Tokyo Brain Melt

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October 4th 2015
Published: October 4th 2015
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I write this Joe is taking a nap, it's been a long day for us.

We got up and encountered a dodgy looking breakfast, (cold egg omlette??) and then we were met by our lovely guide who I had booked in advance to help us with orien in the city, she was marvellous. She took us the the information office to get city photos. We then visited the senso-Ji temple which is the spiritual home of tokyo's ancestors it is over 1000 years old. Getting in on the action I said my prayers to Buddha and shook a little wish ton and out popped a number which meant I opened a certain drawer to be told my luck. My luck for housing is to become very good - let's see hey ?

At this point my camera had a human error issue ( yes I was the human error) so we raced off to a camera shop to get it fixed, Joe and I will return to senso - Ji to get pictures as it was fascinating.

We visited an odd shop, a very odd shop indeed, it sold plastic food, plastic ice cream and plastic beef and plastic eggs - you name it, they supply it. So I asked our guide "why?" And she said "because it's fun" and clearly she loved it and that in itself was funny to watch.

We got on a little ferry and sailed up a river to visit a Royal garden for a quiet stroll before heading back on the trains to get the Meiji Jingu shrine, this is the grandest shrine in all of Toky, here there are celebrations for a child meeting their 3rd, 5th and 7th birthdays, children were all dressed beautifully in kimonos and others were getting married here while toys that were getting passed to the gods were getting blessed. I again said my prayers to Buddh, why not see if he can sort out my house for me!

We went to get some food, our guide took us to her favourite restaurant, both Joe and I didn't really know what to say when we saw the menu as we didnt really like any of it so she picked for us. We had a taster plate each with different foods. Raw white fish which I managed to eat but the picked radish that looked like sliced beef tasted like biting into bone. Never again. I thought I was going to throw up. Joe did well, he ate all of his up.

Next stop was the world famous crossing shibuya crossing, we stood in the middle and got out selfie and I went back and got pictures from the middle, all pictures will be uploaded as soon as possible.

final stop and at my request - the cat cafe, 200 yen to spend 10 minutes with the cats 350 yen to have a drink 500 yen to feed the cats. We chose not to feed them which turned out to be a good thing. Cat cafes are popular amogn the younger generation of Tokyo as many of the population live in overcrowe'd homes so owning a cat is impossible, a cat cafe gives them the chance to look after a cat without the responsibility. We walked into the busy corridor looking for cats that didn't seem to exist, we handed our shoes over and sanitised our hands and went in search of cats. a guy bought cat food to his fatal mistake, the cats sniffed out the food and appeared from nowhere and clung to his legs, balls and chest screaming for food, feeling glad we didn't buy cat food I took lots of pictures and then we returned back to the hotel, we have the books and maps out now and are wondering Howe we will make it on our own without the wonderful guide!

Off to poke Joe awake so we can go for dinner,

Blog ya soon

Lisa and Joe


4th October 2015

Sounds fab. I truly hope that you got photos of the man with the cat food.
4th October 2015

Sounds fab. I truly hope that you got photos of the man with the cat food.

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