Blogs from Nairobi, Nairobi Province, Kenya, Africa - page 19


Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 13th 2010

As you know we are back safe and sound in Berkeley, happily home adjusting slowly back into our life here. But I did want to finish the blog, tell the tales of the end of the trip. There is much to tell but I won't try to say it all. The synopsis is that we spent one more week at the orphanage in Gathanji then went back to Nairobi. Ben and Maria, joined by Maria's nieces Ivonne and Pamela, took us to three more safari destinations - Meru National Park, Maasai Mara (in the Rift Valley) and Aberdare National Park in the central highlands. All were amazing in their own way but Maasai Mara remains my absolute favorite. PUBLIC SCHOOL AND PRAYER MEETING By our third week at El-Shaddai Children's Center we felt more and more ... read more
goodbye ceremony
Reavey's recommendation
Aidan's recommendation

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 11th 2010

After a very rough 5 and a half hour flight across the African continent, I looked out the window to see us flying over Lake Victoria and into Nairobi. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kenya.” I got my luggage without any problems and then found out very quickly that they drive on the opposite side of the road in Kenya when I put my bag into the back of the taxi at the airport and proceeded to get right into the driver’s seat. Oops :) I made it to the bus station in the center of Nairobi without any problems and took the 8 am bus from Nairobi to Mombasa. The bus ticket cost half as much as the taxi ride to the station from the airport. Oops. I chose to take the bus because I ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 9th 2010

Fran and I are sitting in the Delta lounge at JFK, about an hour from boarding our flight to Amsterdam. It's a beautiful day in NY; 94 degrees, bright sunshine, the monitors showing an on time departure and CNN playing on the flat panel screen. I glance at the TV. "The FDA has determined that Avandia has caused heart attacks. If' you've had a heart attack and have taken Avandia, call us. Thousands of people have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation from the manufacturer. We're the experts. Call 1-800-SCUMBAG now. Again, call 1-800-SCUMBAG." Do you think the Netherlands has product liability lawyers? Doubt it. They have nationalized health care and put the P.I. lawyers out of business. We, on the other hand are moving slowly in the direction of a single payer system ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 9th 2010

Hi Everyone! I hope you are all well. Sorry for the delay in updating my blog. I was unable to access the internet in Rwanda. Well where to begin. I was unsure as to what to expect of my visit to Rwanda but I can safely say the country astounded me! 16 years after the genocide communities are being mobilized by local churches to pull together to learn to help their economic situation instead of being dependent on hand outs and foreign aid. Samaritans Purse has been working hard with local partners to mobilize local churches into true Christian outreach ministry. Saving groups have been established in many of the local churches. These groups consist of approximately 10 people who agree upon an amount of money to save each week. A proportion of this money is ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 9th 2010

Arrived in Kenya safely. Have an amazing flight. Was upgraded to first class and got seats that turned into beds. Fun flight. The next one to Nairobi was 8 hours. Too long and tiring. Today was our first game drive. So exciting and so many animals. We seen the wildebeest migrating. There were thousands of them. Our jeep had to stop several times because of the animals crossing. Baboons everywhere, near the resort and hanging out in the trees. Amazing food so far. Looking forward to tomorrows hot air balloon. Hope to have pictures to follow soon. Jerry and Carol... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 8th 2010

Thank you all for the comments and msgs responding to the blog it has made me more motivated to continue with it! Well now that I have been here for over 10 days I have alot to talk about but I will just share with you the highlights for now. After a day at the beach last weekend we started the week by continuing with the project work. The group i'm in started to build a fence around the school, this is a slow progress as they have very basic tools for us to use but all good fun. Whilst doing this we had some naughty children come and jump in the wheel barrow as the others pushed them off. They also were fasinated with wearing our sunglasses as some of them had never tried any ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 8th 2010

Husk ogsaa at se vores video omkring skolen og send den gerne rundt til alle :) Kram fra Pernille. ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 8th 2010

Hej allesammen. Jeg har en lille opfordring til jer allesammen... Det er utroligt svaert at finde folk hernede, som vil betale for bananer til boernene i skolen, saa vi er blevet enige om, at hver frivillig proever at finde sponsorer hjemmefra, da dette virker som en bedre og lettere loesning. I har derfor muligheden for at give boernene paa Upendo Rescue Centre bananer i en hel uge for kun ca. 200 danske kroner, saa vi snakker om 250 boern som kan faa en form for frokost i en skoleuge (dvs. mandag-fredag). Boernene er utrolige glade for den halve banan til frokost, hvilket umiddelbart ikke lyder af meget, men hvis man er vant til ikke at faa nogen form for frokost, saa er en halv banan en stor ting - ihvertfald et skridt paa vejen og jeg ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi August 1st 2010

Right where to begin....I have been here only four days and there is already so much to talk about!! Having arrived on thursday afternoon after travelling for around 24hours with changes and delays we finally got to the camp that we are staying at for the first 10 days. There are around 30 of us on the camp from England, Holland and Australia but everybody is really nice and already feels like we have known each other for ages. We were picked up from the airport in a safari style truck with no windows or doors all first this was quite daunting but everybody we passed just stops whatever they are doing to say hello especially the children they love to chase the truck waving which is really sweet! When we got to the camp ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi July 27th 2010

Hej allesammen. Jeg kom mig over sygdommen i fredags og er paa toppen igen :) Vi besluttede i lejligheden af tilbringe weekenden i Nairobi, hvor vi loerdag tog til Village Market, som er en form for forlystelsesomraade i udkanten af Nairobi. Det var som at traede ind i et lille europaeisk land i Kenya, da der pludselig var europaeiske butikker med tilsvarende priser og fyldt med mzunguer (hvide mennesker vel og maerke). Derudover var der et lille badeland med fire rutsjebaner, som vi slog os loes i - badeland kan man da aldrig sige nej til. Om aftenen tog vi afsked med Niko fra Tyskland, som var den foerste fra lejligheden til at tage hjem, saa det vil sige at vi blev ni. Pludselig kom man ogsaa selv til at taenke paa at tiden gaar hurtigt, ... read more

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