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travel across libya

Just wondering what travelling across Libya is like?
16 years ago, February 18th 2008 No: 1 Msg: #27870  
N Posts: 1
Just wondering what travelling across Libya is like? Is there a bus network? I believe there are no trains?

I take it there is no problem with entering Tunisia, all on UK passports

Thanks for your helps guys.
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16 years ago, April 12th 2008 No: 2 Msg: #32440  

no trains so far! Buses run between major towns, more frequent are microbuses, shared (departing when full) and private taxis. I don't know about Tunisia. Reply to this

16 years ago, May 22nd 2008 No: 3 Msg: #36029  
N Posts: 1

i was wandering if you need visa to enter in Lybia (for members of EU) and which is the best way to get there...which air company choose to come from Slovenia to Lybia.


P. Reply to this

16 years ago, May 22nd 2008 No: 4 Msg: #36114  
Slovenia to Libya: my route was Ronchi (also try Venice) to Rome with Air One, Rome - Tripoli with Afriqiyah. If you book with both companies seprately, you might save some money, bearing in mind you need some time for transit in Rome.

Visa can be obtained if you book with an agency.

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16 years ago, May 23rd 2008 No: 5 Msg: #36204  
Popotnica, žal ti moram odgovoriti na forumu, ker mi mail doma ne more pošiljati pošte, tisti na siolu pa ne znajo rešiti zadeve.

Žal vize ne boš dobila brez vabila iz Libije. To ti lahko priskrbijo direktno libijske agencije ali pa evropske s posredovanjem libijskih. Samo vize ti nihče ne bo šel urejati brez da uporabiš njihove storitve, torej da te njihovi ljudje vozijo in vodijo okoli. Ali drugače, če ti agencija uredi vizo, te ne smejo pustiti brez nadzora. Konec koncev so oni odgovorni za tvojo varnost in gibanje. Poleg tega moraš imeti pl preveden v arabščino.

Ko si enkrat v državi, ti nihče ne teži več. Jaz bi potovanje po državi ženskam brez spremstva vseeno odsvetoval.

Poskusi povprašati g. Muhammad el Hadi Bosaw, mobitel , mail (pusti kak dan ali celo teden, da ti odgovori, če ima turiste, ga lahko kar nakaj dni ni na netu). Doma je iz Sebhe, ima land cruiserja in nima agencije. Za turo bo računal cca 80 LD na dan (+20 ta hrano in gorivo), kolikor agencije dejansko plačajo voznikom. Število dni se računa št.nočitev + 1, zato je bolje odhod pozno popoldne prestaviti na naslednje jutro. Če hočeš začenjati zgodaj zjutraj ali preskočiti kak obrok, moraš povedati, da vidiš, če se strinjajo, življenje v Libiji in Sahari namreč teče počasneje. Gospodu napiši, da te je nanj napotil Mr. Ali iz Slovenije (niso si mogli zapomniti mojega imena, pa so me klicali Ali).

iz Gharyana je druga opcija. Ima lastno agencijo in je prav tako kot g. Bosaw strokovnjak za Libijo, vendar bo, glede na to, da ima agencijo, verjetno dražji (mogoče tudi lažje rešuje ev. probleme, tudi z vizami).

Če te ša kaj zanima, mi pošlji mail na , ti bom z veseljem povedal, kar bom vedel.

LP Duško

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16 years ago, May 25th 2008 No: 6 Msg: #36362  
My apologies, here's english version:

"Popotnica, unfortunately I have to reply on the forum, bacause sending mails from home does not work, and providers' employees can't solve the problem.

Unfortunately you can't obtain a visa without invitation letter either from Libyan agency or their european counterparts. It's unlikely one will arrange only your visa without obligation to use their services, i.e. their people guiding and driving you around. Put in another way, they can't leave you unsupervised. That said, they are responsible for your safety. Besides, your passport needs to be translated into arabic.

Once in the country, there's no hassle anymore. Anyway, I would not recommend independent travel to unescorted females.

Try asking Mr. Muhammad el Hadi Bosaw, mobile +218 92 514 08 66, mail njma2020@yahoo.com (leave couple of days or even a week to reply, if he's on a tour, he might not be able to access his mails, nor answer the phone, there's ni signal outside cities). He's from Sebha, own a land cruiser, no agency so far. For a tour he charges 80 LD per day (+20 for expenses, food and petrol), as the drivers get usually paid by agencies. Number of days is counted no. of nights+1, so considering departure next morning instead late in the afternoon saves day charge. Wishing to start early in the morning or skip a meal, you have to negotiate beforehand, as life in Libya and Sahara runs slowly. Write to gentleman that you have been directed to him by Mr. Ali from Slovenia (they couldn't remember my name, so they called me Ali).

Mr. Zentani, mail anwar_anwar69@yahoo.com, from Gharyan is another option. He owns an agency and he is like Mr. Bosaw expert for Libya, he just might be, considering he actually owns an agency, more expensive (he probably solves the problems easier, including visas).

If you need any other info, you may e-mail me on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I'll be glad to help."

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14 years ago, July 15th 2009 No: 7 Msg: #79577  
N Posts: 4
Your advice is very much appreciated, thank you for taking your time to write it all up! Does anyone here know any tour agencies that will issue an invitation for you without requiring you to book any other serve?They will not say that on their websites but there should be some that would do just that for you for a fee. Thanks in advance, guys!! Elena Reply to this

14 years ago, July 15th 2009 No: 8 Msg: #79581  

14 years ago, July 17th 2009 No: 9 Msg: #79916  
I am also looking at Libya as a destination and at present, there is probably not a way around the requirement to have a tour guide with you all the time. As a comparison, the Russian visa situation does fit the situation described in message number 7.

Since foreigners are not supposed to travel unaccompanied, a solo foreigner hopping onto a local bus is going to attract attention, and thus it could be an issue.

However, if someone does know a way around this - please post your answer here! Reply to this

14 years ago, July 17th 2009 No: 10 Msg: #79919  
N Posts: 4
I am dealing with it now and there seems to be a way. I will let you know if it works. Elena Minina. Reply to this

14 years ago, July 17th 2009 No: 11 Msg: #79921  
I await your answer! Reply to this

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