Blogs from Kampong Cham, East, Cambodia, Asia


Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham October 20th 2022

This morning after breakfast we disembarked in the bustling town of Kampong Cham and boarded a coach for a short drive to Phnom Pros Phnom Srei which translates as Man Mountain Lady Mountain. On the way Leng told us the legend of how the men and the women held a competition to see who could build the tallest hill and, of course, the women won thereby winning the right to have men take responsibility for proposing to them. We drove part way up the smaller hill, Phnom Pros, where we visited the Buddha Garden. In addition to several statues of Buddha there is an impressive library, a number of other colourful buildings … and monkeys! Fortunately the monkeys didn’t seem very interested in us so we didn’t have to worry about them bothering us. Leng had ... read more
Teaching Buddha on Man Mountain
Standing Buddha on Man Mountain
The Library

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham January 2nd 2020

650am start for us today. Your average person would hate the early start, me however, I'm loving it. We're actually getting shit done and seeing things. Because nothing's open that early in the morning, I stocked up on snacks. Oreos, chips and cashew nuts for breakfast. Yeah, not great. We're taking a public bus to Kampong Cham. My expectations of things on this trip have been grossly incorrect for the majority of it. I was expecting some shit heap bus like I've seen throughout Cambodia and Thailand, but instead, we get a very reasonable bus with air conditioning. We made several stops picking up locals and dropping them at their small towns along the way. Depending on the ticket the local bought, they either sat in seats or on stools along the aisle until the bus ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham December 30th 2017

We arrived in Sihanoukville mid afternoon and checked into our guesthouse. Sihanoukville, named after King Sihanouk, is a beachside town in southern Cambodia. Me, Bill, my dad and team Canada went to a nearby pub (run by an Aussie from Byron Bay) for a few beers before dinner. The weather was cloudy with some showers. Pear said it was going to rain the next day and didn't recommend a boat trip to the islands the next day. We then met for dinner and walked to the beach which has many bars. We had a nice dinner then some loud tourists came in and the DJ fired up! Dinner and drinks soon turned into dancing and a lot of drinks! My dad was even dancing too – I lost count of how many times Despacito and the ... read more
Me and Bill tearing up the dancefloor
Beach days with Intrepid

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham August 10th 2017

We are now on our way to Kampong Cham, a 5 hour journey, which has given me a great chance to catch up on blogging! The journey also gave me the opportunity to reflect on why I love travelling so much. Some people say that you 'find yourself', I am not that twee! I think it gives you a complete change, an opportunity to have different experiences and see the different ways that people around the world live. A person who can travel is very privileged indeed, the majority of the world cannot afford it. It makes me humble about what I have. It puts things into perspective and makes you appreciate the simple things in life. Don't get me wrong, it's not all rosy and fabulous. I woke up a few mornings ago filled with ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham November 21st 2015

Le réveil de ce jour et un réveil d'une grande importance il sonne le glas du départ du trip à vélo ! Une famille de neuf shlags seras réunie à cette occasion. -Le grand Jean moteur du projet résidant sur Phnom Phen depuis plus de 6 mois ! -Benoît colocataire de Jean un nouveau dans la famille ! -Valou cousin de Jean et frère du Ruth le motivateur pour aller dans les champs récolter le riz avec les locaux ! -Le Ruth aussi cousin de Jean et frère du Valou acolyte du gros quart d'heure de discussion avant le dodo ! -Théo encore une nouvelle bonne rencontre amis de Jean et de Romain ! -Romain l'ami du sax pas inconnus au Bataillons ! -Le Dageur le local qui communique avec les locaux et qui nous fait ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham February 6th 2015

I'm back at Tokae Restaurant before they open on Friday morning, about 6.15am. Why do I leave myself so much time? I should know by now buses are never on time and today's was no exception. I had plenty of time to eat breakfast and enjoy a second cup of Lipton's. Eventually the mini bus was on the road, overcrowded as usual. I think today we had 21 adults and a very cranky toddler on board and I was relieved to fall out of the van in Kompong Cham three hours later, over the crying child and having to carry my backpack on my lap due to lack of space. I gave my fellow travellers a sympathetic smile and a wave as I disappeared down the road on a moto, heading to Daly Hotel where I ... read more
The Bamboo Bridge
The Bamboo Bridge
Wat Nokor

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham March 27th 2014

It was at home on my laptop that I first read about the Bamboo Bridge in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. The structure of it caught my eye and then upon reading more of the history of it, I decided then & there that I was going to see it for myself. The day I actually rode my bicycle across it was indeed an accomplished feeling as I smiled for 800 meters, which is the length of the bridge! The bamboo bridge connects the small yet populated island Of Koh Paen in the Mekong River to Kampong Cham, mainland Cambodia. The Island is home to 25 000 people and is a colourful mix of Cham & Khmer culture. The fascinating aspect is this bridge is constructed every year by hand in November (which is the dry season), then ... read more
Bamboo Bridge
Me on the bridge

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham February 17th 2012

"Realiteit, een hallucinatie veroorzaakt door een tekort aan van alles in de bloedbaan..." was een veelgebruikte zin door de altijd fascinerende Erik van der Z. en zeer toepasselijk op de afgelopen weken. Allereerst voordat ik vertrok mocht ik geen biertje drinken in verband met het slikken van anti-biotica. Dat gaf eigenlijk wel een mooie pauze en ik kwam erachter dat de groene Jupiler met 0-komma-nog-wat-procent alcohol, prima te drinken is! Jammergenoeg hebben ze dat niet hier in Cambodja. Sinds een paar dagen is het onverstandig voor mij hier nog een druppel alcohol te drinken. De Cambodjaanse dokter was daar heel duidelijk in. Koh Chang was heerlijk, leuke mensen, alleen word je er wel erg lui. Ik vond het dus tijd om iets anders te doen en mijn vinger kwam terecht op Siem Reap. Ach, waarom niet? ... read more
Adressen uitwisselen met operatiezuster 1
Operatiezuster 2
Born 2 Cook Cambodia edition

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham September 5th 2011

J'arrive à Kampong Cham, où travaille Laeti comme architecte pour Médecins Sans Frontières. Je loge avec elle dans la maison des expatriés et chaque jour je pars à vélo à la découverte des environs et de la vie rurale de la province. La circulation n'est pas facile, car ici il n'y a aucune règles. J'en fais les frais après 10 minutes de vélo lorsqu'un scooter qui ne m'a pas vu me fonce dessus. Plus de peur que de mal et je suis bonne pour changer de vélo... Dans les alentours de la ville, on trouve de nombreux temples bouddhistes ou hindhouistes, chacun ayant ses légendes associées. Je visite une plantation de caoutchouc et l'usine de traitement associée. Pas de guide et peu de règles de sécurité, je me retrouve donc au milieu de la chaine de ... read more
Enfants sur les escaliers menant a Phnom Proh
C est parti pour la degustation d'oeuf feconde de canard
Delices de Skun (mygales frites)

Asia » Cambodia » East » Kampong Cham September 1st 2011

Wie schon im vorigen Blog erwaehnt trugen die Fruechte unseres ersten Versuches Kompong Cham zu erreichen keinen Erfolg. Also haben wir es nach ein paar Tagen Besichtigungstour in Phnom Penh noch einmal probiert, doch leider blieb auch diesmal der Erfolg aus. Wir mussten einen Bus in Richtung Siem Reap nehmen, der nach 150km in Kompong Thom stehen bleiben sollte. Zwar sind wir inzwischen gewoehnt, dass die Fahrten hier ein wenig laenger dauern, doch als der Schaffner uns in sehr gebrochenem Englisch mitteilte, wir kaemen nach etwa 5 Stunden um etwa 7 Uhr abends an, glaubten wir ihm. Die Fahrt selbst war eine Qual: Der Fahrer konnte es nicht lassen, seine Karaokekollektion auf Video bei voller Lautstaerke zu praesentieren. So wurden die ersten zwei Stunden mit berstenden Gesaengen von der DVD "Khmer-Karaoke Vol. 113" ausgehalten, bei der ... read more

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