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How do we pass our down time/delays or even our evenings when were not exploring?

Are you a reader? A candy basher? A TV addict? What do you do when your feet are tired, your flight has just been delayed for the second time or you have just had enough of admiring the new and wondrous sights on your travels?
9 years ago, July 7th 2014 No: 1 Msg: #183186  
The thought of how we occupy ourselves while on the road when the day is done, feet are tired and you just really don't want to look at anything for an hour or so came back to me after watching TB's famous TravelCamel on a TV link where he was asked this question and he admitted to playing patience, this set my thoughts back to how I entertain myself:

My Electronic Book - I read, a lot, averaging a book every two days even when on the road it would be practically impossible to carry the amount of reading material so my compact electronic book is now my new way of diving into my latest read while soaking my tired feet.

Technology - Once the blog is blogged and internet is present I hold my hand up to an odd game of Candy/monster bashing all very sad but for a short while it gives my brain a rest from planning!

TV - I gave up watching mainstream TV a long time ago, being on the road is not conducive to keeping up with the cobbles of Manchester! We do however always carry a couple of DVD's to play on the laptop (a certain car one keeps Woolly entertained) and on rainy horrible days where plans have been stopped it has proved a bit of a treat.

Music - plugging in and tuning in whether it be in the car or directly into the ears I probably listen to more on the road than I do in the home.

My ultimate Favorite - whether it be at the airport, the small cozy cafe or a livelier bar I just adore to people watch, many happy hours pass as the world in front of you becomes your stage and the performance changes and takes on new and different meanings, even with the tiredest of eyes I still want to watch.

So WHAT do you DO?
[Edited: 2014 Jul 07 12:56 - traveltalesofawoollymammoth:258356 - It didn't pick up the name in brackets]
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9 years ago, July 8th 2014 No: 2 Msg: #183206  
B Posts: 2,066
Interesting question. What I do depends on where I am and what I'm in the mood for. It's usually some combination of the following:
1. Catch up on email from home.
2. Read blogs about places I'm heading later on
3. Sit around the campfire/lodging pool and relax
4. Drink local beer in a watering hole somewhere.
5. If I'm outdoors and its dark enough, star gaze.
6. Plan future parts of the trip (spontaneity is great, until the that crucial last hostel spot or event ticket sells out!)
7. Backup photos, write the blog, and other administrative stuff.

I usually listen to music on long transport trips, which has saved my sanity. I'll admit I also read saved email when its safe enough to pull out a laptop. Reply to this

9 years ago, July 10th 2014 No: 3 Msg: #183285  
Much like you Jo - read a lot - thank heavens for the Kindle,
complete puzzles ,
listen to musicparticularly Manic Street Preachers loud and welsh
, think about how to keep the sheep from doing something he will regret for the rest of his life
Tie him down when he is being a pain
sit and people watch
read other peoples blogs
and get the map out working out where to go to next ................oh yes and drink loads of espresso coffee Reply to this

9 years ago, July 15th 2014 No: 4 Msg: #183420  
In response to: Msg #183206
I forgot about star gazing Ezra, loved doing this although it used to frustrate Ian as I would rename the constellations so I could remember them! Many happy nights in Romania with our heads in the stars 😊 Reply to this

9 years ago, July 15th 2014 No: 5 Msg: #183421  
In response to: Msg #183285
You forgot the vino 😊
Woolly is quite good at night as long as he has his pistachio's to throw at passing people, although he does leave a messy trail of shells behind him! Reply to this

9 years ago, July 15th 2014 No: 6 Msg: #183433  
Stargazing yes we do a lot of that through Suzy's rooflights. And of course thinking of Sion and Woolly Sion likes to roll his Jaffa cakes at anyone who gets in his way. Sometimes we sit and do nothing . Just watch the sea lapping in and out. A good question Jo - it certainly makes you think about how you spend your time. 😊
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9 years ago, July 15th 2014 No: 7 Msg: #183440  
A great question and our activities are very similar to the rest of you.

Writing our blog and checking emails from home.

We love travel because in addition to seeing all the new things we build in down time into each day. In our work life world we are busy and our brain rarely has time to just sit and wander. Just sit and think....about nothing in particular. These random and welcome thoughts have spawned some interesting conversation.

Often times Dave and I will sit in a pub and have conversations with the locals over a beer or other adult beverage. We love to engage in politic and other forbidden topics.

We love sitting in a cafe and people watching. Often times we end up in conversation with the people at the next table.

Dave is often plugged into his iPod but now he has the cutest small speaker and he provides mood music wherever we are.

We actively seek out musical entertainment and often buy their CDs. When back in the room we listen to our recent local group.

We rarely turn on a TV when we travel. We are glued to our kindles and conversation. We often miss big events in the news and find out about them days later ( like the missing airplane in March-- well guess it is still missing)

If in a tropical location it is hard to get me out of the water be it pool, ocean or sea. Sitting quietly on the beach star gazing is a favorite.

Ah, happy travels everyone.
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9 years ago, July 16th 2014 No: 8 Msg: #183485  
Read, read, read!, I'm also glad for the kindle: I don't turn it on when I'm at home but for traveling is the best due to the amount of books I read.

Dax is the one sitting in the local bar drinking beer with the locals or other travelers. Reply to this

9 years ago, March 13th 2015 No: 9 Msg: #189302  
B Posts: 290
I people watch to the point of being creepy. I'm quite covert though, no one detects what I'm up to. When that becomes a bore, then I read or listen to music, sometimes I'll do a loco-sudoku. Quite often, I'm approached by friendlies that start up a chat, and that always burns the most time. You really have to know the fine art of wasting time. Reply to this

9 years ago, March 13th 2015 No: 10 Msg: #189312  
About to read blogs.....and dream. Reply to this

8 years ago, January 8th 2016 No: 11 Msg: #194799  
I read my travel guide book for the next days, read a novel I might have taken with me, try to watch CNN or whatever interesting channel which I understand is on TV and uf course update my travel Blog for the day. All of this after I have hopefully taken a good meal somewhere. Reply to this

8 years ago, March 21st 2016 No: 12 Msg: #195761  
An interesting question which got me thinking. For most bits, depending on mood and time of the day, I will be doing the following:

1) Read a book
2) Exercise, or play sports
3) Travel planning for the next trip!
4) Cook

It's amazing how doing the above things can keep me occupied and fulfilled through down times 😊 Reply to this

7 years ago, August 29th 2016 No: 13 Msg: #197871  
S Posts: 2
Its always a difficulty when you want to be exploring all the time, but for me its nice to relax at home too in any time to take away any stress from the rush that can sometimes happen. If I'm not out exploring I'll probably be playing sport or in the gym, at the cinema, out with friends or sat reading other blogs with the TV on in the background too. Reply to this

7 years ago, October 28th 2016 No: 14 Msg: #198511  
I always carried a few paperback books on top of my kindle when I was traveling, and sometimes I just loved feeling a paperback and turning the pages -- something very comforting and homey about it. Besides that, a lot of writing and contemplation about what had been seen, learned, and philosophical tangents stemming from the place I had travelled to.

If we travel with our daughter now, we love just having time to spend together, on our own -- stealing a little bit of time to get a bite together (if we're lucky to have extra family/friends around), or playing a game with the entire family, or my daughter's favorite: playing pretend dinosaurs, etc.

Great topic Jo! Reply to this

7 years ago, November 20th 2016 No: 15 Msg: #198709  
We have not been traveling in months and won't get any real trip for months to come.

In our downtime or lack of traveling I like to make list of places I want to go, see and explore. Sometimes I grab the travel guide and plot out an itinerary for each location. I can sometimes get too detailed in my dreams and fantasies but it is a fun land to be in.

We often listen to music from other countries. it gives us a feel for the lands we want to explore. Reply to this

7 years ago, March 5th 2017 No: 16 Msg: #199958  
Hmmmm... I might read a lot and explore something interesting on the internet....... Reply to this

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