Mountain pass time

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Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir
June 12th 2005
Published: September 7th 2005
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We had to wait about 4 days for the next road to open to get us down to Manali. We teamed up with 4 other travellers and hired a jeep to take the 20 hour journey. We left at 2 am and were excited by the expected trip over the 2nd highest drivable pass in the world. It didn't disappoint at first.

The pass was amazing. At 17,500 ft it was just white peaks everywhere. We were encouraged to get out of the jeep to see the views - which we did, but at about 6am and that high it was soooo cold that everyone ran. It was 5 travellers running, peeing and snapping photo's as fast as possible while shivering wildly. It was impressive and worth the lost toes.

The rest of the trip was some of the best scenery to date, but marring the enjoyment was the last 2 to 3 hours and 20 miles of the trip. It hadn't really occurred to us that the driver might not be up to that length of trip but it became more and more obvious in these final stages. First we noticed his eyes becoming more blood shot and his tone a little more wild and aggressive. Then the driving changed! We descended down a mountain road with the usual sheer drops at the edge, but now we were in a queue of traffic. Getting more and more agitated he kept trying - and succeeding - to overtake! First cars then buses, army vehicles - the lot. At one point we could see the wheels of the jeep travelling at the very edge of the track with no leeway at all. At this point we really did wonder if there would be a happy ending. Now for all of you wondering - there was.

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Beam me up ScottyBeam me up Scotty
Beam me up Scotty

Where's the man in the red tunic?

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