Blogs from Malawi, Africa - page 21


Africa » Malawi » Central » Kasungu December 6th 2012

Every time I finish a blog entry I think I’ll not have much to write about next time, and then life happens in Malawi! So what happens to a thief in Kasungu? I accompanied Charles on his way to obtain a second signature on a cash withdraw slip, as I needed to go to the bank too to withdraw yet more cash to pay for my accommodation. As we left the office I could hear lots of children singing very loudly. I asked Charles where it was coming from and why it was so loud. He said 'they are singing feef, feef' so I thought it must be some kind of celebration. As we turned the corner there were around a hundred or more school children on the side of the road and we were heading ... read more
The market
Another part of the market
The primary school

Africa » Malawi » Central » Kasungu December 2nd 2012

I’m a celebrity, please keep me in here…. is a eco wilderness lodge deep inside Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve so a good 45 minutes (maybe even an hour) of the journey was literally through the middle of the bush in a 4 wheel drive. The ride was very exciting and I saw water buck and baboons on the way in which was a wonderful taster of bush life. This reserve is one of the country’s largest conservation areas so it’s not commercialised. It’s vast at 1800km2 and the terrain is rugged spanning altitudes of 500m to 1638m so seeing wildlife here is a privilege and not guaranteed! After being jiggled around all over the place and beginning to feel a little queasy I was relieved to be greeted by the management and team with a cold ... read more
My room
My bed
Shai and Emanuel

Africa » Malawi » Central » Lilongwe December 2nd 2012

Geo: -13.9808, 33.7721... read more

Africa » Malawi December 1st 2012

Geo: -14.0174, 34.851... read more
Crique dérrière Illala pass
Sur l'île de Thumbi
Varan du Nil

Africa » Malawi » Central » Kasungu November 29th 2012

I feel full of beans this week!!! It was clearly heat exhaustion that I suffered last week and thankfully I’ve made a full and rapid recovery! I’m settled into a nice little routine and I am extremely comfortable here in Kasungu, Malawi. FRIENDLY, POLITE AND EXTREMELY KIND is how I would describe Malawians. I know I’ve said it before but it’s such a pleasure to meet and exchange greetings with people who are genuinely interested in you. I can spend a whole day in the UK passing people, even in my own working environment and not even exchange eye contact! We even email each other when we’re in the same room! What’s all that about? A smile costs nothing and it makes you feel great. It's certainly not money that makes the people of Malawi happy. ... read more
The main road other direction!
More traffic

Africa » Malawi November 29th 2012

Geo: -14.0167, 34.85... read more

Africa » Malawi November 29th 2012

Geo: -14.7908, 35.4199A peine rentrés du "boat safari" du matin, nous sommes informés que deux crocodiles se battent nonloin de là et que nous sommes invités à aller observer la scène. L'affaire se passe dans l'eau et, à notre arrivée, nous ne voyons vaguement qu'une bête tourner en rond dans l'eau. La bagarre semble terminée et nous découvrons qu'un crocodile long de plusieurs mètres tiens dans sa gueule un de ses congénères mesurant pas loin de 2 mètres ! Il suffira ensuite de quelques instants à l'animal affamé pour littéralement gober sa proie. Une lente digestion peut commencer tandis que l'émoi reste pour les spectateurs de ce spectacle aussi rare que stupéfiant.... read more
Repas terminé !

Africa » Malawi November 28th 2012

Geo: -14.7908, 35.4199Le muzungu, c'est l'homme blanc dans pasmal de langues bantoues. Les animaux, c'est la faune locale. Nous n'avons pasencore commencé d'explorer le parc national de Liwonde que la faune nous a déjàjoué 2 tours ! Pour rejoindre le Mvuu Camp (mvuu signifie hippopotame enchichewa) nous devons traverser, en bateau, la rivière avec tout notrematériel. En attendant le départ, nous admirons le paysage et les animaux surl'autre rive depuis le ponton. C'est alors que profitant d'un vol en directiondu palmier voisin, un cormoran à poitrine blanche satisfait un besoin naturel.Le jet de matières fécales, lâché avec une précision rare, réussi à crépir lesdeux muzungus que nous sommes des cheveux aux souliers !Un peu plus tard,... read more
Aigle pêcheur
Bec ouvert

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Blantyre November 27th 2012

It was a mission trip for my church that brought me to this beautiful country. I had hardly heard of Malawi before, didn't know the language Chichewa even existed. When our Air France jet liner landed in Johannesburg, the airport was so westernized I didn't consider Malawi could be any different. The moment I started to get nervous was when we boarded the tiny prop engine air plane and traveled two hours north east bumping and listing. I could literally hear the wind and my seat did not seem bolted down; my seat belt wouldn't fasten! Regardless of our journey into the country, I was more than impressed. Everyone at the airport was very friendly. I was hesitant to let anyone take my bag for fear of having to tip ten people; but they asked for ... read more
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Africa » Malawi November 27th 2012

Geo: -14.7908, 35.4199... read more

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