Blogs from East, Tanzania, Africa - page 64


Africa » Tanzania » East » Kibaya February 15th 2005

Tuesday 15th February How sad didn’t this morning feel, this trip’s last full day? Harriet woke us up early as we had a meeting with our friend Mr Meela, the bee expert, today. We were to spend the morning with him and Harriet on a field trip to see how the Akie tribe was getting on with the beekeeping and animal husbandry project they were involved in. In the afternoon we were planning to go to the big ‘mnada’ or Maasai market in Kibaya which happens on the 1st and the 15th of every month. After breakfast we set out with Massud driving, our first stop being Mr Meela’s house from where we were to pick him up. He lives in Kibaya, not far from Harriet, in a neat, white washed house with a small shamba ... read more
There were mostly men who came to show us the hives
Akie elders and warrior
an Akie elder

Africa » Tanzania » East » Kibaya February 14th 2005

Monday 14th February After a feverish night I swallowed some paracetamol and got up early. The morning sun was shining through the flimsy curtain, and there were African morning sounds coming from outside; chickens, dogs barking in the distance, askaris talking softly to each other. Harriet had left breakfast for us as she had gone briefly to her office, which is just walking distance from her house. We ate breakfast outside on the veranda, bacon, eggs and toast. Harriet’s houseboy Charles was in the kitchen cooking food for Dessie and the cats. We liked Charles immediately, he was a gentle person with a lovely smile. He absolutely adores the animals, and would miss Dessie I think more than anyone else when the family leave. The kittens had an eye infection and he would painstakingly put ointment ... read more
Scott on the veranda
Sausage tree in Harriet's garden
Looking the other way

Africa » Tanzania » East » Kibaya February 13th 2005

Sunday 13th February I must confess to having had a lousy night. Anja wasn’t too happy either with her ‘trasa’ substitute. Even the comfortable bed seemed lumpy and hot, and Paul’s tossing and turning with his sore legs didn’t help. I was however looking forward to today as we were going to Kibaya, to Harriet’s home and to somewhere completely new. I decided to totally ignore my virus infection, pack myself full of paracetamol and carry on regardless. I just couldn’t afford to be ill just now, with only a few more days to go. I could always be sick when I got back to England, some more days off work wouldn’t be the end of the world. First things first. I wanted to find our maid and ask her what she knew of ‘trasa’s’ fate. ... read more
House on the road after Morogoro
Enroute to Kibaya
The old Dodoma road

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam February 12th 2005

Saturday 12th February Even though it must have been a late night for Harriet and Jon-Erik, they were up bright and early - how do they do it? ‘Knock, knock’ came the wake-up call on our door and we had to leave those soft beds. Today was Jon-Erik’s birthday, so we had a present prepared for him to open at the breakfast table. We all trouped downstairs and sang Happy Birthday for him, and luckily our teen-agers did not have to cringe with embarrassment as we were the only ones in the restaurant. He had quite a few presents and we gave him a pedometer to measure how far he walks and how many steps he takes. After a shower we were ready for our beach day. I had always gone north of the Msasani Peninsula ... read more
Breakfast at Q-bar
Kipepeo Hotel on the South Beach
Looks lovely doesn't it?

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam February 10th 2005

Thursday 10th February Dar-es-Salaam and the coast were beckoning today, but only after about 8 hours of sweltering driving between the city and us. Vidar was not joining us as he was going on the school trip to Arusha National Park, which had been planned a long time in advance. Jon-Erik had a full working day to do, so he was going to fly to Dar and join us there in the evening. This meant we needed only one car, even if we had to squeeze in a bit. Jon-Erik, Ossian and Carita were to fly back to Moshi on Sunday, while Harriet would drive us to Kibaya, a journey I was greatly looking forward to. It was quite a feat to pack the car, because although we had minimal luggage with us, there were still ... read more
Shooter's grill
Zeus and Mike
Old school friends

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam February 9th 2005

Hello again, I have finally arrived after only 5 days of traveling and is it ever hot here! I don't have a/c at my place so am quite hot, even with the fan on. Apart from the heat, it's been quite an adventure so far. Due to freezing rain, my plane from Calgary was delayed, thus causing me to miss all my connections to Dar. So, I was delayed by two days in Toronto - thank you again so much to my family, the Palis', for taking such great care of me! I was taken to the office on the afternoon of my first day here and met all the staff. I am now currently reading some information brochures on my organization and trying to figure out my responsibilities. I'm not sure what to expect regarding ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam January 20th 2005

It's now officially 2 weeks before I leave for Tanzania for the next seven months! It hasn't seemed very real for the last few weeks but now that I have my ticket in hand, all the details that I still have to deal with are coming through with alarming clarity! What on earth am I going to be doing in Dar es Salaam? I will be working with the Legal and Human Rights Centre, doing some research and writing, as well as helping out in any way that I can. This is my test entry... just updating on my preparations (ask if I have my passport/visa?). Hope to see you all before I leave cold Canada for nice warm Tanzania (about a 40-60 degree difference?) ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam September 16th 2004

Vi har aldrig rigtigt naaet at fortaelle om arbejdet hernede, men her skal jeg forsoege at fortaelle lidt om det. Vi starter heeeelt forfra, og kommer til sidst til, at vi lige nu er I tvivl om, om ansaettelsen mon fortsaetter. Samarbejdet med chefen Inayat er gaaet i haarknude og vi ved faktisk pt ikke, om det kan loeses… Arbejdet: Hjemmefra vidste vi jo som bekendt ikke meget om det hernede. Vi forventede at arbejdet mest var i en is-bar og en smule nogle andre steder, som Inayat ogsaa har. Da vi kom fik vi umiddelbart anvist Coffee Shop og Bread Shop som vaerende stederne, der var brug for hjaelp. 'Helt ok,' taenkte vi, for vi kunne godt se at der var nok at tage fat paa. Den foerste uge gik med at se is-baren ogsaa ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam September 10th 2004

Kapitel 1 fra Tanzania: Bolig Vi bor indtil videre hos Familien Rajey, som er Indere. Mr. Rajey er 72 og Mrs. Rajey er midt I 60’erne. De er soede mennesker, og er vist en del af den velhavende del af befolkningen, tror vi. Huset er ikke et slot, men en god stoerrelse, med 4 rum (hvor vi bor I et af dem), stue, spisestue, koekken og 3 badevaerelser. Husets grund er omkranset af en hoej mur med pigtraad eller glasskaar ovenpaa. Man gaar meget op I sikkerhed her. Saaledes er der flere af doerene i huset, som bestaar af en almindelig doer og en tremmedoer af en slags, som har baade laas og slaa (vi tager snart billeder). De har en del tjenere eller hushjaelp, om man vil, I huset. En vagtmand doegnet rundt er obligatorisk ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » East » Dar es Salaam June 11th 2003

This, along with all my other Africa blogs, were actually emails sent to friends and family. I didn't know much about blogs at the time, but now I do. Hello all! Greetings from beautiful Tanzania! I thought it would be a lot easier to email from here than it is. This is the first chance I've gotten to really write a note and my time is limited. My computer won't connect to the web here, and I'm left with using the house computer, which many people use here. So much to say!!!! Here so I start and what do I leave out? Anyway, I arrived in Tanzania six days ago and the time is flying by. I've spent most of my time getting to know my brother, Gregg, and his family.... all of them lovely ... read more
Mosquito net
Visiting the School

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