Blogs from Parc National des Volcans, Province du Nord, Rwanda, Africa - page 4


Woke up this morning at 5:15 to see the gorillas. After an hour car ride to the national park office, we signed in and were put in a group with a dual American/Rwandan citizen who lives in Richmond. We were assigned our two rangers, who told us about the family of gorillas which we were going to see as well as about the mountain gorillas in general. Volcanoes National Park is right up against the borders with the DRC and Uganda. Both the DRC and Uganda have national parks on the other side of these borders. I use the term "national park" very loosely with the DRC, as it is really just uncontrolled wilderness. Together these parks encompase the entire Vertugas Mountains, which are a small chain of volcanic mountains, including three active ones. The last ... read more

Wow, oog in oog met de mountain gorilla’s in Volcanous National Park. Wat een ervaring! Na wat wikken en wegen hebben we toch besloten dat het bezoeken van de gorilla’s een must do in Rwanda is. Het mag dan extreem duur zijn, dat vergeet je en de ervaring is onvergetelijk. Gisteren zijn we eerst naar de immigratie dienst geweest voor informatie over ons visum, we wilden van ons single entry visum een multiple entry visum maken. Dit bleek toch iets ingewikkelder dan gedacht. Maar we gaan hoogstwaarschijnlijk nog wel een buurland bezoeken. Daarna hebben we de bus genomen naar Muzanse (voorheen Ruhengeri). Nadat we buskaartjes hadden gekocht en in de bus zijn gaan zitten moesten we opeens betalen voor de bagage, bijna net zo veel als dat ons eigen kaartje kostte… Dit was niet afgesproken dus ... read more
Een teenager

24th February On Tuesday morning I started my journey in anticipation of going gorilla trekking the next day. Colin dropped me off in Kabale in the morning so that I could walk to the petrol station where the taxis departed to the border. I say taxis but in reality they are actually men who own cars and charge a couple of pounds to take people to the border of Rwanda! So I load my bags into the boot of this man’s car and jump inside. There are two women sitting in the car. “Aghandi,” I said, which means: Hello, how are you? “Neeje.” Came the reply, which means pretty much the same thing. The next thing I know another woman and three of her kids climb into the back. It was cramped with a child sat ... read more
The silver back
Armed Guard

Po 9 godzinach marszu przez jakies 17 ekosystemow, w tym pole, babmusowy zagajnik, dzungle, potem znow bambusowy zagajnik, potem znow dzungle, krzaki, lokalne jalowce, upal, mgle, mrzawk i ulewe, bloto, pokrzywy, malpie odchody, moge powiedziec, ze wdzialam najwieksza w Rwandzie grupe goryli gorskich - Susa. A zaczelo sie tak.. Tak jak pisalam wczoraj, Susa to najwieksza grupa, do ktorej najdalej sie idzie, niektorzy bardzo chca tam isc, inni mnej, bo z gory sie boja, jeszcze inni chca isc, a potem zawracaja w polowie drogi, bo sie okazuje , ze za daleko i nie daja rady. Ta grupa ma okolo 40 osobnikow. Inne maja po kilkanascie sztuk i sa nizej. Wczoraj, czekajac na nasze golden monkeys smialysmy sie z tym wszystkich ludzi w pelnym ekwipunku, ktorzy wygladal jak Indiana Jones, tylko pejcza im brakuje, wyobrazajac sobie, jak ... read more
Mr Goryl.
Dzieci o stop gorylego wzgorza.

Wczorajszy dzien mial polegac tylko na przejezdzie kilka godzin wyboista droga, ktorej przedsmak mielismy juz poprzedniego dnia - wczoraj mialo byc dwa razy dluzej. Okazalo sie jednak, ze byl to jeden z najciekawszych dni - a tu wsrod dni konkurencja duza, bo w sumie codziennie dzieje sie cos ciekawego. Otoz wczoraj wyruszylismy z Moriah Hill Resort nad jeziorem Kivu - pieknego miejsca z plaza, gdzie zebrala sie na swieta miejscowa elita - including tuzin tlustych nieznosnych murzynskich dzieci. Pierwszy dzien swiat - wiec ulicami przechadzaly sie eleganckie tlumy. Wiedzac, ze tego dnia nie beda nosic nic na glowach, kobiety zdjely turbany i okazalo sie, ze maja pod nimi afro w stylu Nefretete - prostokatne wysokie fryzury, umajone kolorowymi wstazkami. Do tego ubrania typu togi - zawiazane na jednym ramieniu - wygladaly wszystkie naprawde dostojnie - zniknely ... read more
More Princess

Mighty mountain gorillas Day 258 Christmas Eve After much anticipation Mountain Gorilla Day had arrived. We had the privilege of staying in a dorm that evening complete with bunk beds. However, the sleep was short lived as we were up at 5.30. After a short drive from the small Rwandan town of Musanzi we arrived at the mountain gorilla sight, a part of the Warandi massive, home to seven volcano’s and approximately 280 Mountain Gorillas. Our group split into two groups a medium trek and long trek group. Given that Carly had been feeling unwell for a few days we decided it best to tackle the medium trek. We had our briefing from Francis the park ranger and we were off to try and find a family of 13 Gorillas, called the Harati family. The family ... read more
Thats close enough

Faced with the prospect of several days on a bus, and several different buses at that, we'd taken the ‘flashpacker’ option and flown from Arusha in Tanzania to Kigali in neighbouring Rwanda. We’d barely left the airport before we started spotting differences - roads were quieter, streets were clean and roundabouts (they actually had roundabouts!!!) were covered with grass and flowerbeds. That and the way that minibuses at least from Kigali, ran to a schedule, departed on time (whether full or not!), required you to buy a ticket (which often had the price on it!) before getting on and it was almost like we weren't in Africa anymore. Ahhh and then there was the coffee. Kigali seems to have a relatively large population and coffee is a key cash crop here - the result, a couple ... read more
Lake Kivu
Gorilla trekking, Rwanda
Gorilla trekking, Rwanda

If someone told you that I paid USD500 to see some apes in the jungle then you might laugh at him and call him a liar (especially if your name is Marc ;). Fortunately this time you would be wrong. Not that it was my idea to go and visit them. Kellie insisted on it in the beginning and I'm glad she did. There are three countries which still have Mountain Gorillas left which are Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo (which is neither democratic nor a republic) and Rwanda. There is a limited number of gorilla trek permits each day in each country and our luck (or misfortune depends on how you look at it) had it that we went to Rwanda to see the gorillas. Rwanda issues about 40 permits per day (I leave it ... read more
Why are they called silverbacks?
Two monkeys and an ape

All is well on our overland tour. It is our 5th day and we have traveled constantly long days driving on potholed roads through Uganda and into Rwanda all in the aid of seeing a large ape! Today we finally did it. Just returned from the mountain gorilla trek. We were placed into the long trekking group to see the largest family of gorillas here in these mountains. We were asked if we were fit enough and eight of us set off for a three hour trek up the mountain (our other companions went in another slightly easier trek to find another family). Within 1 hour 10 minutes we got lucky. Just after our trekking guide started to cut bamboo for us to climb through in the more dense part of the mountain and as Ralph ... read more

It was an amazing experience, definitely a trip highlight! The trek itself was tough! We pretty much hiked uphill for 3 hours straight, gaining approximately 600m in elevation. The trails were muddy, and at times very steep. Also we had to be wary of the stinging nettles. When we did see the gorillas, it was on a steep hill and through dense bush, which made it tough for viewing, but the guide and trackers were amazing, and always tried to help place us in a better spot for taking photos and viewing the gorillas. We visited the Bwenge group which had one Silverback, two babies, and 7 females. Apparently it was also the group that was featured in the movie "Gorillas in the Mist". ... read more
Gorillas 9
Gorillas 10
Gorillas 8

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