PATAGONIA: Torres del Paine...The most beautiful place in the World

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April 27th 2014
Published: April 27th 2014
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PATAGONIA: Torres del Paine...The most beautiful place in the World.

In Europe all roads lead to Africa to Mto Asia to Australia to Antartica to Mawson's North America to Yankee Stadium...and in South America to the front gate of Torres del Paine.

But for the latter its not always easy to get through...and its definitely not easy to get to.


When planning our Patagonia trip...I took one look at the picture of La Explora Hotel and its staggering view...took another look at its prices of over US$2,000 per night...and made two decisions.

We are definitely going there...and we are definitely going to find alternative accomodation.

Our friends planning the trip were suggesting we stay in Puerto Natales and visit daily...which seemed more affordable but a hassle...but what would I know?

As our friends had not joined us for our drive down the Andes due to the accident in B.A...nothing to stop us staying in the Parque we that's what we decided to do.


Our maps showed Ruta 40 from El Calafate on tarmac then we took a gamble to travel an extra 89 kms on sealed tarmac at speed to La Esperanca. The 4WD was covered in mud by the time we got there so pulled into a servo to wash the windscreen and top up petrol as well. The guy gave us a bucket, water & detergent so to leave sparkling was a bonus indeed.

Then Ruta 83 before joining Ruta 40 again.

We figured we had to make a RHT to cross the border from Argentina to Chile to Cerro Castillo and expected signs to do so.

Found a dirt track...missed it at first and had to go back...looked like a driveway between two bushes to an estancia at best...some kms along a dirt track then voila. Arrived at a village serving as the border crossing...Cerro Castillo.

Guy in the shop there tried to book some accommodation for us but only one place answered the phone and it was too much so decided to wing it.

Half hour past salt edged lakes...glimpses of needle peaks...then to the Admin entrance to Parque Nacional Torres del Paine.

We had arrived...late afternoon...mountain chill descending...gotta get a pass for a few days...then find some digs to stay.

The mask, the leaf, the sword

Come this far...reckon it'd be easy.

15,000 Chilean each...that's 30,000 total...I've got 27,000 plus some US dollars.

"Not acceptable...all has to be Chilean dollars...US dollars not acceptable."


Took an eternity...eventually got him to agree half in Chilean and half in US dollars and we're on our way.

He suggested Camp Torres to stay and I could swear he pointed that way.

Headed up a rise along a dirt road where we stopped and asked a German couple for directions.

We were on the wrong road but suggested we keep going and try Lake Pehoe or Glacier Grey.

The dirt road descended along a turquoise lake...into heaven.

There is no prettier road on the planet.


Stopped at a long jetty into Lake Pehoe to a hotel...views like La Explora...had a room...then when trying to book us in they didn't.

A camp site nearby had a spare room...led us to it...put down our packs.

"Oh you don't have sleeping bags. You can't stay here!!!"


Now we feel panic...try Posada Serrano further down.

Shown a tiny dingy room...lino floor...two ricketty double bunks for US$139...dingy is generous...its called a double room...share bathroom...last one.

Felt cornered...OK two nights...time to race to Lago Grey to see if any vacancies there.

Got there at 7.30 pm...about half hour drive...No vacancies...but tomorrow Glacier View...OK book it.


Posada Serrano had a few lounges in a common area...backpackers/trekkers all...immediately felt at home.

Chatted to a Spanish/Swiss couple from Zurich, Jose & Patricia and immediately hit it off.

They had come by had most of the trekkers there so their itinerary for treks had to fit in with the bus.

Had a walk with them...bit of a climb...discovered a magic view of the Torres Massif nearby.

Jose couldn't stop raving how an Aussie had shown them the best view in the park they'd seen to date...pure fluke actually.

Great dinner and Chilean beer...fabulous stories of the road.

5 rooms sharing the bathroom and lights out at 11.45pm...explains the two spent candles and near empty box of matches on the tiny flimsy table...lights out meant just that.

And the bunks...slept in better in a rattler in Inner Mongolia...but we had a room...last one...still feeling lucky.


Had to check-in at Glacier Grey at 1pm so time to look around. Think we'll find the elusive Camp Torres so drove the same roads we had come in.

Our 4WD paid for itself a thousand fold.

The word is the views of the peaks are the best in two years...last week a shocker...this week the best!!!

The views were staggering...lakes...around the Torres Massif...Los Cuernos from every angle...the three finger peaks glistening.

A bus stops ahead...tourists snapping at a herd of guanacos...they running down to the lake hiding in wait for them...running through, click, click.

I'm in heaven.

Back at Admin...take the other road...wooden bridge...4WD too wide...dilemma.

A vehicle pulls up...folds our mirrors back...guides us across at a crawl...max two inches either side...phew.

Past the three finger peaks to Camp Torres...crawling with tents and trekkers...better get back or we'll lose our booking at Glacier Grey.

You wouldn't read about it.

Pulled into Glacier Grey Hosteria carpark at 2.30pm...cough, cough, then silent...

We have run out of petrol again!!!


If Denise had not done her tangos at El Bolson to get the petrol container & out of petrol on Ruta 40 south of Baja Caracoles as the latter had "No Hay"...another tango to fill up the container at Gronador Gregores during a petrol strike...lucky she's a great dancer...time to swallow some petrol again and fill up from the container.

No petrol in the parque...gotta be careful we can see as much as possible and get out of here in a couple of days.


Our Glacier view room ended up as the most expensive we have had anywhere in the World...nowhere near La Explora prices...views of Grey Glacier and the Torres Massif...nice but still expensive.

Yet the lunch made up for it...can't remember any better.

Introduced to Pisco Sours...delicious.


Short walk to the glacier from the hotel we thought...but a river was in our way. Had to walk back and get the 4WD and drive to a public parking area...short walk through forest...springy bridge...onto a dark sand isthmus...yet water between us and the glacier.

Walk to a lookout...the Patagonian wind nearly picking us up and throwing us onto the glacier.

Should mention with the vehicle we had to angle it at sights or we couldn't open the doors.

The wind is a wall in place for place for toupes!

Met a guy with a private guide...said his name was Rothchild...from New York...staying at La Explora...pretty insistent we visit him at the hotel for drinks etc.

Tempting I must say.

But we regarded him as a tosser...why waste our time sucking up to the rich and famous when we can have a better time doing our own thing?

We considered it for a minute or so though.


Dinner was seafood shellfish crepes...superb...but I was not happy.

We had one of the most expensive rooms in the place...probably why it was available...reserved table for dinner next to the window...Denise's view superb...mine a view of a bush and long grass.

It's funny what grabs one's craw...I was not happy...really pissed me off actually...that bush...rrrrr.

First chance I got I requested a move. Good call. Next to a Scottish couple heading to Antartica...great company.

Curtains open to the view in our room that night...couldn't be happier.


Worked out our stay at Glacier Grey Hosteria cost us US$25 per hour when we paid the plus warned...Chileans really know how to charge.

Cheap compared to La Explora...US$6,000 for 3 nights...booked out 5 years ahead...not even tempting.

Sneaked a visit...didn't ask for Mr Rothchild...more concerned we are short of petrol.

Took heaps of pics as we toured the park...couldn't recommend your own wheels enough.

We drove all the roads...magic views at every bend.

No time for treks unfortunately...but what we the most beautiful place in the World.


Didn't have enough petrol to get back to anywhere in Argentina. Heard there was petrol at Cerro Castillo.

Petrol station was 3 miniature sheds...each containing a locked bowser.

But no attendant...gone horse riding with his kids we were told...OK...we wait.

Coming down the hill four horses...OK...we'll sell you some petrol.

Another couple also waiting...a German couple we met in Cochrane...friends of Gunther & Annika...good to see you again.

Wish we had more time in Torres del Paine...let the photos tell the story...only a pocket camera.

Many I know did not get good weather...our daughter stayed on her trip around South America...windy, wet and cold she found.

But for us...couldn't have been better.

So I still say...Torres del Paine...our...most beautiful place in the World.

Relax & Enjoy,

Dancing Dave

P.S. Put your feet up, sit back and enjoy a drive through the incredible Parque Nacional Torres del Paine...a true wonder of Chile...pages of photos following to guide you on your way.

Additional photos below
Photos: 123, Displayed: 28



Last lake before heading to Chilean border

27th April 2014

Love the picture of the guanacos with the mountains behind...
and also the one of you and Denise with the mountains. Not knowing where I would be able to buy gas would have stressed me a bit, but you have all the luck, including the great weather.
27th April 2014

Wow, it doesn't get better than this--incredible panoramas, photos and meet-ups with great company! I so agree that Torres in the most gorgeous place in South America. You were so lucky to be there when the sun was shining, and the amazing sites revealed their majesty. Ok, so Glacier Grey Hosteria was massively expensive, but what a great memory--good for you for taking the plunge! Thanks for sharing what was hiding under clouds when I was there in the stormy autumn.
27th April 2014

Torres del Paine
I almost stopped reading at Yankee Stadium. Those are fighting words for most of us Americans. They Yankees are well hated by many sports fans. "The dirt road descended along a turquoise lake...into heaven. There is no prettier road on the planet. " .....and the pictures are worth a thousand words. Amazingly beautiful. We've got to get to this part of the world.
27th April 2014

Love the picture of the guanacos with the mountains behind...
Agree Bob. El Presidente is one of my favourite photos ever. Frankly I liked all of the photos...the ones in this blog just a taste as every corner had another magic shot. We just couldn't stop saying "Wow". And the petrol...very lucky.
27th April 2014

Wow. The Patagonian Queen agrees with my assessment of Torres del Paine. It was extraordinary Tara. As usual photos just touch on how magnificent it was in reality. I like the pic you have such a backdrop...have to pinch ourselves we were actually there! That a campsite could have views as good as La Explora also shows the benefit of going there.
27th April 2014

Torres del Paine
Gotta be careful...chose Yankee Stadium for the iconic name..."but what would I know". Guess I should have chosen Mt Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty!!! Anyway glad you got past my gaff and saw some of the beauty of Parque Nacional Torres del Paine. Many come...and some leave disappointed...all depends on the weather.
28th April 2014

Why so expensive?????!!!!!!!!
I havenĀ“t been to Torres del Paine yet. I knew it was expensive but never that expensive. Thank you for your information on how to handle things and finding better places..... I am sorry you had to experience the gas strike in Argentina. Wonderful pictures.
28th April 2014

Why so expensive?????!!!!!!!!
Chile is expensive Graciela. You must go to Torres del Paine...I am surprised will be more than happy you did. With proper planning you will find it affordable. If you don't mind camping then Camp Torres could be your stepping stone to Heaven.
28th April 2014

Will try to cycle up there one of these days... Keep posting!
28th April 2014

Thanks Jeremy. I reckon Patagonia would blow you away...both figuratively and physically. But you would have to consider summer as any other time on the bike maybe prohibative.
29th April 2014

Don't like it!
Reading yours and Tara's blogs about southern Chile and Argentina ignites a longing nostalgia. China is about as far from there as its possible to be in the world...and I'm not just talking about distance. I never did blog in detail about our time there - just dumped a couple hundred pictures on Travelblog at the time, since our laptop succumbed to the elements. But if yours and Tara's blogs are anything to go by; the backlogging of these blogs is a particularly sweet endeavour. So to my fantasy, the only thing that keeps me sane reading these. We all go down there together for a leisurely few months living our shared memories through each others experiences and eyes. That's a blog, a book, a documentary, a movie and one spectacular adventure
29th April 2014

A blog, a book, a documentary, a movie and one spectacular adventure
I hear your pain Jason...undoubtedly brought on by the beauty of Patagonia...different travellers...different emotions. I blogged Patagonia knowing many TBers have been there...but knowing we had one spectacular but quite different adventure. Glad you enjoyed it and it pulled your heart strings.
29th April 2014

Mountains, mountains, and more mountains...
...oh, lots of cute guanacos too... What a beautiful place (it's also the only place in the world outside of Wales that has people who speak the Welsh language!)... I've added it to my bucket list but, alas, there are more places on the list than I have years to live... Thanks though for allowing me to see some of it without having to go there!
29th April 2014

Mountains, mountains, and more mountains...
Hi Mike. The Welsh have an enclave in Esquel which is a nice spot. Torres del Paine should be a definite on any bucket list...but as I say...not always easy to get through and definitely not easy to get to.
6th May 2014

This is soooooo beautiful!
6th May 2014

A photographer's get so close...the guanacos walking through me...with that backdrop. I think you've caught my reaction Lili.
16th October 2014

Love this photo!
16th October 2014

Thanks for commenting Alan. One of those rare photos of a meeting with wildlife I will always remember.
8th December 2015

Inspirational place.
Saw one of your pictures for this blog on the home page. Looks and sounds like heaven. I agree every picture has a bit of magic in it. I didn't realise how adventurous you were, really taking that risk with the gas. Inspiring trip!!
8th December 2015

Inspirational place.
Hi Chris & P. That drive down the Andes through Patagonia with Denise driving and me changing the! Meeting fabulous people on the road, alone in surreal wilderness areas, running out of petrol twice and finding Torres del Paine was the most beautiful place in the world. Inspirational indeed. Adventure is there if it is the road you make. Yep...'tis the road we definitely like to take.
3rd March 2016

The List
This was on it, now even more so. The trek? Hmm, beginning to wonder if that will happen. Arghh - tough choices!
3rd March 2016

The list
Gouge the name on your arm or leg Jo. Patagonia is full of wonders but if you can take wow wow wow...Torres del Paine on a nice day will blow you away!
1st October 2019

My Thoughts about this Photo of Yours!!
Hello David, Long time no see mate; this is Kenneth, my mother and I saw you a while ago at Clarinda Street; we all ended up trying to spot Superb Lyrebirds together; you showed me some photos you took of black cockatoos which you said you had never photographed before at that location!!! I've been a bit busy, but I took another look through your gallery and find myself really loving looking at this image of yours!!! Everything about it is a pleasure for the eyes; divinely beautiful scene in the back and a most truly 'tremendously' marvellous animal in the front; what a spectacular encounter, definitely a shot of yours for the highlights reel, as this would be a one off occasion!!! Exquisitely beautifully well done on taking this photograph during a majorly exhilarating moment which is when the heart would be pounding that extra bit harder David!!! It must have been such a euphorically and 'sublimely' phenomenally beautiful, memorable, grand and beautiful day for you!!! =DDD =)))) I hope this message finds you doing 'stratospherically' breathtakingly beautifully and 'unequivocally' immeasurably specially well; perhaps one of these days I will see you at Clarinda Street again and we'll both be able to get some 'profoundly-majorly' exquisitely special photographs of black cockatoos, super lyrebirds courting and the like?!! =DDD =)))) Wishing you the absolute very best, and I wish you so 'infinitely' immeasurably specially well as well, Kenneth!!! =))))
6th October 2019

My Thoughts about this Photo of Yours!!
Thank you for your comment Kenneth. This pic of a guanaco is one of my favourite pics too. Connection with my subject, place and timing all came together which I find so rare with wildlife photography. Very fortunate and pleasing for sure.
7th October 2019

Re: My reply to your reply to my comment on your Photo
I'm so very glad to hear that David; I'm spectacularly happy to hear that everything came together perfectly for you and to hear that this is one of your favourite photographs!!! All the very best to you, Kenneth!!! =DDD =))))
27th January 2020

Torres Del Paine
Your trip here sounds absolutely phenomenal and your photos are phenomenal as well!
30th January 2020

Torres Del Paine
Thanks Sylvia. Gotta say by 4WD is the best way to go...freedom of movement...can stop and gawk at every corner...priceless.

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