Blogs from Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia, Asia - page 5


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Mount Bromo November 27th 2006

We finally pulled into the Probolingo bus station at 10pm. We'd been told we'd arrive at 6. It had been a long and grueling day, battling heat, exhaustion, bus fumes, hunger and those intense, inquisitive stares. The bus had stopped off frequently along the roadside for the men to relieve themselves. The women had to wait for 8 hours, and even then the bus nearly left without us. But the biggest relief of all was to be there, wherever it was that we were. We had the name of a cheap hotel and the 'bemo' driver wanted to charge us 20,000 Rp to get there. The local price was 2,000 Rp. We finally managed to find a ride for 5,0000 Rp each and were taken to the wrong hotel. Inside they seemed to have made up ... read more
Looking down at Josh
At the rim of the crater
The 'good luck flower man'

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Mount Bromo May 5th 2006

Para ser sincera el anterior blog no lo puse en espanyol porque lo unico que hacia era quejarme. Despues de estar atrapados en Kuala Lumpur 8 dias, con un bloqueo mental de gran magnitud, finalmente volamos a Surabaya, en Indonesia y directamente nos fuimos a Bromo, bueno a un pueblecito en el medio de las montanyas al borde de Bromo. Bromo es uno de los tantos volcanes de Indonesia y es espectacular, dentro del crater hay tres crateres, uno de ellos monte Bromo. Para disfrutar el escenario es conveniente levantarse a las tres de la madrugada (viajar no es "estar de vacaciones") y andar mas de una hora en la oscuridad para poder disfrutar del amanecer en el volcan. El ambiente es extranyo, como una mezcla entre pelicula de miedo y de ciencia ficcion basada en ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Mount Bromo September 3rd 2005

We left Yogyakarta with a pinch of regret, it had been such a pleasant place to stay. But once again we were wanderers, new environments were ahead, and this thought also excited us. We learnt that there were six passengers in the minibus, but we were the first ones to be picked up and thus could secure the best seats. The second couple was picked up in Yogyakarta’s second tourist agglomeration close to the train station. But where was the third couple? The driver had some trouble finding them, looking for them all over the second place. After a couple of phone calls and further investigations it turned out that they were waiting in a hotel close to ours, so we speedily headed back, having in the meantime lost almost one hour of precious time. We ... read more
Waiting for the sunrise at 2,700 m
The first light
Here comes the sun

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