Blogs from Pushkar, Rajasthan, India, Asia - page 28


Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar November 22nd 2006

Pratele, kamaradi, bratri, den v Puskaru byl jako z pohadky.Pres varovani naseho pruvodce "Kosika" nas svati muzi nechali napokoji a umoznili nam klidny vecer a nasledujici den. Pro predstavu svati muzi se snazi vam nasadit naramek na ruku, venec na krk nebo udelat tecku mezi oci...))))Po provedeni ukonu chcou vysoke castky a pokud jim je nedate, jsou hodne neprijemni az agresivni (i kdyz Alda by s nima zatocil...))))) Po noci na cajicku jsme rano udelali turu na svaty kopecek, kde se volne pohybovali opice (nemyslim ty nase...)))) Pak jsme se smocili v hotelovem bazenu, sbalili si veci a hura do Joipur. Pro priblizeni..... hyndiusmus je pro Evropana nabozenstvi, ve kterem se nevyzna.Trochu to pripomina reckou mytologii, kde je mnoho bohu se svymi pribehy.Napriklad: Brahman-zdroj vecne existence, Brahma-jediny hraje aktivni roli pri tvorbe vesmiru, Visnu-spojeny se "spr ... read more
Svaty kopecek

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar November 17th 2006

Naklady na zivot v meste Pushar su polovicne ako v inych mestach - izba ma stoji len 100 rupii, jedlo tiez ujde, internet je iba 10 rupii na hodinu - bezne platim 30 a napalovanie fotiek je len 50 rupii - bezne platim 150-200 rupii. Dnes rano sa to dalo vydrzat - sice sa modlili, ale podarilo sa mi spat dalej. Dnes vecer ideme na miestnu party s "hltacmi" ohna, fire dancing atd.. Zajtra sa asi presuniem do dalsieho mesta - Jaipur, este chcem toho tolko vidiet, nechcem sa zbytocne zdrziavat na 1 mieste. Dnes vyuzijem cas na to ze doplnim fotky do predchadzajucich blogov, kde som ich dala len velmi malo. Takisto mam asi 10 pol minutovych video, tak ich tiez uverejnim. Dnes rano som urobila par poslednych fotiek s opicami, tak ich stiahnem. Vcera ... read more
Tu su tavy ovela vyssie ako tie v Egypte

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar November 16th 2006

Vcera vecer som pisala ze mam peknu izbu na jazere s krasnym vyhladom. Bohuzial netusila som ze o 4:00 rano ma zobudi hlasna hudba s reproduktorov a pesnicky Hare Krishna - ludia zacinaju svoj "worship" obrad uz o 4:00 hned pod mojimi oknami - to znamena kupu sa v jazere, polievaju sa vodou s jazera, hadzu do neho kvietky atd. Pri vychode slnka som vysla hore na strechu nasej restauracie v hoteli a bol to sice super pohlad na vychadzajuce slnko, jazero, kopce, ale aj tak som bola nastvana ze ma zobudili tak skoro - ten hluk zacal o 4:00 a skoncil okolo 8:00. Dozvedela som sa ze to robia kazde rano, takze zajtra menim hotel niekam dalej od jazera. Je tu kopec turistov, vela z nich tu zostava aj dlhsi cas, kedze je tu vacsi ... read more
Opica s bananom
Jeden z mnohych chramov

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar November 15th 2006

Rano som bola pozriet Karni Mata Temple - potkanov. Bolo to zaujimave ale potkanov tam bolo ovela menej ako som ocakavala. Videla som aj bieleho potkana a ludia veria ze prinasa stastie. Teraz tomu verim aj ja lebo som prezila 7 hodinovu cestu miestnym autobusom z Bikaneru do Pushaku kde som prave dorazila. Ludia v autobuse doslova vyletavali zo sedadiel - buchali si hlavy do policky nad hlavami, triaslo nas ako keby sme boli zasiahnuty elektrinou - a to celych 7 hodin. Z autobusu som vysla ako kozmonaut po pobyte vo vesmire - bola som zrela na vozicek. Po ceste som videla nadherne veci ale vdaka natriasaniu fotenie sa nekonalo. Zeny poobliekane do krasnych siat pri zapade slnka niesli na hlavach zlate nadoby a krasne sa usmievali - to by bola fotka. Cely den som nevidela ... read more
Uz ledva na to mlieko dociahnu
Biely potkan prinasa stastie
Zlata myska

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar November 6th 2006

We have arrived in India and it is wonderful! We spent one night in Delhi, which wasn't as scary as I had thought. Got onto a train to Pushkar next mornig. That was amazing in itself. We booked the tickets at the airport and then next morning at 6 o'clock there were our names on the list outside of the carriage. During the 7 hour trainride we were served tea three times, omlett on toast, ornage juice and bottled water. The seat were really comfy and we had a nice chat with a family from Assam. Arriving in Ajmer (nearest trainstation to Pushkar) we were well blessed with some hotel owner who was looking to find guests for his place in Pushkar (note: this last weekend there was a huge camel fair in Pushkar, which Helen ... read more
Women from Rajasthan
music at sunset cafe
Sunset cafe

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar November 4th 2006

Gita and Sita pose impulsively, fingers swirling, feet tapping, eyes smiling. No lens could resist the frame. As the shutter closes, the sisters cease to be exotic gypsy dancers. "Das-panch dena," the models ask for their remuneration. A picture costs at least Rs 5 in the desert. Pushkar fair, arguably the largest camel and cattle fair in Asia, is a marketplace of frames. On offer are beauty and valour, curiosity and colour, velocity and gore. It has everything the West asks of India: ascetics, gypsies, snake-charmers, camel riders, long moustaches. Wherever you point the lens, Rajasthan is bright and colourful. Just wait for the right light to fall on the reds, the yellows, the oranges, the greens, the blacks…and you have a picture worth flaunting. And who wins the bargain? Of course not the emaciated girls ... read more
Ice in the desert
Holy water
Voyage on sands

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar October 30th 2006

In 24 hours, we took 2 trains, 2 buses, 3 autorickshaws and 1 jeep to arrive here. It was a uncomfortable and dirty experience, but we are here, and now clean once again. We traveled from Amritsa to Chandigar to Delhi, to Jaipur, to Ajmer to our final destination Pushkar. You can see from the map, we have traveled a remarkable distance in one measely day, but we are determined to get down to Goa within this next week so hard-core traveling are on the cards. Pushkar is a holy city (no eggs, meat or alcohol allowed) which is built around a lake in which many come to bathe and cleanse themselves in the holy water. The street is filled with 'Holy Priests' and monks, who are dressed in a bright orange turbans and robes, with ... read more
Camel Festival
Man at the Camel Festival
Winner of the Moustach Competition

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar October 29th 2006

Vo stvrtok sme zacali nasu put Radzastanom. Nasou prvou zastavkou bola Agra, co vlastne ani v Radzastane nie je, ale vidiet to treba. :) Najskor sme sa ale museli vymotat predmestiami Dili. India je plna kontrastov a na okrajoch mesta to bolo dokonale vidno. Bezne bolo vidiet prepychove nakupne centrum ako vystrihnute z reklamy a okolo neho plno slamov, zobrakov a krav hrabucich sa v odpadkov. Na kazdej krizovatke sa k autu zbehnu deti a zacnu prosit o jedlo, alebo vodu. To je asi aj najhorsie. Na zobrajucich dospelych si clovek po par dnoch zvykne, ale na podvyzivene deti to ide tazsie.. Inak nieco ako zvoz komunalneho odpadu sem asi tiez este nedorazilo a India sa doslova topi v odpadkoch. Su ich vsade obrovske kopy a sluzia ako potrava pre vychudnute psy a kopytniky vseho druhu. ... read more
Zobali vrabce zobali..
Taj Mahal..
Pevnost v Jaipure

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar September 24th 2006

To summarize the past few days: Taj Mahal Awe-inspiring. On the reals. I thought it would be a dirty disappointment, but it wasn't. Words can't do the sight of it at dawn justice, so just go if you ever get the chance. Jaipur A relief from the touts of Agra. We spent our first day running errands, since basics tasks take twice as long in India. Our second day consisted of a LONG bus tour. We wound up paying way more than the Rough Guide had led us to believe we would on the tour, but we also got to see a LOT of forts and palaces. Things we learned in Jaipur: * Avoid taking bicycle rickshaws since they are enjoyable for neither us nor the poor skinny man trying to pedal us home. * Everything ... read more
Taj Close
Stairs to the Taj

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Pushkar August 25th 2006

So, I'm no longer in Udaipur, even though I said I'd write again from there. Turns out we pretty much did nothing in the city of Octopussy but drink beer and watch the rain. After Udaipur, Pushkar, which I will write on now even though I'm currently in Jodhpur and leaving tonight again for Delhi. All of this corresponding has been delayed by the fact that I have been crazy ill for the last 4 or 5 days. It all started with a very cold, very long, very wet busride that gave both of us what looked like the beginnings of bronchitis. For me, this cleared in a few wheezy days, but was replaced with a wicked stomach something or other, which has left me in bed for pretty much our entire stay in Jodhpur. Jason ... read more
Puskar Hills

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