Blogs from Bukittinggi, Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi November 6th 2019

After Pagar Alam, I ended up city hopping a bit around Sumatra, three towns, each with its own tale and flavour. I had different reasons for visiting each one of them. The first one up was Palembang. Now Palembang isn't really on anybody's bucket list, there isn't much to see or do there. It is a big city, clogged with the usual traffic and struggling with the resultant pollution. Just like any other big town in these regions. That said, I didn't find Palembang that bad. It has a nice river front scene, and a friendly population. The reason for visiting Palembang was to see the city my father once worked and lived in. A long time ago, when I was still a student. I never visited, my mum did. And so I was curious to ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi March 22nd 2019

Na ranajkach ma oslovuje majitel ci mi ma objednat motorku. Reku vedla mi ju davaju tez za 75k, vraj to tu je standarta cena. Nakonec sa dohadujeme na 70k r. Ranajky ine, vegetarianska picovina. V lobby cakam na motorku. Prichadza chlapik, ukazuje mi ako co funguje. Nevyhoda, ma pod sedanku maly odkladaci priestor, nevojde tam flasa z vodu a pod volantom neni priestor na mobil. No nic, batoh a mobil do vacku. Idem na normalnu pumpu i ked ujko vravel, ze po ceste je kopa obchodikovych pump. To su len take male pumpicky kde maju sud benzinu resp klasika vo flasiach. Na pumpe kopa aut ale motorky tu maju vyhradeny stojan. Tak hned pagi a buna. Poskok hned na mna spustil indonezsky. Dal mi na vyber, drahsi abo lacnejsi benzin, berem lacnejsi. Nadrz doplna, uvidime ci ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi March 21st 2019

Rano hadam okolo 5.00 budicek z mesity. Ono aj vecer hulakali a este mali aj kazanie. Som myslel, ze mi pukne hlava. Ranajky na terase (4poschodie) prekvapili, ryza, vajco a obloha. Ponukali mi aj sendvic ale zvolil som alternativu ryze. Caj, kava a voda free cely den. Dnes bol v plane motovylet ale fakt som daky unaveny a obloha nevyzera moc ruzovo. Nuz som zalomil na izbe a pokracoval v spanku. Po spanku pesi busom k vyhliadke Panorama Dan Lobang, ktora je spojena s japonskymi jaskynami. Tu dvojite vstupne, domaci 15k, cudzinci 20kr. Rozdiel minimalny ale nasralo to. Personal vsak velmi prijemny. Spravil som chybu, ze som najskor siel do jaskyn. Odporucam to najskor pokukat hore a az potom ist do tunelov, bo dole je vychod, ktory cloveka vyhodi kusok od kanonu. No to som zistil ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi March 20th 2019

Ranajky ako obvykle. Po jedle zistovanie u jedneho zo zamestnancov odkial chodia busi do bukittinggi. Ten vraj, ze nic nechodi ale vie mi objednat dodavku co ma vyzdvihne a vylozi v mojom hoteli, cena 50k r. Tak nic teda. Pobalil som sa a siel relaxovat k moru. Skoda tych odpadkov inak by to tu bolo ok. Po promenade dalej nasever. Bohuzial ta skoncila velmi skoro tak chodza po ceste. Premavka dost velka. Pri mori same posedenia. Jednenu som neodolal a sadol si na kokos. Vsetci mali rovnake vypisane ceny 5k r. Relax s vyhladom na more, na stole kokos. Idylku rusil len hluk z aut. Po odpocinku dalej popri mori ale auta ma nakonec vyhnali do vnutrozemia na ul. Veteran. Povodne som chcel chytit angkot (bemo, jeepney, microlet) ale rozmyslel som si to, sak to je ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi September 20th 2016

Sumatra 4ème étape : Bukkitingi Après les 22h de bus et la recherche d’une auberge de jeunesse, n’étant pas très fraiche, je décide de faire une petite marche dans la ville. Bukkitingi est la deuxième plus grande de Sumatra et grouille d’activités. Je me rends au viewpoint, à la place principale et surtout au marché. Celui-ci est réputé dans tout Sumatra et c’est vrai qu’il vaut le coup d’œil. Il est tout simplement gigantesque. Cerise sur le gâteau, les vendeurs me font goûter un tas de choses pour mon plus grand plaisir J. Pour finir, je me rends à KFC pour un petit burger (la nourriture indonésienne est beaucoup trop épicée pour moi). La, déception, même le poulet dans le hamburger est épicé! Je suis dégoûtée... La journée du lendemain est plus active. Déjà, c’est réveil ... read more
Bukkitingi (4)
Bukkitingi (5)
Bukkitingi (6)

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi July 23rd 2015

In the late afternoon, after two days of travelling (please check my previous blogpost, if interested), we arrived in Bukittinggi. Bukittinggi means in Indonesian “High Hill”, and it does lay almost 1000 meter above sea level. Having a human population of almost 120.000 people, Bukittinggi is the second biggest city of Western Sumatra. Padang, is the capital of West Sumatra and the biggest city of this area. During the Dutch establishment, the Dutch East Indian Company, Bukittinggi was known as the “Paris of Sumatra”, and currently in the Netherlands, Bukittinggi is still know for. The Dutch also had an impact on the city, by building a fort called “Fort de Kock”, which I will further discuss down below. The City has some great sightseeing’s you can do, but the nature around the city is also great ... read more
Turret Restaurant: Beef Steak 100g Pepersauce
Fort de Kock
Animation Team at Fort de Cock

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi July 22nd 2015

Yesterday, we enjoyed the culture of the Toba Batak, on the island Samosir at Lake Toba. Today is the day, that we leave Samosir and drive in two days to the city of Bukittinggi. During these days, we will drive though the jungle and it’s mountains, we pass a lot of small towns and a lot of rice fields. However, we had also some small excursions. During two trips we found out about the plantations and wild-life plantations, we visited the Market of Balige, the Sumatra hot-springs (or do I need to say liquid garbage?) and we passed the Equator by Bonjol. However, this little fairytale came to the end, due the travellers horror: getting sick after a restaurant when we arrived in Bukittingi. The day started quite early, where the hotel opened breakfast for us ... read more
Lake Toba - Sunrise
Harbor at mainland
The Market of Balige

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi January 17th 2015

"Excuse me mam. Excuse me sir. Would it be possible for me to speak with you please"?A question of that nature, right or wrong, immediately launches Penny and myself into defensive autopilot. There's an almost intrinsic assumption that the enquirer wants to procure something from us we don't want to hand over. Ever the foreign the diplomat, I'll always suspiciously oblige; "Sure. What is it you want to talk about"?" Excuse me sir. I am a student and just wish to practice my English". That usually translates to one of two things;(A) He wants to practice his English via a sales pitch, or(B) He actually is a student wanting to practice his English. Waddya know, this fellow was from group B. In fact this most respectful and polite young man, along with his 14 likeminded cohorts ... read more
Lake Maninjau
Lake Maninjau

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi September 20th 2014

Kromě Bataků jsou dalším z významných národů žijících na Sumatře také Minangkabauové, jejichž vlast se rozprostírá víc na jih, v západní Sumatře, zhruba kolem města Bukittinggi („Vysoký Kopec“). Na rozdíl od Bataků jsou to Muslimové, domy staví se střechami zahnutými do jiného tvaru a prý i čapky a hábity nosí odlišné, i když to jsem nějak moc nepostřehl. Do Bukittingi jsem se dostal nočním autobusem, ve kterém byla klimatizace nastavená snad na bod mrazu, a na rozdíl od acehské společnosti nebyly k dispozici deky, takže se prakticky nedalo usnout. Kdo mi dokáže vysvětlit, proč to takhle dělají, má u mě drink. Při cestě jsem si ani neuvědomil, že jsme přejeli rovník - vůbec to nedrclo! Po ubytování v hostelu (v pokoji s Japoncem, se kterým jsem se pak o dva týdny později náhodou setkal znovu v ... read more
Orangutan v bukittinggském ZOO

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Bukittinggi August 24th 2014

Dann doch lieber B2. B2 steht für Barbi, (ein Wort mit zwei B), was in der Sprache der Batak 'Schwein' bzw. 'Wildschwein' heißt. B1 ist Biang, denn Biang wird ja nur mit einem B geschrieben, und Biang ist Hund. Wenn man also an einem Haus am Straßenrand Schilder mit B1 oder B2 sieht, bedeutet das, dass hier ein Restaurant ist, was Schwein bzw. Hund anbietet. Hundeliebhaber sollten die nächsten Sätze jetzt lieber nicht lesen. Am liebsten werden ganz junge Hunde genommen, deren Knochen noch 'crunchy' sind, sozusagen 'Crunchy Dog'. (Wer Monty Python kennt, weiß vielleicht, worauf ich anspiele.) Damit der Hund auch schön saftig ist, wird er lebendig in einen Sack getan und dann mit einem Knüppel tot geschlagen. So verliert er kein Blut. Dann wird er gekocht. Lomok-Lomok heißt das Gericht. (Ein B2 Zeichen habe ... read more
Traditional Batak House on Samosir
Toba Batak at Simanindo
Große Brüste ?

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