Around 4000 Temples; over 580,000 Buddhas. Another normal day in Burma

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Bagan
February 10th 2007
Published: February 11th 2007
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Bagan - Monywa Little did we know when setting off to explore a couple more of the four thousand or so temples of Bagan, that a few hours later we'd be backstage meeting the stars at a 'pwe' - a pagoda (temple) festival. Our self appointed guide, who was all of 15 years old was thrilled to be the one who had brought these exotic foreigners with cameras back behind the scenes, to the place where t... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 50, Displayed: 21


Megastar  Megastar

Collects another gift. Pwe, Bagan
Mingalazedi Mingalazedi

No more sunrises. Bagan
Restoration Restoration

A number of temples have been restored - especially following the 1975 earthquake. Some restoration is more obvious than others... Bagan
San Thi Dar Family San Thi Dar Family
San Thi Dar Family

Kind, generous, friendly. We could learn a lot from these people. Bagan
Boat  Boat

At sunrise. Bagan
Nirvana Nirvana

One of over 550,000 Buddhas. Monywa

Hall of Eternal Peace. Monywa

At times a little surreal. Monywa
He's BigHe's Big
He's Big

Bodhi Tatuang
Buddha Buddha

In the dark. Bagan

Another hard day for souvenir sellers. Bagan
Star Cola Star Cola
Star Cola

Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, 7Up? Not in Burma - although available they are imported & expensive. Here the drinks of choice are Star Cola, Lemon Sparkling & Fantasy Orange


11th February 2007

Isn't Religion Wonderful
Nice writing mate, beautiful photo's to. You manage to bring back the magic and beauty of Burma. And yet again the human race wasts money on religion... Like the Nigerian MP who when asked why their country was one of the poorest, most violence, corrupt and dangerous in the world and what solutions they had to solve the problem, replied with "We just need to pray harder".
16th May 2011

Very nice blog and nice photos.i am so please and happy that u both love Myanmar(Burma). And also Bagan is one of my favourite place in Myanmar(burma).Thanks for ur photos which i found some of nice pictures to use for my research.

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