Blogs from Kyoto, Japan, Asia - page 2


Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto June 17th 2023

Nachdem ich heute wieder im Buffetrestaurant gefrühstückt hatte, startete ich meinen Ausflug zum Nanzen-ji Tempel und Eikan-do Tempel im Osten der Stadt. Dabei profitierte ich, wie in Tokio, von der Tatsache, dass der öffentliche Nahverkehr nicht weit vom Hotel los ging. Hier war es die U-Bahn und in Tokio die Japan Railways, die auch jeweils viele englische Schilder und Anzeigetafeln hatten und - da die U-Bahn nicht durch meinen Japan Rail Pass abgedeckt ist - auch das Kaufen von Tickets am Automaten sehr einfach durchzuführen war. Es war auch gut, dass ich meinen Spaziergang vor allem am Vormittag, als die Temperaturen vielleicht bis 26 Grad waren, durchführte, während es heute am Nachmittag bis zu 32 Grad hatte. D.h. ich schwitzte nicht so stark und konnte ohne Probleme die U-Bahn zurück benutzen (ich hatte schon damit gerechnet ... read more
Nanzen-ji Tempel in Kyoto.
Eikan-do Tempel in Kyoto.
Eikan-do Tempel in Kyoto.

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto June 16th 2023

Heute war mir dann doch wieder der Geschmack nach westlichem Frühstück mit Spiegelei, Joghurt, Corn Flakes, Pain au Chocolat, weiteren Dingen und natürlich auch Kaffee und Orangensaft. Das japanische Frühstück war sehr interessant, aber es mangelt dann doch etwas an Süßem oder koffeinhaltigem. Nur war der Andrang heute gegen 08:15 so groß, dass ich eine Weile warten musste, bevor ich mich setzen konnte. Danach organisierte ich den kostenlosen Shuttle Transfer am Sonntag zum Hauptbahnhof - wo mein Hotel sogar eine Lounge betreibt, was ich aber bei Ankunft noch nicht wusste - und stornierte auch die Reservierungen für heute und morgen für das japanische Restaurant, nachdem man mich sowohl an der Rezeption als auch im Lokal selber darauf hingewiesen hat, dass das Bento Menü an allen drei Tagen das gleiche ist. Statt dessen bestellt ich mir heute ... read more
Der Kaiserpalast in Kyoto.
Der Kaiserpalast in Kyoto.
Der Kaiserpalast in Kyoto.

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto June 14th 2023

In den letzten Tagen ging ich sehr früh ins Bett und stand auch sehr früh auf (was weder japanischer noch deutscher Zeit entspricht), aber auch heute hatte ich im Zimmer nach Ostseite keinen schönen Sonnenaufgang zwischen der Skyline. Dafür war es nicht ganz so heiß. Nach dem Frühstück und Auschecken fuhr ich problemlos zum Hauptbahnhof von Tokio und bestieg meinen Shinkansen nach Kyoto. Eigentlich hatte ich einen Fensterplatz auf der Seite des Berg Fuji, aber auch hier verhinderten die Wolken ein sinnvolles Foto. In der alten Kaiserstadt angekommen erreichte ich mein Hotel und wollte für alle vier Tage das normale japanische Restaurant meines 5-Sterne-Hotels buchen (es gibt auch ein chinesisches und zwei europäische). Für heute ging das aber nicht mehr und ich reservierte nichtsahnend das Teppanyaki-Restaurant, welches es auch gab. Aber der Reihe nach. Nach kurzem ... read more
Mein Shinkansen nach Kyoto.
Der Nishiki Markt von Kyoto.
Der Nishiki Markt von Kyoto.

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto May 30th 2023

Today I went to the International Manga Museum, something I was looking forward to. The museum didn’t open until 11 am, so I decided to spend an hour or so at the Imperial Palace gardens. These grounds had been the home of the Emperor, noblemen, and various other hangers-on, starting in 1331, and ending in 1868 when the capital and Imperial Palace moved to Tokyo. The palace grounds are beautiful and well maintained. The only building that can be visited is Kaninnomiya Mansion, a former residence of court nobles, where a history of the palace and its grounds has been set up. I could have happily spent all day wandering around, but manga called. The Manga Museum was only a subway stop away. The museum was founded as a joint project of the city of Kyoto ... read more
manga museum 3
manga museum 7
manga museum 6

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto January 1st 2023

From 2010. Unfortunately, all my Aunts who know how to prepare Shogatsu are getting too old to do all of the preparation and cooking. But the memory will always stay with us. From 2022, my 90 year Aunt in SoCal will prepare a modified shogatsu meal for her family!!! If you should ever get invited to a Japanese family on January 1, you MUST go! It is a life-changing experience, and ensures you will be invited into perpetuity!! The three-day New Year holiday is a very special time in Japan, a time of solemn prayers and joyous greetings. While New Year's Day is a holiday in many parts of the world, the occasion has a unique significance to the Japanese, who take the opportunity to begin anew many aspects of their lives. New Years is regarded ... read more
Need more sushi!
Meguro celebration

Asia » Japan » Kyoto December 18th 2022

Today we tightened up our laces and got some good walking in to a breakthrough bamboo forest and the Kiyomizu-dera Temple. Both were in different directions, but we found them via public trains and busses. You'll see one of my pictures is if a pictorial in the toilet. Japan does toilets right! Seats are heated, but not in a way where you are feeling the ghost of the previous occupant, does go to the floor with no huge cracks, there's an option in most to turn on a running water noise so no one can hear what you're up to, and overall it's the best toilet experience in the planet. Ridiculous that I'm writing this? Yes. Am I sincere? Also yes. Japan is wonderful and I am so glad I came in December during the off ... read more
Write your  wish
My wish
The bamboo forest

Asia » Japan » Kyoto December 17th 2022

Such a fun day! Today we first participated in a tea ceremony where we were dressed in kimonos and had traditional matcha tea. Even though I am very much not the typical size (both height and width) of a woman here they were extremely accommodating and made it a truly memorable experience. We walked through Nishiki Market, a market for all sorts of local foods and the place where I was able to eat my must have, octopus stuffed with a quail egg. It was so good! Lunch was filled with squid, more octopus and dumplings. Then! You all will love this- we enjoyed coffee while petting cats in the Fluffy cafe and then played with otters at a different site. I understand that we must consider the ethical implications of these sorts of visits, but ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto » Arashiyama December 16th 2022

Today we utilized our Japan Rail Passes and boarded a train to Kyoto, luckily catching sight of Mt. Fuji on the way. Today we visited the Kyoto Tower and saw the entirety of the city while roasting alive. Seriously, everyone here is so tiny they ramp up the heat to meet the chill of December. One thing that's really surprised me is just how much time you can spend in the rail station- there's so many shops and places to eat, you really could spend days in them. The architecture you see in the photos today are from the Kyoto station- just an incredible site to appreciate in and of itself. It's been a busy day so it's lovely to turn in to a nice hotel room and relax. ... read more
I love bookstores!
Bookstore cont.
Throughout the city

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto » Senbon September 3rd 2022

Over two billion people worldwide rely on rice as their primary food. According to new study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, increasing levels of carbon dioxide are not only warming the planet, but also severely lowering the nutritional value of key crops like rice. CO2-exposed rice has dramatically less iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Speaking of rice and Japan: Did you know there are over 30,000 certified sommeliers in Japan, 13k of whom are women? A modest 26.5% of all Japanese sommelier candidates pass the exams as sommelier training is quite rigorous there. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Japan’s induction into the International Association of Sommeliers. Japan also boasts countless wine schools and a flourishing wine b... read more
Sushi time

Asia » Japan » Kyoto March 28th 2021

25th March Night time Cherry Blossom - Kyoto #heygo Gion Shirakawa is in the entertainment district with traditional wooden houses, restaurants and teahouses. The true magic of Kyoto comes out when dusk falls, transition into a magical nighttime town illuminated with paper lanterns mixed with argon lights. The illuminated cherry blossoms give off an ethereal glow, are called yozakura—cherry blossoms at night. Kinya our virtual guide took us for a night stroll along Shirakawa Street in Kyoto's Higashiyama Neighbourhood. Kinya explained how the cherry blossom was highly regarded by Japanese people from old times & shared the philosophical connotations behind the scenes of the Japanese cherry blossoms. We learnt about Geisha The profession of a geisha was officially recognized in the second half of the eighteenth... read more

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