわさないように、そしてたまに笑顔で会話をしながら楽しく過ごしました。 高速をひたすら走り、やっと目的地である鳥取県に着きました。 松葉カニセンターで15分弱のショッピング。 山村地帯に住む父母にゆうパックで蟹を送りました。ささやかな親孝行です。 お腹も空いてきたちょうどその頃、砂丘センターで蟹食べ放題スタート。 歯で足を噛み千切り、続々と蟹を丸呑みしていきました。 野生化したAB型とO型二人とは裏腹にA型のお二人は上品に蟹を食しておられました。 やっぱり血液型って関係あるんですかね~。 蟹汁でベトベトになった手を拭き、鳥取砂丘へ。 らくだの写真を撮ろうとすると(別に一緒に撮ろうとしたわけじゃないのに) 「料金イタダキマスヨ!」ときつく注意されました。ケチケチ。 日本海近くまで行けなかったことが悔やまれますが お馴染みジャンプ写真を撮ったりして楽しかったです。サンキュウサキュウ 最後は湯郷温泉につかり、ホコホコ・ボサボサで大阪まで帰ってきました。 あたご梨を胸に見立て写真を撮った直後 キャピキャピ女学... read more
kani (1)
kani (2)
kani (3)

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori December 15th 2007

Had a marathon session today and yesterday with my friends Steph and Megumu! Woo! ... read more
Christmas Tree

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori November 22nd 2007

This is the first time I really felt like I was a part of the Cultural Festival preparations. Last year, all I did was watch and I did participate in the teacher's chorus performance and cook tacos with my students, but this year...more work! About a month before the actual cultural festival, one of the teachers asked me if I wanted to try playing the koto. It's a 13 stringed instrument that is played by plucking the strings with a pick-like nail you wear on your thumb, pointer and middle finger. It's a bit hard to describe, if you google or you tube the koto, I'm sure you can find a video of it. You don't look at actual music notes, it's all according to numbers. You can also adjust the sound by pressing down on ... read more
Me and my co-workers!
just me and the koto
waiting to be seated at the tea party

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori November 14th 2007

Lately work has been busy busy busy. I thought things would slow down after the Cultural festival...not so much. Observation classes galore have commenced! Monday was the big observation class for our youngest science teacher. ALL teachers watched his class. The rest of the students in the school were left to do worksheets. Today was the observation class for one of my JTEs who isn't a "real" teacher yet. have to pass two tests to be a "real" teacher. If you pass the first level you become an instructor. If you pass the 2nd level test or if there is a desperate need for teachers, for example, someone goes on maternity leave, you can become a "real" teacher. It's hard to pass the 2nd level so young instructors have to switch schools every year. My ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tottori » Tottori November 6th 2007

which will be expanded into their own separate entries eventually.... It's been way too long since I've updated! I guess the last big event was the speech contest, but since then, I've definitely been keeping busy. Let's begin with my typical weekly schedule. On Mondays and Thursdays I have play rehearsal with Viva Theatre! Yes, we are back and this time, with a musical. Little Shop of Horrors. For those of you who knew me back in high school, remember when I was Ronnette in this musical? This time, I'm Crystal. I'm excited and of course, worried because this production will not be easy. The plant construction, the songs, the tiny many things to think about, but we are going to try our hardest and put on a great show! Tuesday nights, I'm learning shuha ... read more
how much for a can of soup?
how about for the vintage Timberwolves shirt?
Jajangmyun in Yonago

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