Blogs from Okayama, Japan, Asia - page 2


Asia » Japan » Okayama » Kurashiki November 20th 2012

Day 4 Our day started with the early morning wake up call our guide had arranged, and we made our way down to breakfast. During breakfast, we tried to spot the other likely members of our forthcoming tour. Once we had finished, we went back to the room for the bags - there is no porterage in Japan its DIY bag carrying. In the lobby, all of the people we had earmarked at breakfast gathered - 2 Aussie couples, 1 American couple, a Canadian and a pair of Venuzualeans. Our guide Lim took us to the bus, and gave us a brief run down of the day. We had about a 2 1/2 hour journey to Himeji where there is a castle known as the white egret castle and one of the best 3 in Japan. ... read more
Castle under restoration
Roof repairs at Himeji
Shachi fish

Asia » Japan » Okayama » Okayama October 14th 2012

Back on the train gang... Three trains with a three minute changeover at Osaka, saw us travelling to the lovely city of Okayama for two nights. Once again, Japanese efficiency saw us arrive at our destination with lots of time to spend in the afternoon sightseeing. Had a look at Korakuen Garden; one of the 'top three landscape gardens in Japan' (Lonely Planet and Japanese tourist info loves to rank things), which were indeed nice. Dean and Eleanor found an iphone and tried to hand it in at the entrance. I think they thought we were giving them one. It was a very confusing exchange. Later, Dean earned his spot on our tour de South East Asia by finding a bookshop across the road from the hotel. Despite my dislike of the Kindle, I had finished ... read more
Doing some maths on the train
Okayama Korakuen Garden
A walk in the gardens at Okayama

Asia » Japan » Okayama » Okayama July 16th 2012

Well after catching a train from Kagoshima to Okayama we are now in our hotel room just unloading the rucksacks off our backs. It was funny but at Hiroshima station four westerners joined our train and too be honest I thought "we're the only westerners on this train" - sounds like "I'm the only gay in the village", ha ha. Cannot add any photos as the wifi in our hotel in Okayama is really bad - sorry. When arranging our trains for Takayama and then onto Tokyo the queue ended up being out of the building as the poor man behind the counter was getting flustered with our request. I did say to him once he had completed the bookings "you speak very good English - to which he beamed and said do I" ah bless. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Okayama January 6th 2011

I had lazyest winter. but my childhood friends helps me to get out from my parent house. 職業訓練は普通の学校のように約3週間の冬休み、寮も閉まるので 2週間実家へ、しかし、寒波のため痺れ、モチベーションは下がりまくり、かなりのグータラ生活。ここまで自主性がない甘い自分に、鞭を打つ気力もなく、引きこもってました。幼馴染が家から連れ出してくれたり、遊びに来てくれたのが、唯一の救いでした。残りの一週間は、病院で規則正しい生活と、リハビリ、それから周りで頑張ってる仲間を見て 話して それを励みに やる気が、少しずつ出てきました。... read more
new year
eatting and chatting with friend
too cold for me

Asia » Japan » Okayama December 10th 2010

I moved to handicap school next to hospital where I was. I did big step for me. so kind of I could not get use to it new life was big excuse.............and sorry to tell you all very later.... read more

Asia » Japan » Okayama November 7th 2010

It is 30minuts TV show. but my Rehab on there stert 19m:15s. url=!266&authkey=!AJ54MkIwoaaWmME&ithint=file%2cVOB!266&authkey=!AJ54MkIwoaaWmME&ithint=file%2cVOB 岡山、香川の地方番組に5分間ほどドキュメンタリー的に映りました!1日かけて撮影したのに上手く編集されたものです。 このサイトの19分15秒のところから映ってます。!266&authkey=!AJ54MkIwoaaWmME&ithint=file%2cVOB... read more

Asia » Japan » Okayama October 8th 2010

病院近くのスーパーへ暑い中出かけた時の1コマ。あまりの暑さにの冷凍庫の中に頭を突っ込んで冷ましているところです。首にはアイスノンを巻いてます。... read more
summer is too hot!!

Asia » Japan » Okayama » Kurashiki August 31st 2010

Kurashiki After checking into the hotel (more western style hence bigger rooms etc.) most of us opted for the cycle tour. Kay, Nicole & Izi decided to explore the town. We caught the train to BizenIchinomiya. The cycle rental shop was near the station. Once we'd all got the correct bike we were off. We stopped for lunch in a cafe, where I think I had red bean ice cream. The 15km ride was mostly flat through the countryside, along lush green rice fields. The temperature was 94. Tom stopped at various locations so we could see the Temple, shrine and burial mould. We also stopped off at a farm and saw horses and ponies. We rode through a town where we gave the bikes back and all had an ice cold soft drink from ... read more
Kurashiki - station
Kurashiki - station
Kurashiki - cycle tour

Asia » Japan » Okayama August 26th 2010

やっとです!アメリカでの医療費が、アメリカで入っていた旅行保険でほぼ支払われました。ただし、向こうの保険なので帰ってきた時の飛行機代や、日本での医療費、もちろん後遺症などは、払われずじまいです。自業自得、不幸中の幸い。Finally my insurans pay allmost my medication in WY. but not flight ticket to Japan not Rehab in Japan. but better than nothing. and it was long way to finsh it for me. so I have to think next step. I have hangover from accident. but it is ok.I am think "It was the turning point on my life". I have to think more and I have to stady , work , find fun for live.and good thing to stay near parent. I am really miss my old life and fun. but maybe is my dream. I will cheer my climber friends. and I am really want to say for all my frends "Thank you !!!and enjoy your life" ... read more

Asia » Japan » Okayama July 19th 2010

I was thinking a lot now. becouse my healing speed getting slow and need to thinking about furture. I still want to rock climbing but I can see it will be long way or not..........but I have to think my furture. what can I do it now? what do I have to it now ? 最近書くことをさぼってました。 なんだか症状が固定されてきていて、それを受け入れられない自分がいて、そしてこれからの将来をこの障害を持った体でこれから、どう生きていくかについて、考えなければいけない時。 それは、もう病院にいてリハビリをする期間は終わったっということで、新しい環境へ移るべきなのかも。 事故後1年が過ぎ、その新しい環境の生活の中で経験していくことが、今の私に必要。今の状態では、仕事をすることも、一人で生活する能力も経済力もないので、どこまで社会の中でやっていけるかは、職業訓練リハビリセンターにいくこと?ワードやエクセル習って、事務仕事を目指す? 一時、親元に帰ってみること? 一度自立した身としては、帰りにくい所でもあるし、特に母親とは、気が合わず、いつも きつく八つ当たりしては、自己嫌悪し、へこんだり、強がってみたり、素直になれなくて、そしてそんな変えられない変わらない自分が、居て、それまた嫌になる。 親孝行?!努力して変われるのだろうか?いや、かわらねば!何事にも自分に甘い自分をかえねば・・・。まずは、怒らない事から、八つ当たりしないことから、始めてみよう。 誰かが言ってました。社会に出ると 障害を持つこと、後遺症を持つことで、健常者の何倍も努力が必要!私にできるだろうか?っという前に、出来る事からやってみること!まずは、やってみる事。今までは、行動的だった自分が、今では先を考えすぎ、心配するだけで、少し... read more

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