A Very Emotional Departure from My Maasai Family

February 13th 2014
Published: February 13th 2014
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The water tank I bought Isaac and Josephine had now been delivered and installed just in time as it has rained very heavily over the last couple of days I was hoping to see water come from the tap before I left. The tank that I decided on in the end was the largest which once full, will keep the family supplied with water for up to 5/6 months. A great relief to Josephine.

Sunday 2nd February it's Isaac's birthday. They don't acknowledge their birthdays and some (the older generation) don't even know when it is or how old they are. I've bought a birthday cake from town which is iced beautifully but unfortunately the icing did not survive the very bumpy motorbike journey. Nevertheless, I've used the Christmas candle that I brought with me and sang happy birthday to Isaac at breakfast. His eyes are filled with tears of joy which sets me off and immediately he calls the rest of the family to come and see. None of them have ever had a cake let alone for their birthdays. Isaac cuts the cake and we all enjoy. It's nothing like the cakes back home but it's enjoyable just the same.

We have been told of a special church service taking place today also being held at the orphanage. Three nearby churches are to combine their services in one. We (all the volunteers) are asked to attend. We are told it starts at 9am. I'm getting slightly used to the timing here not so don't show up until 10.30. Not surprisingly nobody has arrived. The church service finally starts at 12 noon and after already been sitting around for a while, and not being a religious person, this the last place I want to be. After just one hour I'm tempted to leave but then the bishop arrives and I've lost my opportunity to leave unnoticed. Shortly after 2.30 I decide I've had enough sitting in the heat listening to someone preach in a different language. it's possibly the rudest thing I have done but I really couldn't stand it much longer. Thankfully I did leave because it didn't finish until


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